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Build loyalty and guard the lights of thousands of homes (said by the administrator)

Xiao Shenhua

07:48, May 16, 2024 Source: People's Daily

Further strengthen the concept of "law enforcement for the people", and strive to make the people feel fair and just in handling every case and every matter

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "under the new historical conditions, the Chinese people's police should be loyal to the Party, serve the people, enforce the law impartially, and have strict discipline". Since the new era, the special patrol detachment of Zhangzhou Public Security Bureau in Fujian Province ("Zhangzhou 110") has adhered to the leadership of party building, built a loyal police soul, deepened the reform of the police mechanism, and worked hard to be a pioneer and lead in promoting the modernization of political and legal work.

Inherit the red blood and forge the absolute loyalty character. Loyalty to the Party and obedience to the Party's command are the political genes of the people's police force from generation to generation. "Zhangzhou 110" strengthened political police building, improved systems such as "the first topic", "concentrated learning day", "monthly training", innovated online education methods such as "code learning", "micro party courses", and "micro log", and expanded positions such as "three museums, three parks, and four centers" to design and launch research strategies. Innovating ideological and political education can improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution constantly by rooting loyalty to the Party in the blood and melting it in the soul.

Deepen reform and innovation, and improve the combat effectiveness of new quality public security. To speed up the construction of a modern police system with Chinese characteristics that meets the requirements of the new era and reflects the characteristics of combat, we must unswervingly take the road of reform to strengthen the police. "Zhangzhou 110" focuses on the establishment and improvement of a new police operation mode of "specialty+mechanism+big data", strengthens professional support, mechanism linkage, digital intelligence empowerment, integrates business systems, complements weaknesses, expands applications, and promotes the realization of "one second faster" in the whole business chain. Practice has proved that only by continuously deepening reform and innovation can the overall efficiency and core combat effectiveness of public security work be improved.

Adhere to the supremacy of the people and guard all lights. The people's police come from and are rooted in the people. "Zhangzhou 110" takes protecting the people's good life as its own responsibility, strengthens the guard points, patrol lines, and the deployment of police on the grid, establishes the service and service mode of "quick dispatch and quick disposal, quick breaking and quick recovery, quick supervision and quick settlement", and severely cracks down on crimes involving criminal syndicates and telecommunications network fraud. At the same time, with the creation of "Zhangzhou 110 Blue Sky Rescue Linkage Studio" and other brand studios as the starting point, we will promote the improvement of service linkage mechanisms such as mass prevention and governance, and social rescue, build a safe social environment, and "zero slack" on the urgent problems of the masses. Whenever the people's lives and property are threatened, the people's police will always be in the front line of safeguarding safety.

Refine the excellent style and strengthen the team's execution. Strict discipline and excellent work style are the fine traditions of the public security team, and also an important guarantee to strengthen the revolutionary, standardized, professional and professional construction of the public security team in the new era. "Zhangzhou 110" put the system and regulations first, discipline and rules first, and focus on the cultivation, style, style, discipline and combat effectiveness. We focus on the construction of law enforcement standardization, take the city and county law enforcement and case handling centers as the platform, promote the "one-stop" synthetic case handling, "three-dimensional" law enforcement supervision mode, promote the implementation of "wind engineering 2.0", and drive the overall work of Zhangzhou public security organs to upgrade, improve quality and efficiency. In the future, we should further strengthen the concept of "law enforcement for the people", and strive to make the people feel fair and just in every case and every matter.

The golden shield is forged with blood. On the new journey, "Zhangzhou 110" will always adhere to the people as the center, faithfully perform their duties and take on responsibilities, work effectively and create achievements, act as the "God of the People" in the new era, strive to protect the modernization of public security work for Chinese style modernization, and contribute more to the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the people.

(The author is the Deputy Mayor of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, and the Director of the Public Security Bureau)

People's Daily (May 16, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Wang Zifeng, Wang Keyuan)
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