CPC News Network >> party building

Notice of the seventh collection of typical cases of grass-roots party building innovation

10:00, January 15, 2024 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and fully implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era and the organizational line of the Party in the new era, China Pudong Cadre College, People's Daily, CPC News Network, and China Organization and Personnel Newspaper decided to "Strengthen the political and organizational functions of grass-roots party organizations" As the theme, we launched the seventh nationwide collection of typical cases of grass-roots party building innovation.

1、 General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the National Organization Work Conference, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards", deeply understand the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Party building, and exchange, summarize, and promote the improvement of the Party's grass-roots organization system in various places, We will strengthen the political and organizational functions of grass-roots party organizations, deepen the practices and experience of innovation in grass-roots party building, promote comprehensive progress and excellence in grass-roots party building, modernize the grass-roots governance system and capacity, and serve to achieve high-quality development and build a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

2、 Subject and content

The theme of this case collection activity is "enhancing the political and organizational functions of grass-roots party organizations". Its main contents and scope are as follows:

1. Rural grass-roots party building. Deeply implement the rural revitalization strategy, improve the village level organization system led by the village party organization, and constantly improve the quality of rural grass-roots party organization construction; Comprehensive training to improve the ability of village leaders to revitalize the countryside, accelerate rural modernization, and continue to increase farmers' income; Strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization, rural governance, cadres, party members and rural talents; Respect the main position of farmers and their pioneering spirit, organize, publicize, rally and serve the masses, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses.

2. Urban grassroots party building. Adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over urban work; Improve the overall coordination ability of the neighborhood party organizations, improve the ability of community party organizations to serve the masses, and enhance the political function and combat effectiveness of the neighborhood party organizations; We will enhance the overall effect of urban grass-roots party building, build a governance pattern at the urban and rural grass-roots level that is coordinated by regions, coordinated by departments, interconnected from top to bottom, and co built, co governed and shared, and improve the level of Party organization leadership in grass-roots governance.

3. Party building in state-owned enterprises. Strengthen the leadership of the Party in improving corporate governance, give play to the role of the leadership core and political core of enterprise party organizations, and ensure the implementation of the principles, policies and major deployment of the Party and the state in state-owned enterprises; The starting point and foothold of the Party organization work in state-owned enterprises are to improve enterprise efficiency, enhance enterprise competitiveness, and maintain and increase the value of state-owned assets; Firmly grasp the bright direction of strengthening the foundation and strengthening the foundation, and promote the comprehensive progress and integrity of the grass-roots party organizations in state-owned enterprises; Promote the deep integration of party building and production and operation, and provide strong organizational guarantee for state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better and larger.

4. Party building. Focusing on the center, building teams and serving the masses, we will promote the deep integration and mutual promotion of party building and business work; Put the political construction of the Party in the first place, take the lead in achieving "two safeguards", strictly observe the political discipline and rules of the Party, seriously carry out the political life within the Party, and cultivate a positive and healthy political culture within the Party; Strengthen and strengthen the Party branch, strengthen the education, management and supervision of Party members, and implement various systems of the Party's organizational life; Implement the main responsibility of the party building of the organ, strengthen the awareness of the leading role in the main business, and promote high-quality development with high-quality party building.

5. Party building of public institutions. We will strengthen the leadership of the Party in all aspects of the reform, development and performance of duties of public institutions, improve the system and mechanism of the Party's leadership over public institutions, and improve the rules of procedure; Strengthen the education, management, supervision and service of Party members, often listen to the opinions and suggestions of Party members and the masses, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Party members and the masses; Implement the "double leader" cultivation project and establish a "double cultivation" mechanism for party members and business backbones.

6. Party building of new economic organizations, new social organizations and new employment groups. Innovate the Party organization setting and activity mode, and constantly improve the quality of Party organization and work coverage in non-public enterprises and social organizations; Coordinate the resources of all parties, form a collaborative work pattern, expand the participation path of social governance, and ensure social security and stability; Strengthen the party building work of industry associations, societies and chambers of commerce, and promote the party organizations to play a practical role; Strengthen the political and ideological guidance for people in emerging fields, actively contact services, protect their legitimate rights and interests, and constantly enhance the Party's appeal, cohesion and influence in emerging fields.

3、 Criteria for soliciting cases

Authenticity. The selected cases should come from the real practice of strengthening the political and organizational functions of grass-roots party organizations, and fabrication and fabrication are prohibited.

Innovation. The selected cases should aim at giving full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as battle fortresses, comprehensively promoting the key and difficult issues of grass-roots work, with innovative methods and creative work.

Effectiveness. The selected cases should improve the quality of grass-roots party building work, and promote the comprehensive progress of grass-roots party building. They have a significant role in promoting, and have been recognized by superior party organizations and party members.

typical. The selected cases should be representative and have reference and application value for other regions and units.

4、 Case style requirements

The selected cases should generally include the following elements: (1) background; (2) Practice; (3) Effectiveness; (4) Discussion; (5) Appendix.

The case text should be clear in theme, clear in hierarchy, informative, vivid in language and full of appeal. The case summary shall not exceed 500 words, and the text shall not exceed 5000 words.

5、 Case submission method

Solicitation time: January 15, 2024 to June 30, 2024.

Online submission: please log in to the People's Daily Online and the News Network of the Communist Party of China( http://cpc.people.com.cn )On the special page of the "Seventh Collection of Typical Cases of Grass roots Party Building Innovation", send the electronic version of the selected cases, the electronic version of the case collection application form and the photos with the official seal to the e-mail address of the official collection website according to the prompt requirements: zhengji@people.cn Relevant materials (relevant pictures, video materials, copies of media reports, etc.) shall be sent at the same time. Click to download the electronic version of the declaration form

6、 Case publicity and display

1. Set up a special page of the "Seventh Collection of Typical Cases of Grass roots Party Building Innovation" on People's Daily Online and the CPC News Network to display the cases.

2. Invite relevant comrades in charge of local party committees and their organizational departments, leaders of grass-roots party organizations and relevant party building experts to hold a series of interviews on the CPC News Network.

3. The news network of China Organization and Personnel Daily opened a column to publish the best application cases for the exchange and reference of party organizations and party workers at all levels.

4. The online college platform of China Pudong Cadre College has opened a column and launched excellent party building cases for students to learn and exchange.

5. This collection activity will recommend the best and excellent cases of grass-roots party building innovation.

7、 Others

The notice of the seventh collection of typical cases of grass-roots party building innovation is published by People's Daily, CPC News Network and China Organization and Personnel Daily respectively. Please check it. For matters not covered, please consult the organizer.

Contact: Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang from the Scientific Research Department of Pudong Cadre College, China

Tel: 021-28288809, 021-28288044

China Executive Leadership Academy

People's Daily Online, CPC News Network

China Organization and Personnel Newspaper

January 15, 2024

(Editor in charge: Wang Zifeng, Qin Hua)
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