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Attention should be paid to these regulations on the production and use of the Communist Party of China's flag and emblem!

13:44, July 13, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

The Constitution of the Communist Party of China stipulates that the emblem of the Communist Party of China is a pattern composed of a sickle and a hammer. The party flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag with a golden party emblem on its surface. The emblem and flag of the Communist Party of China is the symbol and symbol of the Communist Party of China. Party organizations at all levels and every Party member should safeguard the dignity of the Party emblem and flag. Party emblem and flag shall be made and used according to regulations. [Full text]

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The Regulations on the Party Emblem and the Party Flag of the Communist Party of China stipulates that the production, use and management of the party emblem and the party flag must adhere to unified standards and norms, and adhere to hierarchical responsibility and centralized management. [Full text]

Description, general specifications and scope of use of the Party emblem

The general dimensions of the diameter of the Party emblem are as follows:

(1) 100 cm;

(2) 80 cm;

(3) 60 cm.

If it is necessary to hang the Party emblem in a non universal scale, it shall be appropriately enlarged or reduced in proportion to the universal scale, which shall be suitable for the background and occasion.

The design of the Party emblem is generally golden or red.

Situations where the Party emblem or its pattern should be used:

(1) Convene the Party's national and local congresses and conferences, hang the Party's emblem in a prominent position, and place five red flags on both sides of the emblem;

(2) Convene plenary meetings of the Party's central and local committees, and hang the Party emblem in a prominent position;

(3) The seals (impressions) of the Party's central and local committees and their working departments, the representative offices and their working departments sent by the Party's central and local committees in specific regions, the Party's discipline inspection organs, the Party's leading group, and the Party's grass-roots organizations, with the logo engraved in the middle.

Situations where Party logo can be used:

(1) Certificates and signs used for important intra party meetings and activities;

(2) Medals, badges, awards, certificates and other honorary documents and certificates issued by Party organizations at all levels, and relevant work certificates produced;

(3) Important publications and propaganda materials within the Party;

(4) Network websites of Party organizations at all levels;

(5) Party member education base, Party member pioneer post, party building bulletin board (wall), party masses service center, party member activity room and other grassroots party organization activities;

(6) Carry out the Party's foreign exchanges.

Description, general specifications and scope of use of the party flag


The general specifications of the party flag are as follows:

(1) 288 cm long and 192 cm wide;

(2) 240 cm long and 160 cm wide;

(3) 192 cm long and 128 cm wide;

(4) 144 cm long and 96 cm wide;

(5) 96 cm long and 64 cm wide.

If it is necessary to use a Party flag of a non universal scale in a particular occasion, it shall be appropriately enlarged or reduced in proportion to the universal scale.

Situations where the Party flag should be used:

(1) Hold the oath taking ceremony for new party members and organize them to review the oath;

(2) Major celebrations and commemorative activities are held within the Party;

(3) The Party's central and local committees and their working departments, the representative offices and their working departments dispatched by the Party's central and local committees in specific regions, the Party's discipline inspection organs, and the meeting rooms of the Party's leading groups.

Situations where Party flags can be used:

(1) Convene the Party members' congress and the Party's grassroots congress;

(2) The Party's grass-roots organizations carry out theme party days;

(3) Party member education base, Party member pioneer post, Party masses service center, Party member activity room and other grassroots party organization activities;

(4) Party organization positions and party member commandos in the front line of important work, key project tackling, rescue and disaster relief, and epidemic fighting;

(5) Carry out the Party's foreign exchanges.

In addition to the above situations, the design of the party flag is generally used with reference to the situation where the design of the party emblem can be used.

If it is necessary to fly the Party Flag and other flags at the same time under special circumstances, the Party Flag shall be placed in the first place.

Prohibition of the use of party emblem and flag and their patterns

Party emblem and flag and their patterns shall not be used for:

(1) Trademarks, patented designs and commercial advertisements;

(2) Private activities;

(3) Markers of private places and personal cyberspace;

(4) Personal daily necessities and furnishings of daily life;

(5) Other unsuitable places, situations and environments.

(Editor in charge: Zhang Jun, Qin Hua)
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