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Lecture 5 of the Open Class of the Party School: What have we done right after 70 years of catching up with development?

09:23, July 16, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

Editor's Note: The newly launched Open Class of the Party School is a series of online video courses jointly created by the Central Party School (National School of Administration) Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Ministry of Scientific Research, the newspaper and periodical press, the China Marxism Research Foundation and People's Daily Online, Interpret the Party's theory in popular language and lively form, further promote the Party's innovative theory to "fly into the homes of ordinary people", and build a new platform for knowledge sharing by means of media integration.

The Open Class of the Party School was launched on the official website of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), the official WeChat official account, the WeChat official account of learning great countries, and the cloud WeChat official account of the People's Party Building. Please pay attention!

Let's listen to the fifth lecture of the open class of the Party School - what have we done right in catching up with development in the past 70 years?

Keynote speaker of this issue

Wang Ruolui, professor of the Department of Politics and Law Teaching and Research of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National School of Administration), Doctor of Law. His research interests include jurisprudence, rule of law and national governance.

Wonderful opinions

1. The key to economic take-off in the past 40 years of reform and opening up is "an effectively organized market"

The modern economy needs an efficient and coordinated large-scale market to carry out large-scale and complex division of labor and coordination. For modern economy, the state should play the role of organizing and allocating the market in the market. The better the market organization is, the more prosperous the economy will be.

2. The success of China's economy and the success of the Chinese revolution come down in one continuous line, and contain the historical gene of traditional Chinese governance

During the revolution, the Communist Party of China established a system that went deep into the grass-roots level, formed a strict organizational form and a strong ideological mobilization capacity. By the time of reform and opening up, this ability to organize society has evolved into the ability to organize the market, which has become the key to China's economic success.

3. The revolution led by the Communist Party of China and the reform and opening up are the most successful practices in China's modernization process

"Governance modernization" is not an abstract concept. As the General Secretary said, "China's national governance system today is the result of long-term development, gradual improvement and endogenous evolution on the basis of China's historical heritage, cultural tradition and economic and social development."

The speaker's perception

My question may be somewhat theoretical. I'm trying to answer the question, that is, since the founding of New China to the present 70 years, we have made so many governance achievements. Where does this achievement come from.

This form of open class in the Party school can better spread a problem in a more flexible way, more grounded language, more focused theme and shorter time, which is a new direction we need to explore.

Past reviews

The First Lecture of the Open Class of the Party School: the Cultural Mission of the Communist Party of China

Open Class of the Party School Lesson 2: Policy Code of Chinese Governance

Open Class of the Party School Lesson 3: Growing with the Motherland

Open Class of the Party School Lesson 4: Why is the diplomacy of major countries with Chinese characteristics "attractive"

Official WeChat of the Central Party School (National School of Administration)

People's Party building cloud WeChat official account

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(Editor in charge: Song Chen, Song Heli)