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Changsha County, Hunan Province: Exploring the "Three Five Year" New Model of Community Governance and Creating a New Model of Grass roots Governance in the Suburban Junction

Organization Department of CPC Changsha County Committee

09:04, October 23, 2019 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

The community is the cell of the city and the foundation of modern social management. Only when the community governance is harmonious and orderly can the urban governance be harmonious and orderly. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Changsha County has conscientiously implemented the spirit of the national experience exchange forum on urban grassroots party building, made new achievements in strengthening grassroots party building to lead urban governance, and opened up new ways. Since last year, Changsha County has adhered to the problem orientation, focused its efforts on the long neglected urban and rural junction communities, explored a new "three five" model for the governance of urban and rural junction communities, and created a new model for grass-roots governance of urban and suburban junction communities.

1、 Background and causes

Changsha County is located in the eastern suburbs of Changsha, and its economy is developed. In 2018, the county's GDP reached 150.93 billion yuan, and its total financial revenue was 35.64 billion yuan. The location is superior, with two transportation hubs, namely, Huanghua International Airport and Changsha High speed Railway South Station. With the flow of people, logistics, funds and information converging and connecting here, Huangxing, Huanghua and other towns at the junction of urban and rural areas in the county have produced some large residential communities. The residents are based on farmers who have been requisitioned land, and two-thirds of them are from other places. The population structure is diverse, the interests are complex, conflicts and disputes are frequent, the environment is messy, and the governance task is heavy, Compared with the street community in the central urban area, it is similar to agriculture rather than agriculture and similar to city rather than city, and the results of governance are not obvious if the methods and means of rural or community governance are used alone. It is urgent to explore a more targeted governance system.

1. The need for transformation from "unitary" governance to "diversified" governance. Influenced by historical and cultural factors, grass-roots government excludes social organizations and citizens from participating in social management from concept to system in the process of governance. The "unitary" governance model of the government dominates social development. However, with the progress of the times and social development, diversification has become the main feature of the social system, which requires that social governance should accelerate the transformation from the "unitary" standard of the government to the "diversified" standard of the society, further stimulate social creativity, give play to the advantages of social forces, and promote grass-roots governance to achieve party leadership, government responsibility, social coordination, public participation A new pattern of legal protection.

2. The need to transform "virtual" governance into "real" governance. Under the impact of the market economy, young party members and the masses in the suburban junction went out to work in large numbers, which led to the decreasing integration ability of the party organization for party members, especially floating party members, the role of the party organization and party members in village level public affairs gradually declined, and the trend of hollow and formalized rural governance became increasingly obvious, and many specific policies and requirements were difficult to implement in detail. However, the diversified social development requires that all work must be done more carefully, more detailed and more specific to meet the diversified governance needs and effectively promote social governance to change in "emptiness" and do in "reality".

3. The need for the transformation from "all in one" governance to "all in one" governance. Influenced by the inertia of the governance system, all departments and units are accustomed to simply copying and pasting the above line management to villages (communities). However, in the suburban junction, due to the small number of village (community) cadres and the lack of full play of the leading core role and central coordination role of the grass-roots party organizations, the phenomenon of "Jiulong can't manage a river while managing water" often occurs. To meet the needs of modernization of social governance, we need to make good use of the "blocks" of grass-roots party organizations. On the basis of giving play to the "blocks" to take the overall situation, we need to further play their role in coordinating the "rules" of the four sides, comprehensively promote the transformation of "rules" governance to "rules" co governance, and better improve governance efficiency.

2、 Main practices

In the process of promotion, Changsha County selected the most representative pilot in Huangxing Town, which is located in the suburban area, and formulated a prescription for the problems such as the insufficient role of the Party organization, the imperfect self governance mechanism of residents, and the unclear goals and tasks. Through the "Five Modernization" model, it strengthened the branches and led, innovated the "Five Conferences" system, strengthened participation and autonomy, and pursued the "Five Zero" construction, optimized governance, and promoted harmony, It has effectively solved the problem of village (community) governance in the suburban junction, and created a new way of governance in the suburban junction.

(1) Implement the "five modernizations" model to strengthen the branches. Focusing on giving full play to the leading core role and central coordination role of the party organization in the community (community) to the greatest extent, we will comprehensively promote the "five modernizations" construction of the branch with standardized branch setting, normalized organizational life, refined management services, systematized work systems, and standardized position construction, and truly play the role of the party organization throughout the whole process of community (community) governance various aspects. First, build the organizational system of "community branch - building party group". Adhering to the "five modernizations" standard, the party branch construction in the community was strengthened. In Huangxing Town, three community branches were set up, including Xinchengjingyuan, Xinducheng and Lijingxincheng of Guangda Community. Three community party branches were set up, 183 members were managed, nine building party groups were set up, and nine party group leaders were selected. The second is to set up the community party masses service station. In combination with the actual situation of the community and the needs of residents, the idle overhead floors, property office buildings and residential squares in the community will be renovated and upgraded. With the "harmony" cultural concept as the keynote, the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the theme, the party masses service station will be set up with a party member's home, a residents' activity home, a volunteer's home, and an owner's meeting area Children's playground, voluntary barber shop, voluntary health clinic, legal consultation room, etc., regularly organize party volunteers and professionals to serve the residents. Up to now, it has provided services for more than 5000 people. The third is to create the activity carrier of "three brightness and three comparison". In the community (community) party organizations and all party members, the "Three Brightness and Three Comparisons" activity with the theme of "Party members highlight their identity, service compare with their contributions; teams highlight their commitments, buildings compare with their actions; branches highlight their achievements, and work compare with their superiors" was widely carried out, and the five categories of party members in the community were strongly guided to play a vanguard and exemplary role in the governance of the community. The Party branch of Jiejialing Community organized the party members directly in charge to mobilize the owners to claim and dispose of the "zombie" cars, dilapidated electric cars, motorcycles and other problems that affect people's parking in the underground parking lot of the community, and received unanimous praise from the community.

(2) Innovate the mechanism of "five conferences" to make autonomy practical. The key to community governance is to establish a good mechanism and system that can allow community (community) party organizations, resident agencies, enterprises and institutions, social organizations and residents to achieve interconnection and interaction. First, optimize the "five meetings" process. The "five meetings" system with the main contents of the public sentiment forum, the party masses meeting, the community affairs coordination meeting, the hearing on major issues, and the departmental work review meeting has been innovated and implemented. The public sentiment forum is mainly led by the Party branch, focusing on listening to the opinions of the masses and collecting the appeals of residents; The party masses meeting mainly summarizes and discusses the opinions collected and sorted out in the public sentiment forum to form preliminary opinions; The Community Affairs Coordination Committee mainly resolves the general conflicts through consultation; The hearing on major issues fully demonstrates major projects or issues to achieve democratic decision-making; The department work review meeting is mainly composed of party members and resident representatives to review the service of county and town department stations, forcing them to improve the service level. Since its implementation, the enthusiasm for stimulating residents' autonomy has been greatly stimulated. Second, adhere to the problem orientation. At the beginning of design and in the process of implementation, the five meeting system has always put the discovery and solution of problems at the core. Every link has insisted on focusing on problems. From the beginning of raising, discussing and determining problems, to the middle of solving problems, and then to the final return visit, the five meeting system has always taken problems as the main line and the masses as the leading role to ensure that problems are found Find out the root cause and the countermeasures. At the beginning of the site selection and construction of the garbage sorting center in Jingyuan Community, Xincheng, Huangxing Town, the residents questioned the impact on the living environment and began to block the construction. The party branch of the community gave full play to the role of the "five meetings" mechanism, listened to the opinions of the owners through the public symposiums, the party members went to the home to publicize and explain, and then held a hearing on major issues, which was finally voted through. At present, the sorting center is operating well. The third is to pay attention to the long-term effect of normality. Insist on summarizing in practice and improving in summarizing. Under the overall guidance of the organization department of the county party committee, they have formulated the social governance work plan led by the community party branch in combination with the actual situation, providing policy guidance and project support for the construction of the community party branch. The participation of department units in social governance led by the community party branch is included in the scope of annual performance assessment and community review. At the end of each year, the work performance, existing problems, specific rectification measures, etc. are reported to community party members and the masses, and then the review team discusses them to form three grades of written evaluation opinions: excellent, qualified and unqualified, It also fed back to the evaluated objects, the county performance office and the town party committee, strengthened the application of the results, and truly let the community party branch lead the social governance work to achieve normalization and long-term effectiveness.

(3) Carry out "50" construction to make the community peaceful. Fully implement the work of "Party building+'50' community construction" with the main content of "building zero violations, zero environmental pollution, zero safety accidents, zero public security cases, and zero petitions from villagers (residents)", and strive to fully integrate the role of party organizations, party members, cadres, and the masses into all aspects of community governance, so as to effectively make the community peaceful. The first is to strengthen ideological consensus. Focus on giving play to the role of the community party organization as a fighting fortress, widely carry out "sending out a proposal, carrying out a series of theme party day activities, carrying out an open commitment, organizing a" everyone talk "and publicizing a number of typical cases" and "five ones" activities, and integrate the "50" construction into the theme education of "never forget the original intention, remember the mission", "50" The construction is widely integrated into the rule of law, rule of virtue and residents' autonomy under the leadership of the community party organization, which effectively strengthens the overall function of the community party organization and maximizes the consensus and strength of the "50" construction. Second, strengthen the leadership of party building. Adhere to the principle of "Party building+", integrate the Party building work into all aspects, links and elements of the "50" construction, focus on giving play to the core leadership role of the community party organizations, take the Party building work as the "catalyst", guide the community party organizations to integrate the community (community) party building work with urban management, comprehensive governance, environmental health, civilization creation and other fields, Build a systematic "one network" governance pattern, promote the formation of a new model of organic integration of party building and various work, and effectively build a new mechanism for party building to lead and promote as a whole. Third, focus on mass participation. Give full play to the positive role of the "Five Sessions" system, reasonably mobilize the resources of party group leaders, village (resident) representatives, "two representatives and one member" and units directly under the town, street and county level, pay attention to collecting public opinions from the bottom up and negotiating solutions from the top down, and promote the party members and the masses to form a good sense of everyone's responsibility and benefit from the "50" construction. The party branch of Jingyuan New Town organized a questionnaire survey, collected 122 suggestions, and formed a "50" construction task list to ensure that problems were tracked and solved. The party branch of Xinducheng Community has built a WeChat 020 service group in each of the seven buildings in the community. The party members are the group leaders, widely collect the public sentiment, respond to the demands of the masses in a timely manner, and effectively resolve all kinds of contradictions and hidden dangers. At present, more than 300 appeals of the masses have been resolved, and the satisfaction rate of the masses has reached more than 99%.

3、 Effectiveness and response

1. The community governance has a backbone. Before the establishment of the Party branch of the community, the property management, order maintenance, security and other governance work of the community were basically in a situation where no one managed, did not want to manage, did not dare to manage, and could not manage well. After the establishment of the community party branch, it actively played the role of the battle fortress of the party organization, educated and guided the party members to play a vanguard and exemplary role, deeply participated in the community governance and served the development of the community through the implementation of the "three five" model, and worked hard to be the spokesperson of the masses, which solved many difficult problems that the community residents wanted to solve but did not solve, and achieved many important things that they wanted to do but did not do, Difficult problems such as garbage classification, safety patrol and vehicle parking can be easily solved, which really makes the residents of the community feel what is the backbone. Finding the Party organization in case of problems has become the new normal and new consensus of the residents of the community.

2. Community governance has a vanguard. In the past, without the leadership call of the party organization, the party members in the community dare not take the initiative to reveal their identities, positions and responsibilities. Now, through the "Three Brightness and Three Comparisons" activity, the vast number of Communists in the community have made their identities and job responsibilities clear at the first time, actively played a vanguard and exemplary role, and taught the people around them with practical actions, so that they can truly feel the great changes before and after the implementation of the "Three Five Year" model, So that the masses can more firmly support the "Three Five Year" model, and also make the "Three Five Year" model have a deeper mass foundation. It is a new fashion and new criterion for the community masses to follow the Party members.

3. The community governance has a main force. The governance of the community is based on the awareness of the masses, and more importantly, the deep participation of the masses. Through the "three five" mechanism, listening to the opinions of the masses and letting the masses make decisions, the sense of participation and gain of the masses has been constantly enhanced, and the enthusiasm for autonomy has been greatly stimulated. Driven by the leadership of the Party organization and Party members, the phenomenon of little success or even resistance to counter measures through work has been greatly improved. Residents in the community have played their masters, voluntarily dismantling illegal buildings, cleaning up piles of occupied public corridors, standardizing garbage classification, orderly parking vehicles, and so on. It is precisely because of the strong backing of the Party organization that the role of the masses as the main force can be played more fully and in place. The deep participation of the masses has become a new practice and fashion in the governance of the suburban junction.

4、 Experience and enlightenment

1. Only by strengthening the leadership of party building can the community governance be strengthened. In the past, due to the lack of tight integration between the Party building work and the community governance work, air to air and two skins, the Party building work is often ineffective in the community governance. Through the implementation of the "three five" governance model, the party building and community governance can truly achieve a positive interaction, so that the effectiveness of party building can be transformed into a strong driving force for the masses of the people to yearn for a happy and beautiful life, so that the party organizations and party members in the community can really speak up, do things well, and attract people. The appeal, combat power, and execution power of the community governance have been greatly enhanced, and the community governance has truly achieved a powerful, methodical once the headrope of a fishing net is pulled out , all its meshes open.

2. Only by closely following the needs of the masses can the community governance have temperature. The people's aspiration for a better life is our goal. In community governance, if what the Party organization does is not on the same channel as what the masses think, what it does is useless in the eyes of the masses. The more it does, the more the masses will dislike it and will not buy it. Only by carefully listening to the opinions of the residents of the community, meeting the most urgent needs of the prospective residents, meeting the urgent needs of the masses with accurate services, and warming the body and mind of the masses with intimate services, can the community governance be more in line with the wishes of the masses, achieve the same frequency resonance with the needs of the masses, so as to make the community governance more humane, more rewarding, and more satisfied.

3. Only by mobilizing the masses to participate can the community governance be broad. The masses are the masters of the community. How well the community is managed depends on whether the masses support and participate. Only by mobilizing the masses to participate and stimulating the wisdom and strength of the masses to the greatest extent, can we gather the greatest strength of community governance and promote the community from chaos to governance and from dirty to beautiful. Therefore, in the community governance, the party organization should pay attention to the establishment of rules and regulations, stimulate the masses with the system, serve the masses with the system, and rally the masses with the system, so that "the community's affairs are discussed and handled by the community" becomes the largest consensus, and truly make the suburban junction community more harmonious and orderly in the joint participation and common governance.

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Yan Yan)
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