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"Red Beidou" smart party building in Nimu County, Tibet, taking the innovative road of party building in border areas

Nimu County Party Committee Organization Department, Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region

14:28, October 21, 2019 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network


Create a new way of smart party building in the border area from scratch

The backwardness of network construction in remote areas is determined by their natural conditions. The basic characteristics of remote areas, such as sparsely populated areas and frequent natural disasters, determine the extreme imbalance of network construction costs and benefits. Communication operators can hardly afford huge basic investment and high operation and maintenance investment. How to let the Party's principles and policies fall into the hands of thousands of households in remote areas, how to let the power of party building drive the development of remote areas, how to let people in remote areas enjoy the advantages of smart party building like the mainland, how to integrate into the new trend of the times, and how to ensure that the lower feelings are met and the government orders are unblocked are all practical topics that need to be solved in remote mountainous areas.

Although the country has invested heavily in recent years to basically realize the connection between villages and villages through optical fiber, due to the extremely low population concentration in these areas, these networks simply cannot cover the jurisdiction of an administrative village covering more than 100 square kilometers. If you leave the village, you can only look at the "net" and sigh. This situation not only severely restricts the economic and social development of remote areas, but also seriously affects the access of the Party and the state's domestic policies. In particular, the situation of the enemy and the society in these areas is complex, and the consequences will be unimaginable if the emergency situation cannot be reached in time.

In remote areas with weak communication infrastructure and frequent natural disasters, how to ensure information access and synchronization? With the assistance of Beijing Municipality, under the guidance of the Organization Department of Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, the Organization Department of Nimu County Party Committee, in combination with the actual needs of grass-roots party building and strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people, uses the core technology of Beidou satellite, integrates big data, cloud computing, mobile Internet, live broadcast satellite and other technologies, and promotes the construction of the "Red Beidou · Smart Party Building" system, in order to solve the problem of network coverage in remote areas A new way has been created by the issue of getting information up to speed and unblocked government orders.

In February 2019, the "Red Beidou · Smart Party Building" system in Nimu County, Tibet Autonomous Region, assisted by Beijing, was officially launched. The trial operation covered 8 townships and 32 villages in Nimu County, with 1326 users (including village cadres, sinking cadres, village committees and grassroots party members). The platform integrates cloud computing, mobile internet, Beidou RDSS short message and other technologies, actively explores the effective ways and means of the party's work in the social field, and strives to create a new communication platform for party affairs in combination with "Internet+".


Leading by science and technology, opening up the "last mile" of Party building publicity

This system integrates wired communication, mobile communication, and multiple communication channels integrated by Beidou navigation satellite, Zhongxing 9 live broadcast satellite, and Zhongxing 16 communication satellite, so as to solve the uplink, downlink and location positioning of communication signals and provide all-weather emergency communication guarantee for the informatization of Party building work in Nimu County, Tibet. Beidou spatiotemporal data is used to communicate with RDSS short message, so as to facilitate the transmission of information in emergency; Zhongxing 9 satellite is the first broadcast television satellite in China. It has outstanding advantages such as high coverage quality, large transmission capacity, wide coverage, simple reception conditions and so on. By combining the broadcast satellite with the Party building in Nimu County, Tibet, it has expanded the channel for the transmission of party and government voices; Zhongxing 16 satellite is the first high orbit and high-throughput communication satellite in China. It can be used to conveniently access the network in places where the ground wireless network signal cannot cover or the optical cable broadband access cannot be reached.

The "Red Beidou" system, based on the big data of Beidou Space Time, highly integrates grass-roots party building and targeted poverty alleviation, fully embodies the development idea of "party building leading". The system uses information technology to integrate fragmented data such as grass-roots party building, popular diaries, and poverty relief funds, and achieve visual display and management. It gives full play to the advantages of interactive participation and convenient sharing on the Internet, and resolves the communication contradiction of "not listening", "not listening", and "not understanding" in grass-roots work, The "last mile" of Party building propaganda in Nimu County, Tibet was opened up.

Present seven functions to promote the deep integration of smart party building and various work

Nimu County, Tibet, has used the Internet and information technology to improve the level of party building. Relying on the "Internet+" model, it has effectively promoted the deep integration of traditional advantages of party building and information technology through the "Red Beidou Smart Party Building" system platform of "Tibetan characteristics and Nimu characteristics". At present, the "Red Beidou" has seven important functions to promote the effective development of smart party building.

First, build an organization building bridge and build a "smart party building star". The use of "Red Beidou+Smart Party Building" APP has promoted paperless office work and improved the informatization level of party building.

The second is to build a bridge of civilization and environmental protection and build a "thumb office star". A lot of daily complicated work can be completed quickly and in time with a little touch of the thumb. The daily party building work has become faster, more efficient and more convenient.

The third is to build a bridge to strengthen the foundation and benefit the people, and build a "poverty alleviation and development star". With the goal of "building three maps, creating a network, and building a system", the platform organically combines the Party building in Nimu County with poverty alleviation and development, transforms the advantages and vitality of Party building into poverty alleviation advantages and driving forces, and provides a strong guarantee for promoting poverty alleviation and development.

The fourth is to build an education guidance bridge and build a "qualified party member star". Through the construction of the town (street) "government affairs, business, service" network system, it provides a more convenient service platform for grass-roots party organizations at all levels to carry out party member training.

The fifth is to build a harmonious and safe bridge and build a "linkage and co promotion star". Realize the platform integration of precise positioning, party building map (one point to branch, one point to party members), Beidou emergency communication, Beidou secure channel transmission (sensitive information transmission).

Sixth, build a bridge of care and care, and build a "pursuit and strategy star". The intelligent wearable device is used to serve the grass-roots party members in Nimu County. Through long-term monitoring, modeling and analysis of the health indicators of the grass-roots party members, such as heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, breathing, etc., the personal fatigue degree is calculated to give a warm reminder of the health status of party members and cadres.

The seventh is to build a quantitative bridge of work and build a "well-off Ni Jupiter". According to the identity of the installer (such as the Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Youth League Committee, the Labor Union, etc.), and according to the category (such as three meetings and one lesson, special education, policies and regulations, online examination, activity registration, party fee collection, village log, public sentiment research, etc.), the integrated cloud platform can be used for work reminders and settings, closely related to grass-roots party building and strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people, It has solved the problems that need to be solved most in grass-roots work.


Play Five Advantages to Solve the Difficulties of Party Building

According to the problems of low work efficiency, slow emergency response, weak leading effect of party building, weak big data analysis ability, and fund management mode to be optimized, grass-roots party building needs to create a platform system that reflects advanced technology, convenient operation, high compatibility and extensibility. The design of the "Red Beidou" system has just faced these problems and difficulties in the Party building work in Nimu County: using the advantages of informatization, through the application of automatic reports, intelligent collection and other functions, to form a standardized, convenient and intelligent party work and solve the difficult problems in the current party building work. The system has the following five advantages.

First, the function of party building is more comprehensive. The system has all the functions of the current party building platform and is closely integrated with modern high-tech. First of all, it realized the full coverage of the party building content, such as the party's propaganda and education, organizational life, online learning, etc. At the same time, adhere to the business process, and create functional modules with Nimu characteristics, such as party building unifies the county, party building promotes disengagement, 321 help, five drives, ambition and intelligence support, development and expansion of village collective economy, and party members connect with the masses. The platform not only includes functional modules such as Party building unifying the county and promoting Party building, but also takes into account basic Party building functions such as Party member education, theme education, and Party member development.

Since comprehensively promoting the work of "Red Beidou · Smart Party Building", Party organizations at all levels in the county have actively promoted the standardization construction of grass-roots party organizations based on this software, comprehensively standardized the basic systems of "three meetings and one lesson", "theme party day", democratic life meeting, organization life meeting, etc., and effectively played a role in the education, management, supervision, publicity It serves as a fighting fortress for rallying the masses and serving the masses. Since this year, more than 30000 daily work records have been received from all party organizations, 46 basic systems have been established, and more than 20 problems such as irregular records of "three meetings and one lesson" have been solved.

Second, grassroots feedback is more convenient. Adhere to connecting with the masses and serving the masses as the starting point and foothold of implementing the smart party building project, highlight the establishment of work modules such as party building to promote poverty alleviation, policies and regulations, assistance mechanism, aspiration and intelligence support, online questions, work exchanges, health care, bulletin board, etc., to help the masses understand policies and regulations more accurately and solve practical difficulties more conveniently, It has realized the precise matching of party members' volunteer and service needs. In the "experience exchange" section, cadres and staff carried out experience exchange in rural work, which is conducive to pooling ideas, expanding ideas, promoting the further development of grass-roots work, and also facilitating the summary of practical experience, transformation of theoretical achievements, and promotion to Lhasa and even the whole Tibet region. In recent years, more than 50 people have been helped to solve practical difficulties through the system, and more than 1300 people have communicated with each other.

Third, the Party and government work is more efficient. The "wisdom" of the system is mainly reflected in online classification management. Grass roots work is complicated and complicated. For the majority of grass roots cadres and staff, it is often easy to forget part of the work. The system displays the work of grass-roots party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people, fund management, etc. in a modular way, making the whole grass-roots work clear and organized, facilitating orderly development and classified management, which not only improves the efficiency, but also facilitates overall work and scientific management.

In recent years, this system has been integrated with the most advanced Beidou system in China, providing Beidou emergency communication and Beidou special channel services, providing all-weather emergency communication guarantee for party building, providing emergency communication means and safe information transmission channels for grass-roots village staff, changing the working mode of people sending cars running, and reducing office expenses.

Fourth, the education and management of Party members are more accurate. Make full use of the big data concept, actively explore and develop the "Red Beidou" party building APP software, research and develop the special application system for party member education, design online learning, online examination, credit counting, experience sharing, micro courseware, online books, data management and other functions, constantly expand the channel for party member education and management, and stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of party members to learn, Ensure that the education and management of Party members are carried out in a routine and strict manner, and realize the supervision of the education and management of Party members. Up to now, 152 important documents, laws and regulations, and policies for the benefit of the people (bilingual version) have been forwarded, and more than 10000 insights have been published.

Fifth, financial accounting is more efficient. After the completion of the system, it fully combines the actual situation of rural financial management to manage the funds for strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people, so that the targeted poverty alleviation has formed a digital closed-loop chain in the fund management, realizing the disclosure of the fund account to the superior management department, the special supervision department, and the beneficiaries, and improving the automation of the system processing, It has realized automatic collection, automatic review and automatic bookkeeping in the whole fund management accounting cycle, making financial accounting more accurate and more timely.


This is a practical case that fully combines science and technology with the work of party building, which really solves the problem of backwardness and lack of intelligent party building platforms in remote areas. Through system innovation and technological innovation, it provides multiple types of intelligent terminals for different users in Nimu County, Tibet. The system provides Beidou micro base station, Beidou emergency release screen and other terminals for village committees, village teams and grass-roots party organizations. For village staff and other individuals, the system provides smart phones+"Red Beidou · Smart Party Building" APP and Beidou handheld terminals. The APP covers four sectors: "Party building", "building a strong foundation for the people", "interaction" and "service".

It is a big data center with massive data resources (including party member information, grass-roots work, party member education information, location information, etc, Dynamic management is carried out for Party organizations at all levels and each Party member, and a lot of daily complicated work can be completed with a single thumb. Special training, party member learning, online examination, etc. are more convenient. One file per village, work log, people's journal, report on safety, post status report, work exchange, party organization star rating, data statistics, etc. are all quantified.

This innovation in smart party building has effectively promoted the standardization of grass-roots party organizations in Nimu County, Tibet, comprehensively standardized the basic systems of Nimu County, such as "three meetings and one lesson", "theme party day", democratic life meetings, and organizing life meetings, and effectively played a role in the education, management, supervision, publicity, and cohesion of grass-roots party organizations Serve the masses as a fighting fortress.

This system is led by party building, not limited to party building. Nimu County is promoting the development of its all-round network service platform "integrating party building, culture and education, and social management". They use this system, combined with the actual situation of rural financial management, to manage funds for strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people, so that targeted poverty alleviation has formed a digital closed-loop chain in fund management, making financial accounting more accurate and more timely, which is welcomed by the Tibetan people. They are cooperating with relevant units to promote the exchange and popularization of Tibetan and Chinese culture in Tibetan areas.

China has a very long border. Tibet, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia alone cover an area of more than 4 million square kilometers, accounting for 41.7% of the total area of the country. Nimu's practice is of great demonstration significance on how to make full use of Beidou satellite core technology, integrate big data, cloud computing, mobile Internet, live broadcast satellite and other technical means, and strengthen the construction of smart party building in remote areas.

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Song Heli)
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