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Quanzhou Pengtai Clothing Co., Ltd.: Pursue the "Seven Identities" party building and create a red engine

Quanzhou Pengtai Clothing Co., Ltd. Party Branch

08:40, October 17, 2019 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

1、 Background and causes

Quanzhou Pengtai Garment Co., Ltd., founded in 2014 with a registered capital of 120 million yuan, is a subsidiary of Hongkai Group, covering an area of more than 100 mu and employing more than 1500 people. It is a whole industry chain company integrating textile, printing, embroidery and garment production, with an average annual production of 12 million sets of clothing and 3500 tons of cloth, and 100% of its products are exported. With sports series+customized production of work clothes as the core, the company has developed its own overseas sales channels, established a cross-border e-commerce business platform, and provided online personalized customization. Its products are mainly sold in Australia and the Americas, forming an international clothing retail model of "foreign trade+agency+franchise+customization". The party branch of the company was established in September 2017, with 12 party members and 13 activists joining the party. The company's party branch conscientiously implements Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, writes the work of party building into the company's articles of association, innovates and implements the "seven identical" party building model, realizes the mutual integration and mutual promotion of party building and enterprise development, and co builds and co prospers, and is committed to building the company into a professional, brand oriented and international century old manufacturing enterprise.

2、 Practice and process

(1) Party building goals and development goals are planned together. Adhere to the responsibility of promoting the healthy development of the enterprise, formulate the responsibility objectives of branch party building around the company's development strategy and production tasks, and organize party members to claim projects, make commitments, and achieve the same goal. Pay attention to the development direction of the enterprise, take "two-way" interactive ways such as visiting the grass-roots level to seek opinions, exchanging opinions with the chairman, and attending the board of directors to express opinions, participate in the company's decision-making and deployment, and ensure the reasonable and compliant development of the enterprise. At the same time, the joint meeting of the party, the masses and enterprises is held regularly, and the members of the board of directors, department managers, and representatives of group organizations are invited to participate in the meeting to discuss and exchange views on the company's development orientation, transformation and upgrading, management reform and other important issues, form a proposal report and submit it to the board of directors for research, so as to achieve group policy and group strength. At the end of 2018, with the promotion of the Party branch and the study of the Board of Directors, it was unanimously agreed to write the requirements of the Party building work into the company's articles of association, give the Party organization the authority in strategic decision-making, job promotion, talent introduction and talent gathering, and integrate the Party building into the modern corporate governance structure.

(2) Organization construction and enterprise management were strengthened together. Pay attention to giving play to the Party's organizational advantages, organically integrate the Party's organizational construction with the improvement of the company's management system and mechanism, and realize the Party's construction throughout the whole process of enterprise production management. Implement the "two-way entry and cross appointment" between the members of the Party organization team and the company's administrative personnel, with the deputy general manager of the company's administration serving as the branch secretary, and the department manager or business backbone serving as the branch committee member, to promote the management personnel to perform the "dual post and dual responsibility" of party building and business management, and improve the decision-making power and capability of party building and business development. At the same time, guide enterprises to improve internal control mechanism, standardize 26 systems in four categories, including material procurement, financial management and job consumption. The Discipline Inspection Office is responsible for tracking and supervising the implementation of the system, regularly feeding back potential risks in operation and management to the Board of Supervisors of the Company, and putting forward targeted suggestions to effectively plug management loopholes. Relying on the Administrative Department of the company, the party masses office is set up to clarify the responsibilities of party affairs, event convening, group building, etc. The daily expenses of the department are included in the financial reimbursement scope of the company; One party worker shall be assigned to be responsible for the implementation of daily work and activities.

(3) The team of Party members and the talent team are built together. Establish a clear direction for the Party to manage talents, endow the Party organization with the power to attract and retain talents, and promote the introduction, training and use of Party members and talents to be synchronized with the development of the Company's human resources. Implement a "two-way" training mechanism to guide outstanding employees to move closer to the party organization and become party members; Recommend excellent Party members to take turns to train into enterprise backbones, and realize political guidance and political absorption of talents. At the same time, pay attention to the management and reserve of talents, promote the cooperation with colleges and universities such as Sichuan Economic and Trade University and Longyan University, implement the introduction and training plan of management trainees, comprehensively evaluate the majors, hobbies and intentions of management trainees, check and approve the appropriate departments for job assignment, develop the "7th 1st time" tracking schedule, which will be personally grasped by the department manager, and be "mentored" by the department's business backbone The branch committee or party members are linked to each other for follow-up training. Strengthen the quality improvement of talents, invite well-known consulting companies in Taiwan to carry out lean management training, regularly organize study tours and outdoor expansion in Hangzhou, Xiamen, Shenzhen and other places, and regularly carry out business skills and management improvement training.

(4) Party building activities are carried out together with production and operation. Adhere to the organic combination of party building activities with production and operation activities, and use the opportunities of pre shift morning meeting, weekly meeting, business learning meeting and other activities to publicize and implement the principles and policies of the party and the spirit of important meetings and documents of the superior party organizations. Relying on the "nail" office platform, establish a branch learning and exchange group, irregularly push the party building trends, policy spirit, etc., and take the party history and party rules as a required course for employee induction and management training, to strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs of party members. At the same time, pay attention to giving play to the exemplary and leading role of Party members, create practical carriers such as "Party member responsibility area" and "Party member benchmark line", and guide Party members to make commitments based on their responsibilities and tasks. Carry out "6S mobile red flag", "excellent pacesetter" and other excellence creation activities, and promote Party members to shoulder the burden bravely in their work, strive to be the backbone in production, and strive to be the model in their posts. Organize and carry out the theme activity of "golden ideas" and "I save money and increase income for the enterprise", encourage the party members and employees to put forward reasonable suggestions on the production management link, and reward the adopted ones with 5% of the comprehensive benefits. At present, 33 suggestions have been adopted, with an increase of 440000 yuan in expenditure and 6 patents for invention and utility model.

(5) Party building culture and enterprise culture are shaped together. We will promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one action" learning and education, formulate an annual organizational life plan, regularly carry out special party courses, theme party days and other activities, organize party members and employees to visit the Red Education Bases such as Li Zifang Martyrs' Hall and Dong Yunge's Former Residence to remember the revolutionary martyrs, awaken the original intention, and strengthen ideals and beliefs. More than 300000 yuan was invested to build a red culture square, and relying on workshops, corridors, etc., to publicize the glorious history and policy spirit of the Party, so as to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of employees. At the same time, we should pay attention to carrying forward the core socialist values, infiltrate and nourish the corporate culture with the advanced ideas and excellent traditions of the Party, and build a positive, harmonious and healthy spiritual home. The United Trade Union held dinners for employees' traditional birthdays and political birthdays, regularly organized vacations and leisure in scenic spots in the province such as Gulangyu Island and Jiuli Lake, and carried out basketball games, Mid Autumn Festival festival cakes, art performances, etc. on statutory holidays to enhance communication and emotion among colleagues and stimulate employees' vitality in life and production.

(6) Star rating and employee performance are assessed at the same time. Insist on taking the skill performance of employees and the dedication level of party members as the important basis for the investigation of joining the Party, the evaluation of excellence and the promotion of fixed remuneration. Establish an employee performance appraisal mechanism, formulate a selection method for outstanding employees, clarify that the performance appraisal should take into account the annual commitment appraisal and democratic appraisal results of Party members, and the completion of job responsibilities should be included in the scope of Party membership inspection; When the General Manager's Office meeting is held to determine the grade of employee assessment, the Secretary of the Party Branch shall attend as a nonvoting delegate and express opinions on behalf of the Party organization. At the same time, in combination with the "Haisi Pioneer" star reaching and star creating activity, we formulated the star management evaluation method for party members, and carried out the "five-star double competition" (i.e., striving for five-star party organizations, striving for five-star party members) activity. The annual five-star party members enjoy the same treatment as excellent employees; Include "excellent Communist Party members", "excellent pacesetters" and "dedication stars" in the annual assessment, and commend and reward them at the year-end meeting.

(7) Harmonious enterprises and public welfare undertakings are promoted together. Lead the construction of a harmonious enterprise, solve problems for employees, do practical things, and promote the positive energy of the enterprise. Promote the company to purchase vehicles to transport employees' children to and from school, set up a "4:30" class, hire professional preschool education, and provide nanny services; Guide the company to handle mutual medical assistance, accident insurance, etc., strive for heatstroke prevention allowance, traditional holiday subsidies and consolation articles for employees, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees. Establish employee care fund, and implement the company's quota allocation and employee subscription. At present, more than 100 sick and needy employees have been assisted and more than 600000 yuan of subsidies have been granted. At the same time, we led entrepreneurs to fulfill their social responsibilities, sponsored Gangqian Village to hold Mid Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival activities, provided jobs for the surplus labor force in neighboring villages, and donated more than 1.2 million yuan to help the poor, comfort the elderly and repair school buildings; Organize Party members and staff to enthusiastically participate in public welfare undertakings, carry out free blood donation, ocean beach cleaning and other activities, and create a good image of the enterprise.

3、 Effectiveness and response

(1) Strengthening the leading role of party building has condensed the centripetal force of enterprises. At the institutional level, by writing the requirements of the party building work into the company's articles of association and solidifying them in the form of a system, the authority of the party organization to participate in the company's major deliberations and decisions has laws and regulations to follow. At the leadership level, we implemented "two-way entry and cross appointment", established a system of joint meetings of the party, the masses and enterprises, realized two-way interaction, equal consultation and mutual support between the party organization team and the leadership decision-making level, implemented the opinions formed by the party organization into the enterprise development strategy through the party members in the leadership decision-making level, and strengthened the political leadership role of the party organization. At the level of employees, we insist on cultivating Party members into the backbone of enterprise production, operation and management, cultivating the backbone of enterprise production, operation and management into Party members, giving priority to the introduction of Party members, and giving priority to the "two training and two priority" idea of Party members, so that employees can actively move closer to the Party organization, and we have gathered a strong team of Party members who are brave and able to do things. This year, 13 employees have submitted applications for joining the Party, and 3 Party members have been recruited.

(2) Party members played a leading role and improved the competitiveness of enterprises. First, set an example in the work position, and through the creation of "Party member benchmark line", "Party member demonstration post" and other carriers, it has driven the majority of employees to perform their duties based on their posts, strive to be the first to create excellence, and played a leading role in the demonstration of Party members. Second, we shouldered the heavy burden of overcoming difficulties, set up a project team for Party members, promoted Party members to take the initiative to claim projects and act as project leaders in product research and development and technological innovation, led the staff to overcome technical problems and production bottlenecks, obtained 6 utility model patents, and won the title of "Leading Enterprise of Small Giant in Science and Technology in Fujian Province". The third is to make achievements in the transformation and upgrading. Through the establishment of the "golden idea" reward mechanism and the implementation of the "I save money and increase income for the enterprise" and other forms, the party members and employees are allowed to give full play to their personal strengths, give advice and suggestions in combination with the problems in production management, improve their working skills, and achieve the double improvement of the efficiency and efficiency of the enterprise.

(3) Shaping enterprise value culture and enhancing enterprise influence. The company's Party branch adheres to the concept of "uniting people with culture and building harmony with care", integrates the fine traditions and advanced ideas of the Party into the construction of corporate culture, plays the role of a bridge between the Party and the masses, and promotes a warmer working environment, more harmonious staff relations, and more recognition of corporate culture by employees. At the same time, we guided business owners to take social responsibility as their own responsibility, enthusiastically participate in public welfare activities such as poverty alleviation, student donation and voluntary service, and created a good social image of the enterprise.

4、 Experience and enlightenment

(1) We should find out the function orientation of the Party organization. The functional orientation of the party organization determines the level and way of the role of the party organization and party members in non-public enterprises. Therefore, we should combine the modern corporate governance structure, clarify the functional orientation of the party organization in non-public enterprises, find the foothold of the party organization and party members' role, and embed the party members in the decision-making, management and executive levels of enterprises, Only in this way can the Party building run through the whole process of enterprise production management.

(2) We should be good at building a platform to play a role. We should actively create a carrier for the Party organizations and Party members to play their roles, integrate the work of the Party into all links and the whole process of enterprise production and operation, and let the Party organizations and Party members speak out when discussing and making decisions, play a brave role in management and implementation, and make achievements on the production line. Only in this way can we achieve the effect of "Party building is productivity when it is done well, competitiveness when it is strengthened, and cohesion when it is done carefully".

(3) We should focus on cohering people with culture. "When people are united, Mount Tai will move". We should focus on building the value culture system of non-public enterprises, guide the construction of enterprise group culture, vigorously build organizational positions, hold activities popular with the staff and workers, cultivate a positive, optimistic, healthy and progressive corporate culture, and create a warm and harmonious work home for the staff and workers by giving play to the mechanism advantage of party building leading group building.  

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Qin Hua)
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