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The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection exposes six typical problems of formalism and bureaucracy

08:04, November 29, 2018 Source: People's Daily

People's Daily, Beijing, November 28 (Reporter Jiang Jie) Since the implementation of the eight central regulations, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the discipline inspection and supervision authorities at all levels have strengthened supervision, discipline enforcement and accountability, effectively curbing the spread of "four styles". The Party's style of work and the political style have become a new one, and style building has become the golden card of party building. However, we must be soberly aware that the "four styles" problem is stubborn and complex, especially the formalism and bureaucracy problems are still prominent in some regions and fields, which have become "stumbling blocks" and "roadblocks" to solve the "four styles" problem. The cadres and the masses have a strong response, and we must make great efforts to focus on breakthroughs and solutions. In order to consolidate, expand and implement the spiritual achievements of the eight central provisions, and further promote the construction of the style of work, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection recently exposed six issues of formalism and bureaucracy.

Liu Zhongzhong, the former secretary and director of the Party Leadership Group of the Poverty Alleviation Office of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and others failed to implement the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on poverty alleviation, and the style of work was floating. Liu Zhongcheng and others engaged in formalism and bureaucracy in the work of poverty alleviation. They did not consider the objective and actual distribution of the poor population in the work of establishing files and cards for poor households. They "cut across the board" limited the scale of the poor population recognized by the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council to the national poverty flag counties and autonomous region poverty flag counties, leading to the lack of solid basic work of targeted poverty alleviation Poor households have a high rate of missing assessment. In September 2017, when the Poverty Alleviation Office of the Autonomous Region organized work inspection and assessment, it did not fully consider the differences between different regions and the long distance, which led to the inspection and assessment scheme being divorced from reality. At the same time, it did not urge the implementation of the requirements of providing Mongolian translators and transferring inspectors who are familiar with business, which led to the inspection and assessment being formalistic, The inspection and assessment results are not objective and practical. At the same time, the Poverty Alleviation Office of the Autonomous Region also has problems such as borrowing more than 740000 yuan from the Poverty Alleviation Foundation in violation of regulations to provide welfare for employees, misappropriating public funds in violation of regulations to pay rent and car subsidies for team members, and misappropriating more than 2340000 yuan of special funds for poverty alleviation. Liu Zhongcheng is responsible for this. Liu Zhongcheng was removed from his post in the Party, removed from his post in the government, and removed from his post as a member of the Party Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. He was demoted from a leading post at the level of the main office to a non leading post at the level of the deputy office. Other relevant responsible persons shall be dealt with accordingly.

Chen Guohua, Director of the Bureau of Oceans and Fisheries of Putian City, Fujian Province, has taken few actions in the work of ecological environment protection, and has been poorly implemented. Since July 2017, Putian Municipal Party Committee and Putian Municipal Government have held meetings for many times to deploy the rectification work of ecological environment protection and pollution prevention, and it is clear that the Municipal Ocean and Fisheries Bureau will take the lead in rectifying the problems of illegal aquaculture affecting the marine ecological environment. Chen Guohua neither organized the communication and deployment of relevant work in time, nor effectively supervised the implementation in time. In November 2017, after the bureau was criticized for its ineffective promotion of this work, Chen Guohua still failed to come up with the work plan and specific measures as required, nor urged the relevant business departments to implement it. On December 13, 2017, the relevant superior departments entered the city for inspection. The next day, the bureau copied the superior documents and issued the work plan, and the plan did not detail the goals, tasks, time limits and specific measures. Chen Guohua was given a government warning.

Xu Nenghua, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Fuzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau) of Jiangxi Province, Kong Yongchun, a former member of the Party Leadership Group of Fuzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Director of the Medical Insurance Bureau, and others implemented the spirit of the Central Committee and the requirements of the higher authorities to discount, make choices, and make changes. In December 2017, in order to implement the relevant work requirements of the central and provincial governments and reduce the burden of outpatient medical expenses for urban and rural residents, especially the poor, Fuzhou Municipal Government decided to adjust the general outpatient service for urban and rural residents from the family account system to the outpatient service pooling system from 2018, and arranged the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to take the lead in formulating and adjusting the outpatient service pooling policy. Xu Nenghua, Kong Yongchun and other relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau did not pay attention to the overall situation in the process of drafting relevant documents. They only selectively implemented the documents from the perspective of their own departments, chose and rejected the contents of the documents without authorization, and did not report or explain major issues. They violated the procedures and formulated and issued the implementation rules for the overall management of basic medical insurance outpatient services in the city on February 9, 2018. The detailed rules not only did not reduce the burden of medical expenses of the poor, but would increase the medical expenses of the poor, which was contrary to the original intention of the municipal government to implement the outpatient pooling system, and had a negative impact on the masses. On May 17, the document was asked to stop execution. Xu Nenghua was given a government warning and Kong Yongchun was given a government demerit recording and transferred from the human resources social security system; Song Youzhi, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, was admonished and talked about; Other relevant responsible persons shall be dealt with accordingly.

Chen Hong, the former head of the Huangshi Real Estate Registration Center in Hubei Province, and others ignored the interests and sufferings of the masses. Since the establishment of Huangshi Real Estate Registration Center in July 2016, the local people have reflected that the problem of "difficult and slow certificate handling" has always been prominent. The central and provincial relevant departments clearly require verification and handling. The municipal government has held coordination meetings and on-site office meetings for many times to study rectification measures. The municipal commission for discipline inspection dispatched the discipline inspection team of the municipal real estate bureau to interview Chen Hong and others. However, the Huangshi Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources, the Huangshi Municipal Real Estate Bureau and the Huangshi Municipal Real Estate Registration Center did not pay enough attention and acted slowly, and had not taken practical measures for rectification. Chen Hong and others ignored the voice of the masses, passively responded to this long-term appeal and opinion, blindly stressed the restrictions of objective conditions, refused to implement the rectification requirements of the superior department for many times, and instead made the decision to limit the number of business acceptance to 50 per day without authorization, resulting in the problem of "difficult and slow handling of certificates" which has not been effectively solved, and even "even if idle, no number, no registration will be accepted" The situation. The relevant leaders of the Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources lack initiative, are inactive and slack in their actions, and ignore the problems existing in the real estate registration center. The bureaucracy is serious. The relevant leaders of the Municipal Real Estate Bureau have a negative attitude towards the implementation of the decisions and arrangements made by the superior, and the implementation is ineffective. Chen Hong was severely warned by the Party, dismissed and demoted by the government; Relevant responsible persons of the Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources and the Municipal Real Estate Bureau were dealt with accordingly.

Gu Qiang, the former secretary and director of the Party Leadership Group of Dalian Municipal Development and Reform Commission in Liaoning Province, and others did not take responsibility for and passively cope with the problems strongly reflected by the masses. In December 2016, some enterprises in Dalian collectively illegally raised the price of a service item, which increased the burden of the masses and caused strong social reaction. The party group of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission (Municipal Price Bureau) did not pay enough attention to this, did not hold a special meeting in time to study and deal with it, and even mistakenly believed that the affairs of the Price Bureau had nothing to do with the Development and Reform Commission; After the subordinate units put forward their disposal opinions, they still haven't made a clear decision. Gu Qiang and others lack the initiative to take on the responsibility. They just reported the relevant information to the municipal government and did not arrange the deployment in a timely manner. In addition, they did not understand the price work, had unclear attitudes, raised opinions in a timely manner, and did not dispose decisively, which caused other similar enterprises in the local market to follow the trend of rising prices, leading to strong public reflection and continued negative public opinion. After more than ten times of instructions and requests from the municipal leaders, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission still did not pay enough attention to it and did not take timely and active measures to prevent the situation from continuing to develop. Instead, it repeatedly asked for instructions and reports, which caused the problem to be unsolved for more than half a year, resulting in extremely adverse effects and serious damage to the interests of the masses and the credibility of the government. Gu Qiang was severely warned by the Party and transferred from his post; Ci Yuantang, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission in charge of price work, was dismissed from his post in the Party and removed from his post by the government; Other relevant responsible persons shall be dealt with accordingly.

Jin Zhong, the former director of the Second Agricultural Division of Gansu Provincial Department of Finance, and others are lazy and tardy. In July 2017, the central government allocated a special fund of 40 million yuan to support poverty alleviation and development in Gansu's poor old revolutionary base areas. On July 11, the Provincial Department of Finance received a notice. However, Jin Zhong and others are lazy and lack a strong sense of responsibility. They do not implement their work and only act as "setters"; Yang Zhichun, the then deputy director in charge, and other leading cadres had weak political awareness, serious bureaucracy, inadequate performance of leadership responsibilities, and insufficient tracking and implementation. It was not until December 6 that the Provincial Finance Department completed the allocation of special funds, which resulted in 146 days of detention of the special poverty relief funds issued by the central finance in the provincial finance. The Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Finance Department was ordered to make a written inspection; Jin Zhong was admonished, talked and dismissed; Yang Zhichun was dismissed and transferred from the Provincial Finance Department; The specific handler, Yang Xue, the chief staff member of the Second Agricultural Division, was demoted to deputy chief staff member; Other relevant responsible persons shall be dealt with accordingly.

The person in charge of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that these six problems are typical manifestations of formalism and bureaucracy, which have seriously affected the relationship between the Party and the masses and damaged the image of the Party and the government. Some of the party members and cadres who have been dealt with have implemented the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of their superiors by following the script and copying mechanically, with little action and poor implementation, and even discounted, made choices and made adaptations; Some people are insensitive to the voice of the masses, and shuffle around to solve the practical difficulties and problems of the masses; Some do not work hard, do not seek actual results, do not take responsibility for inaction, procrastinate, lazy, lazy, and even resort to fraud; Some of them send documents for the purpose of sending documents, and the documents are copied and copied. The examination and assessment are carried out in a formal way without seeking actual results. These party members and cadres have been dealt with seriously, and the lesson is very profound. The majority of party members and cadres must learn from it.

The person in charge of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection stressed that formalism and bureaucracy are incompatible with the nature, purpose and fine style of our party, and are the great enemies of our party and the people. The harm of formalism and bureaucracy, first of all, is great in politics. It not only delays work, labor and money, but also fundamentally deviates from the Party spirit and purpose, ultimately damaging the relationship between the Party and the masses, cadres and the masses, seriously affecting the Party's image and credibility, like an invisible wall separating our Party and the people, making our Party lose its roots and blood Lose power. Strengthening the work style construction and resolutely rectifying formalism and bureaucracy have a bearing on the ruling foundation of the Party, the survival of the Party, the realization of the two centennial goals and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. All regions, departments and units must take Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, recognize the extreme importance of rectifying formalism and bureaucracy from a political height, deeply study, understand and earnestly implement a series of important statements and important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on combating formalism and bureaucracy, We will further improve our political position and political awareness, align our thinking and actions with the requirements of the Party Central Committee for style building, and constantly enhance our sense of mission, responsibility, initiative and consciousness to do a good job. We will take the centralized rectification of formalism and bureaucracy as a political task, and put it in an important position to effectively grasp and achieve results.

The person in charge of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that the key to rectifying formalism and bureaucracy is to implement the main responsibility of the party committee (leading group). Recently, the General Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the Work Opinions on Implementing the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Directions to Concentrate on Rectification of Formalism and Bureaucracy (hereinafter referred to as the Work Opinions), which clarifies the work ideas, work priorities, task requirements and specific measures. Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels should earnestly implement their main responsibilities, take the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy as an important task and a long-term task, implement it in all work, take the implementation of the Work Opinions as a starting point and an opportunity, take the initiative to attack and act actively, do not look left and right, do not wait and see, take concrete actions and take effective and powerful measures, Roll up your sleeves and work hard, vigorously rectify formalism and bureaucracy with the style of real work, and strive to achieve real results. With leading organs and leading cadres as the main target, we should adhere to the above principle, educate, guide, urge and promote leading organs and leading cadres at all levels to carry out the self revolutionary spirit of cutting edge, face specific problems directly, from the implementation of the Party's line, principles and policies, major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, to personal learning, research and inspection, drafting documents, meetings and speeches, Take the initiative to investigate and rectify the existing formalism and bureaucracy problems, play a role of model, release signals and lead new trends with actions, and drive most party members and cadres with "key minority". The central and state organs and their leading cadres should take the lead and set an example. It is necessary to focus on prominent problems, grasp commonness, highlight individuality, and strengthen "targeted treatment". Carefully investigate and sort out the 12 issues pointed out in the Work Opinions, start with specific issues that can be seen and grasped by the unit, break through each issue one by one, and focus on tackling whatever issues are prominent, gradually move forward from easy to difficult, never "cut across the board", never use formalism and bureaucracy against formalism and bureaucracy. It is necessary to carry out rectification and improvement. For the formalism, bureaucracy and problems found out, it is necessary to take strong measures, implement reform, stick to it, continue to work hard, rectify item by item and constantly consolidate the results of rectification, never stop until the goal is reached, and truly make contributions for a long time.

The relevant person in charge of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection stressed that the discipline inspection and supervision authorities at all levels should conscientiously and conscientiously fulfill their supervision responsibilities and make every effort to implement the Work Opinions. We should actively perform our duties and fulfill our responsibilities, put supervision ahead, and urge Party committees (Party groups) at all levels to include the investigation and disposal of formalism and bureaucracy in the important content of the democratic life meeting of the leadership as an important part of patrol inspection, heart to heart talks, cadre assessment and inspection, and accountability and integrity statement, so as to strengthen daily supervision and grasp the early and small. It is necessary to further open and broaden the channels for supervision and reporting, give full play to the supervision role of cadres and the masses, give full play to the supervision role of media and public opinion, and dig deeply into the formalism and bureaucracy problems behind major incidents and accidents and found in disciplinary review. Strengthen communication and coordination with poverty alleviation, ecological environment, civil affairs and other functional departments, timely grasp and seriously investigate formalism and bureaucracy in relevant important areas. We should strictly enforce discipline and accountability. We should focus on formalism and bureaucracy, which seriously affect the implementation of major decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and are strongly reflected by the masses. We should strictly investigate and deal with them. We should call names of typical problems and report them to the public, so as to show our determination through action; The investigation and handling of formalism and bureaucracy should be the focus of discipline review and supervision investigation. When investigating and handling cases of serious violations of discipline and law by leading cadres, we should not only investigate corruption, but also review their formalism and bureaucracy, and list them separately in the trial report. We should work hard on accuracy, accurately use the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, accurately measure and discipline handling, and timely "red face sweating" and "ear biting and sleeve pulling" for general problems to prevent minor problems from causing major impact; If it really constitutes a violation of discipline and law, it shall be investigated for responsibility in accordance with regulations and laws. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of the whole process of centralized rectification work, and resolutely correct those who are ineffective and slow in work, "go through the motions", "do false work" and "fake tricks", etc; Those causing adverse consequences shall be held accountable.

The relevant person in charge of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that those who focus on style should be upright. Discipline inspection and supervision organizations at all levels should start from themselves, put themselves, their responsibilities, and their work into place, take the lead in investigating and rectifying their own style problems, set an example in learning to understand and be practical, and creatively implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee in combination with reality, set an example in combating formalism and bureaucracy, and use good style to promote Ensure that the centralized rectification work has achieved solid results.

The relevant person in charge of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection stressed that the construction of work style is a long-term battle, and the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy is the re mobilization, re deployment, re starting, and re deepening of the implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee and the strengthening of work style at a new starting point. The problem of "four styles" has a long history of malpractices, deep-rooted habits and deep-rooted roots. Compared with hedonism and extravagance, formalism and bureaucracy are more stubborn, complex, deep-seated and fundamental, and more difficult to deal with and more arduous tasks. Keep a calm and clear head at all times, with the political determination of always on the road, with firm tenacity and perseverance, while continuing to focus on the problem of hedonism and extravagance, and resolutely prevent the problem from rebounding, we should rectify formalism and bureaucracy in the spirit of self revolution, focus on breaking through the difficulties, and constantly promote the correction of "four styles" to develop in depth, We will continue to consolidate, expand and implement the spiritual achievements of the Central Committee's eight point rule, continue to deepen the work style construction, and polish the golden card of work style construction.

People's Daily (November 29, 2018, edition 06)

(Editor in charge: Xie Qian, Cheng Hongyi)
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