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Micro video | Youth from 22 countries say "the Belt and Road"

16:17, August 27, 2018 Source: People's Daily client

From 2013 to 2018

The Belt and Road Initiative

From idea to action

From vision to reality


We interviewed overseas students from 22 countries

This matter of China's initiative

What do they think?

   Why choose China to study abroad?

Some people, because of the Chinese culture and people

Some people, because of China's education and technology

Some people, because of the vitality and vitality of China

Some people, because of China's development and road


   What's your favorite Chinese food?

Spicy hot soup, roast duck, fried rice with eggs, husband and wife's lung slices

Chinese diet

And become their daily life


   Do you know the "Belt and Road"?

From Camel Road to Zheng He's Voyage

From history to reality

From development to cooperation

Foreign students not only understand

More expectant


   What changes have been brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative?

Some students said

Although the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed by China

But it will bring huge benefits to all countries

Other students said

The dream of China is also the dream of the world


Whether from



Or Africa


Both are "Belt and Road" construction

Partners in international cooperation


"Belt and Road" construction

It will be discussed by everyone

Achievements of the Belt and Road Initiative

Will be shared by everyone

   Five years since the Belt and Road Initiative

   work steadily

   Tomorrow will be better

Planner: Yu Ronghua, Lei Cuijie, Han Xiaomeng, Liu Gefei, Li Songxiao, Hou Jieying

Camera: Lin Yuan, Wang Jingyuan, Enron, Wu Kai, Chen Xiangru

Editor: Wang Jingyuan, Chen Xiangru

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(Editor in charge: Song Heli, Huang Jin)