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Heard I was in Delingha Hunan Appreciation Meeting was held in Hengyang

May 19, 2024 14:27 | Source: People's Network
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On May 18, the Hunan Appreciation Meeting of Selected Essays of Chinese Cultural Geography "Heard I was in Delingha" was held in Chuanshan Academy, Dongzhou Island, Hengyang. Forty or fifty Hunan literary and art workers, experts and scholars, literature lovers, and specially invited representatives of Delingha City participated in this activity.

Delingha is the transliteration of "Aliteng Delingha" in Mongolian, which means "golden world" or "golden field". Because of the poem "Sister, I'm in Delingha Tonight" by Haizi, a poet, many people are fascinated by Delingha and hope to see the "out of print" scenery of Gobi New City. In this land with a long history and cultural tradition, the cultural brand of "Modern Poetry City, Romantic City" is increasingly prominent.

Heard I'm in Delingha is the first selected prose of Delingha, edited by Gan Jianhua, a Hunan writer who worked in Qaidam, and published by Huanghai Digital Publishing House in April this year. It reflects Delingha with a broad vision and novel writing, and collects the masterpieces of 55 writers. As soon as it was published, it attracted great attention. More than a dozen famous writers and book critics have written reviews for it.

Participants in the activity of the day believed that "Heard I was in Delingha" was widely drawn, rich in emotion and literature, strong in identity and high in recognition. It demonstrated the elegance and style of a place with multi tone chorus, and believed that it could withstand the test of time, so that Delingha would become a poem and a distant place that more people yearned for. The successful holding of this Hunan Appreciation Conference has further built a bridge and link between Hunan culture and plateau culture.

(Editor in charge: Fang Jinglun, Lv Qian)

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