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National Day Film Special Planning Phase IV

Literary and Art Star Talks | Ning Hao, Ge You, Shen Teng, Zhang Translated "Confession", "I and My Hometown"

10:17, October 4, 2020 | Source: People's Daily Online - Cultural Channel
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Editor's Note: Many masterpieces gathered at this year's "National Day Archive"! Culture and Entertainment Department of People's Daily Online "Celebrities of Literature and Art" We launched a special plan for the National Day festival, invited some film creators to tell the behind the scenes stories of the film, injected new momentum into the film market to speed up the recovery, and helped the film industry recover comprehensively.

"Me and My Hometown" is a sister piece of the film "Me and My Motherland", and it is a letter written by a Chinese film for everyone's hometown. I hope you can find that touch. "The film" Me and My Hometown "was released on the National Day, and its chief director Ning Hao said in an interview with the Culture and Entertainment Department of People's Daily Online, "I am particularly happy to be able to work with Ge You again during this shooting process to continue the role of 'Zhang Beijing'." When talking about the difference between the two 'Zhang Beijing', Ge You smiled: "2008 was because of the Olympic tickets, this year is a real gold and silver medical treatment, which is not easy, and finally it is under the control of the state."

"Ge You is a master among masters"

People's Daily Online Entertainment: You are from Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, but you are shooting the story of Good People in Beijing. What do you think of this hometown theme?

Ning Hao: The film "Me and My Hometown" is a unit story, which closely focuses on the theme of poverty alleviation this year, and tells about the earth shaking changes in urban and rural areas across the motherland. Divide the east, west, north and south by space. China is the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. I missed the cooperation with my hometown Shanxi, but I still have to consider the overall situation. During this shooting process, I was able to cooperate with Uncle Ge again and shoot "Zhang Beijing" again. It was also a special pleasure for me. It was very pleasant.

People's Daily Online Entertainment: Why do you like Zhang Beijing so much? When preparing for the film, is Mr. Ge You your best choice?

Ning Hao: My film has always focused on ordinary citizens, and this time it is just a combination of old Beijing culture. Beijing culture was a particularly important symbol and influence in my childhood and adolescence, and when I had the opportunity to cooperate with actors such as "Uncle Ge" who are full of Beijing regional characteristics, I especially wanted to shoot something with Beijing cultural texture, of course, it is these kind Beijing citizens.

From the early stage, Ge You's movie characters represent a kind of people we are particularly familiar with, who are kind-hearted, optimistic and hardworking with small problems. Ge You wears an Olympic hat in the movie, and the familiar Zhang Beijing comes back together. Whether a film can succeed or not, it is essential to create real and representative characters.

People's Daily Online Entertainment: Zhang Zhanyi, who was brilliant in Shylock on the Plain before, played his cousin from Hengshui. His combination with Ge You was a surprise.

Ning Hao: Uncle Hengshui is an authentic rural person. I think Zhang Zhanyi's original performance in previous films is very representative. There is a gap between this performance and his own. He needs to work hard to create a character and has accomplished his task very well.

People's Daily Online Entertainment: It has a sense of being both a simple person and an actor. The same is true of the boys who came to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games in My Motherland and Me.

Ning Hao: In my opinion, anyone can do it. Truth is the most important. Every time Ge You met such actors, he said modestly that he could not perform well. In fact, it also proved Ge You's own power.

It is difficult for a professional actor to play with the so-called untrained actors. Only when you meet a real expert can you immediately catch the unfamiliar rhythm without losing his own performance, which really proves that Ge You is still an expert among the experts.

(Editor in charge: Liu Zhe, Lu Jing)

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