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"Pushing the Wall" will never succeed


16:48, August 9, 2016 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

From August 2 to 5, the Tianjin Second Intermediate People's Court heard four cases of subversion of state power for four consecutive days. The defendants Zhou Shifeng, Hu Shigen, Zhai Yanmin, Gou Hongguo and other four people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from three to seven and a half years for committing the crime of subversion of state power. (August 6, CCTV)

As the saying goes, if you don't do it, you won't die. Zhou Shifeng, Hu Shigen, Zhai Yanmin, Gou Hongguo and other four people were willing to serve as pawns of the western anti China forces, engaged in activities to subvert the state power, and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from three to seven and a half years, which was their own fate. The verdict of the case according to law means that the "wall pushing campaign" carried out by the four people has ended in failure.

The term "wall pushing" may not be familiar to many people. In fact, what the so-called "wall pushing movement" wants to overthrow is the wall of our socialist system, and what it wants to overthrow is the leadership of the Communist Party of China. It can be seen that there is a huge political conspiracy behind the "wall pushing movement", which is a criminal act challenging the national constitution and laws.

Of course, the wall pushers are not fools. They know that they engage in "wall pushing" in a blatant manner, which is not only illegal and criminal, but also unpopular. Therefore, these people use "hot events" to make malicious hype, illegally gather to make trouble under the guise of "protecting people's rights", incite people with unknown truth to hate the government, deliberately distort the facts and attack the current system in an attempt to subvert the state power.

There are countless examples like this, and the shooting at Qing'an Railway Station in Heilongjiang is the most typical. Throughout the whole incident, from "the police shooting is to stop petitioning", to someone going to Qing'an to "support" under the banner of visiting the people, to "the next dead is you and me" to incite, it is all a farce of Zhou Shifeng and others making trouble. The purpose of hyping a case with clear right and wrong is to achieve the purpose of the 'dead beat' system through 'dead beat' cases.

I don't know whether the shoes fit or not until I wear them. What path a country chooses and who it chooses to lead, only its own people have the most say. Since the founding of New China, the development and changes of the country have been obvious to all, and the people's living standards have improved significantly. These are all proved by irrefutable facts: the ruling of the Communist Party of China is competent and well supported by the people; The socialist system with Chinese characteristics is superior and cannot be shaken by those with ulterior motives.

The leadership of the Communist Party of China is a historical choice, and the implementation of the socialist system in China is the choice of the people, which cannot be questioned or denied. As Chinese people, we must not be confused in loving the Party and patriotism. Otherwise, anyone who disregards the historical facts and takes the wrong path of "changing the flag" will be a national sinner and will be severely punished by law. Whoever disregards the will of the people and harms the fundamental interests of the masses is the national enemy and will be rejected by the public.

Zhou Shifeng and others stand in the dock to accept a just trial, which is really very gratifying. However, the author believes that it is far from the time to celebrate the success of several "wall pushers". After all, whether the network supervision measures are effective, whether the legal fight against rumors is effective, whether the eradication of illegal religious organizations is in place, and whether the response to hot public opinion is timely are all the thought-provoking points of the case. By making up for these shortcomings and taking precautions, we can confidently say no to the "color revolution".

(Editor in charge: Huang Ceyu, Xie Lei)
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