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"Steadily shoulder the burden of grain growing" ("I am a party member, I am on the post")

Our reporter Sun Chao

08:47, May 21, 2024 Source: People's Daily

Zhu Xia took the seedlings and planted them in the paddy field.
Photographed by Liu Xinrong

Zhu Xia (fifth from the right) and experts from China Rice Research Institute and Hunan Agricultural University are inspecting the experimental field.
Photographed by Fu Cong

The beginning of summer is over, and the early rice seedlings in Taijiu Village, Taiyuan Town, Hengyang County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, are tillering.

In the field, a group of young fliers (UAV drivers) drive pickup trucks and carry plant protection UAVs around.

"The efficiency is 10 times that of labor, the cost is only 1/10, and the pesticide consumption can also be reduced by more than 20%." Zhu Xia, known as "Sister Xia", is the leader of this group of young people, and knows everything about modern agricultural equipment. Since returning home to take over the baton of grain growing from her father, "Sister Xia" has gathered more than 70 people around her, half of whom are young people under 35 years old. In 2022, Zhu Xia, 33, was elected as the representative of the 20th CPC National Congress.

Zhu Xia has accumulated experience in practice, from studying farming to planting well, to leading more young people to work together.

In 2017, Zhu Xia, who had just given up her teaching career in the city, decided to return to her hometown to farm. "The first time I opened the harvester, I shoveled the rice, weeds and mud all at once. The first time I was a flying hand, I 'bombed the harvester'. It was a joke," recalled Zhu Xia. At that time, someone said that it was OK for female children to engage in management and sales behind the scenes, but Zhu Dongyang, the father of the "old master" of grain growing, told her, "It's definitely not good to grow grain without going into the field."

"If you want to plant good grain, you have to go to the field!" With this strength, after several busy seasons, Sister Xia not only played in farming in the field, chasing the latest varieties, good opportunities and good methods, but also found out the way of operation and management of agricultural cooperatives.

"New farmers must have new ideas and bold innovation, and must be careful with details." A few simple words embody the "truth" she has explored for several years. A few years ago, the cooperative led by Zhu Xia introduced the most advanced factory centralized seedling raising assembly line in Hunan. In the past, only two people were needed to manage the seedling field.

This year, Zhu Xia focused on the substrate soil needed for industrialized seedling breeding.

In the past, the substrate soil for seedling raising was mostly purchased from neighboring provinces, and the cost per kilogram was as high as one yuan and two yuan. This year, under the guidance of Wang Yaliang, associate researcher of China Rice Research Institute, Huang Min, professor of the Agricultural College of Hunan Agricultural University, Zhu Xia's alma mater, and a group of experts and scholars, Zhu Xia took the young people of the cooperative to do experiments together. Using the yellow mud in the local mountains, the pond mud in the water, and mixed cow dung, leaves, chaff, etc., Zhu Xia trial produced her own seedling raising substrate soil. Because the transportation cost is saved and the raw materials are locally available wastes, the cost of matrix soil is reduced to two or three cents per kilogram.

One party member holds one flag. As a party representative, a member of the village general party branch, and the director of the village committee, Zhu Xia has led and driven not only the industry, but also the team, gathered strength, and encouraged confidence.

Wang Tao, a major grain grower after 2000, was influenced by Zhu Xia and firmly embarked on the road of grain growing. "If anyone says that there is no future in grain growing, let him have a look at Zhu Xia. She is our model."

Today, the Tiantai High quality Rice Professional Cooperative led by Zhu Xia produces, purchases and sells more than 10000 tons of high quality raw grain annually, which has led to more than 100 jobs. The cooperatives grow more than 3800 mu of rice all year round, most of which are double cropping rice. The surrounding 2000 mu of dry land with poor irrigation conditions used to be at risk of desertion. Now corn, soybeans and sorghum are planted, and the benefits are no worse than that of rice.

On the May 4th Youth Day this year, the "second generation of farmers" and "new farmers" near Taijiu Village gathered at Zhu Xia's house and sat down at three tables. How to cheer everyone up is Zhu Xia's top priority and the main purpose of this party.

It turned out that just last month, a sudden hail caused heavy losses to rape in Taijiu Village. Zhu Xia and her husband together felt that they should give everyone encouragement and encouragement.

"The burden of planting grain should be firmly shouldered, and our generation should succeed." Zhu Xia encouraged everyone with her own experience, and planting grain can also make people rich. As we chatted, everyone's frowns widened, and the topic of exchange unconsciously turned into this year's agricultural materials market information and government relief subsidies.

Zhu Xia also told everyone that she planned to build a rural revitalization museum, a grain museum and an idyllic complex. "We hope to explore more possibilities for the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, and introduce agricultural, cultural and tourism projects by taking advantage of the natural scenery of rice fields and lotus ponds, so that villagers can eat ecological agricultural and tourism meals at their doorsteps." "Sister Xia" is also imagining a new picture.

People's Daily (May 21, 2024, version 19)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Tang Song)
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