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Xinxiang City, Henan Province, built a unified platform, integrated multiple departments, and participated in the consultation——

One stop mediation to solve disputes efficiently for the masses

Our reporter Wang Lewen and Fang Min

08:46, May 21, 2024 Source: People's Daily

Core reading

Xinxiang City, Henan Province has built a comprehensive service center for social governance at the district, town and village levels, which gathers multiple departments and builds a unified platform. The masses reflect their demands in one window and participate in the problem solving together. One stop mediation to resolve conflicts and disputes accurately and efficiently for the masses.

In early summer, when we entered Xiaodian Town, Hongqi District, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, we saw a busy scene - on the side of the provincial road, various trucks carrying building materials rushed to the construction site; On the other side, many trucks pulled agricultural and sideline products into the distance. Located between the central urban area and the two development zones, Xiaodian Town has a large floating population, which sometimes leads to economic disputes. Where can I find an explanation when encountering contradictions?

Entering the Xiaodian Town Comprehensive Social Governance Service Center, Hao Siqi, the party secretary of the town who is receiving the interview, gave the answer: the district has built a comprehensive social governance service organization at the district, town and village levels, built a comprehensive mediation and resolution platform, and the people can only go to one place to achieve "closed-loop circulation and full chain resolution" of conflicts and disputes.

Xinxiang City attaches importance to prevention, and focuses on strengthening the prevention and resolution of conflicts and disputes at the grass-roots level by building a comprehensive governance center, adhering to mediation as a priority, and promoting joint construction and sharing. How are these practices carried out? How effective? The reporter came to Xinxiang for investigation.

Prevention comes first, and grid workers find problems in time

Some time ago, a training institution in Baolong Community, Hongqi District experienced operating difficulties, which triggered the anxiety of the parents who applied. This situation was learned by Liu Dekang, a grid worker on daily visits, and immediately reported to the grid worker at the next higher level. The public security team of Xinxiang Social Stability Front Command immediately coordinated with the cultural and tourism departments to respond quickly. Soon, with the intervention of cultural and tourism departments, all the children of the residents involved were coordinated to another training institution to continue to complete the courses.

"According to the analysis of big data platform, there are two such incidents in the near future. It is suggested that this kind of incident should be investigated in the whole city." Seeing the platform tip, the cultural and tourism department of Xinxiang City, together with financial institutions, recorded 116 training institutions in the city into the capital supervision platform to avoid their inability to provide effective services due to operational difficulties. For more than half a year, there has been no such incident in Xinxiang City.

Reflect the social situation and public opinion, and let early warning run ahead of disputes. Since 2023, Xinxiang City has set up a social stability front headquarters, set up 11 special working classes, and cooperated with 21 departments to establish mechanisms such as joint research and judgment, joint disposal of risks, so as to achieve daily clearing, daily settlement, and immediate delivery and handling.

"Through supervision, inspection and review, we have taken interview warnings to backward departments to prevent the intensification of conflicts and disputes," said Zhu Dongya, commander and deputy mayor of Xinxiang Social Stability Front Headquarters and director of Xinxiang Public Security Bureau.

In order to put prevention first, Xinxiang City focuses on improving the governance platform of "grid governance, refined services, and information support". At present, Xinxiang has divided 15000 basic grids in the city in accordance with the principle of "reasonable region, convenience and benefit of the people", and established a four level grid management system of county, township, village and group (area).

Who will handle the grid delimitation? In Hongqi District, a model of "government affairs+police affairs+social affairs" has been established to mobilize village (community) directors, civilian auxiliary police, grid officers, volunteers and other personnel; In Fengqiu County, village leaders, party members, village level reserve cadres and other personnel are selected as grid leaders, forming a pattern of "co governance and co management, and everyone's participation".

The "sole board" can run fast, and big data must be accurate. "Ping An Xinxiang" mobile phone application has played a major role in grass-roots governance. A few days ago, Duan Huanbin, a grid worker in Wenyan Street, Yanjin County, found a traffic sign on the roadside was damaged. He uploaded the report to the "Ping An Xinxiang" mobile app. Two minutes later, Ren Chunping of the neighborhood committee in the district submitted to the superior for handling. 30 minutes later, the County Urban Management Bureau received the information and immediately sent people to the site for maintenance.

In the three years since the launch of the "Ping An Xinxiang" mobile phone application, 8.6 million pieces of information have been entered, basically all of which have been completed, and real-time collection, circulation, disposal and supervision have been realized.

Centralized handling, people only go to one place to resolve disputes

What should we do if partners forcibly move equipment and block the door due to the disagreement about the dividend distribution of cooperative profits? Li Da, a Guizhou merchant who opened a studio in East Street, Hongqi District, was puzzled: "I want to find a place to reason, but I don't know where to go."

Can people only go to one place to solve conflicts? In October 2022, Hongqi District set up the first comprehensive service center for urban social governance in Xinxiang City, integrating eight working platforms, promoting 12 units such as the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the court to work permanently, and 10 units to receive in turn, creating a comprehensive platform for resolving conflicts and disputes.

Arriving at the Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center of Hongqi District, Li Da reflected the appeal at the petition window. Niu Xiuli, a staff member of the Justice Bureau of Hongqi District, accepted the visit. Four days later, Niu Xiuli called together both parties involved, public security police, lawyers and others to participate in the problem negotiation, and Li Da's reasonable appeal was successfully resolved.

"Today, such a center has achieved district, town and village coverage and linkage. For problems that cannot be solved at the next level, it can 'whistle' to the next level, and the superior departments need to handle them within a time limit. In the first quarter of this year, the center has accepted, transferred and handled 2514 various matters, and completed 2303." Liu Hongfeng, secretary of the Hongqi District Party Committee, introduced.

In Xinxiang City, many places have set up such comprehensive service centers for social governance. The problem of "multi heads" and "poor management" has been solved before. The masses can solve the problem by only running to the ground.

After the masses have left, is it litigation, arbitration or mediation? The answer of Xinxiang is that mediation should be given priority, and all efforts should be made to achieve "better mediation and lower cases".

"Mr. Shao, please help us to mediate first. If mediation fails, we can go through the judicial process." Yue Yan, the judge of the filing court of Huojia County Court, handed a bill to Shao Zexiang, the mediator - a company in Zhengzhou sued a company in our county for arrears in advertising fees. Shao Zexiang understood the case and called both parties involved. Talking about the legal provisions, calculating the litigation costs... After Shao Zexiang's mediation, the defendant paid the fees, and the mediation before the lawsuit was successful.

Mediation work is highly professional. Where can we find professional strength? Xinxiang City absorbs social mediation forces such as lawyers, arbitration, notarization and psychological consultation. At present, the city has 3694 full-time mediators. Since 2023, Xinxiang People's Mediation Organization has received 1410 cases entrusted by petition, public security, courts and other departments, and 1392 cases have been successfully mediated, effectively sharing and resolving the pressure of petition and court trial.

Jointly build and share, and participate in grass-roots social governance in many ways

What a beautiful picture of the countryside - the sun is not yet in the west. On the square at the west end of Sunxingtou Village, Fengqiu County, the square dance has already started. Colored fans fly and move in order, and the villagers dance vigorously; The wheat field behind us is boundless, and the harvest is coming.

Previously, this square was a collection point for sundries. It was time for the village to carry out the action of "clearing up danger and demolishing violations". Some villagers advocated demolition, but Zhai Dayou, the construction villager, objected: "I spent money to build it, there is a contract, don't demolish it!" The demolition action had not yet started, and the sundries at the grain collection point tripped an old man in the village. The family of the old man asked Zhai Dayou for an explanation and saw a conflict.

Fortunately, a contact mechanism has been established in the village to let the party members contact the villagers and discuss matters. In the Xitou area of the village, the representative of the joint household is Zhai Jinwen, a party member. Zhai Jinwen convened villagers and Zhai Dayou to hold a meeting, and invited the village lawyer Tong Fangrui to attend the meeting. Let's talk: "If you stumble, you should pay for it" "If you violate the law, it will not be protected by the law" "In other words, it is not easy for you to build a grain collection point. We will help you find new land and build a better one"

The villagers' words were reasonable, and Zhai Dayou agreed. After the new grain collection point was built in the north of the village, the old grain collection point was demolished and transformed into a sports square.

To resolve conflicts at the grass-roots level, Xinxiang City adheres to the leadership of party building, and relies on the strength of "one village, one police, one legal adviser, one pollster team" to regularly carry out hidden danger investigation, conflict resolution, law popularization, difficulty resolution and other work, and a large number of grass-roots conflicts are in the bud. Xinxiang City also pays attention to giving play to the strength of the masses themselves, "to discuss their own affairs", to achieve self resolution of contradictions.

To strengthen the collective economy, we must standardize collective resources. However, in the past, there were some contracts with obviously unreasonable terms in the village. Do these contracts count? Who's in charge? In May last year, Huojia County promoted the standardization of rural affairs management and started to clean up the non-conforming contracts. If this work is done well, a large number of contradictions can be eliminated.

What did Huojia County do? In Kangbei Village, Huojia County, Li Shengcai, secretary of the general party branch of the village, introduced that the village convened party representatives and villagers to discuss together, publicized all contracts, reviewed them one by one according to laws and regulations, and eliminated the non-standard ones and left the legal ones. Then, the land will be measured again one by one. The pricing of each piece of land will be discussed on the council, and will be publicized after the collective decision.

The practice of public participation, joint construction and sharing not only convinced the villagers, but also greatly improved the prestige of the grass-roots party organizations, and the countryside took on a new look. In 2023, the collective income of Kangbei Village will increase from 400000 yuan in the past to more than 1.2 million yuan. A total of 1523 non-standard contracts were cleared up in Huojia County, and the village collective income increased by 14.62 million yuan.

People's Daily (May 21, 2024, 13th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Ren Yilin)
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