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Shenyang strengthens the political and organizational functions of community party organizations

Stimulate grassroots vitality and improve community governance (new practice of grassroots governance)

Our reporter Hao Yingcan

08:45, May 21, 2024 Source: People's Daily

"Now the road is level, the lights are on, the infrastructure is perfect, and life is very convenient." Zhang Yunxiu, 80, recently moved back to Mudan Community, Huanggu District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province.

Peony Community, which was founded in 1983, is a typical old community. Such old communities are not uncommon in Shenyang. How to ensure the people's livelihood of old residential areas has always been an important topic of local grass-roots governance.

In recent years, Shenyang has strengthened the leadership of party building, promoted the downward shift of governance focus, and built an organizational system of "community party organizations - community (grid) party branches - building hospital party groups - party member central households" in grass-roots communities, so that the masses can see party members at ordinary times and find organizations when they are busy. "We built the party branch in the community and the party group in the building yard, so that the party members can drive the masses to actively participate in community governance," said Wang Hui, secretary of the party committee of Peony Community.

Extend the organizational system, encourage neighborhood mutual assistance and social participation, and stimulate the vitality of autonomy

Entering the Jinyuan New Village Community of Wen'an Road Community in Heping District, the road is clean and tidy, the vehicles are parked orderly, and the green belt is lush. There is no special property management in Jinyuan Xincun Community, and the party branch of the community has taken the responsibility of serving the residents. "Party groups have been set up in all five buildings of the community, and 11 party member central households have also been identified." Zou Fengmei, secretary of the party branch of Jinyuan Xincun Community, introduced that "we play the role of the battle fortress of the party organization and the vanguard role of party members to stimulate the vitality of residents' autonomy."

"A community often has thousands of residents, hundreds of units and dozens of buildings, but there are often only 10 community cadres, so it is difficult to serve the masses." Su Zhankui, deputy director of the Organization Department of the CPC Heping District Committee, said that, taking Wen'an Road Community as an example, the community has 19 residential areas, 78 buildings and yards, many rental households and many immigrants, but only 20 community workers. "To this end, we divided 19 residential areas into 16 grids, established all party branches, set up 78 building hospital party groups, and identified 215 central party members," said Jia Xinlu, secretary of the Party Committee of Wen'an Road Community.

Wen Ran, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee and head of the Organization Department, said that in recent years, the city has adjusted and established more than 6200 community (grid) party branches, established more than 12000 building hospital party groups, identified more than 18000 party member central households, and stimulated the enthusiasm of "community party organizations - community (grid) party branches - building hospital party groups - party member central households", We will effectively unite Party members and the masses around Party organizations.

Adhere to the big article of "end management", and also be good at turning the "single fight" of the community into a "coordinated fight" of mutual assistance among neighbors and social participation. "We have set up a 'big party committee' discussion platform at the community level, including representatives of government agencies, enterprises and public institutions, large-scale new economic organizations and social organizations in the region, and party organization leaders. We have held at least one meeting every month to jointly study and solve the urgent problems encountered by the masses." Liu Hui, a member of the Organization Department of Shenyang Municipal Party Committee, introduced.

"In the past, our community party organizations handed over problems to functional departments for them to solve. Now we have a 'big party committee', and everyone sits together every month to study and solve problems together," Jia Xinlu said.

Improve the living environment, integrate resources of all parties, and enhance the function of the party masses service position

Among the 6588 residential districts in Shenyang, 3547 are old residential districts, accounting for 53%. In recent years, Shenyang has insisted on taking the renovation of old residential areas as an important subject of grass-roots governance, focusing on serving, facilitating and reassuring the people, improving the living environment as much as possible, and enhancing the sense of gain and happiness of residents.

In the reconstruction of Kuixing Community in Dadong District, the problems of building external wall thermal insulation, pavement repair and maintenance, and private building and disorderly construction, which were strongly reflected by residents, were solved first. "Before the transformation, we built a platform for residents to communicate and discuss through small benches, face-to-face communication, WeChat group timely response and other ways, widely soliciting opinions and suggestions, promoting consensus, and ensuring that the issues strongly reflected by residents are solved first," said Fu Zhuo, secretary of the Kuixing Community Party Committee.

"Under the leadership of the Party branch, each project implementation community has set up a resident supervision group to supervise the project quality at home at any time. Many parties jointly supervise and manage, and meet and solve problems in a timely manner when encountering problems," Liu Hui said, "After the transformation, the acceptance will be carried out by combining the 'public opinion acceptance' with the professional acceptance of the project, and the residents' satisfaction assessment will be organized. Those with low residents' satisfaction will not be accepted."

In the reconstruction of old residential areas, Shenyang always insists on asking people for their needs, asking people for advice, and asking people for help, so as to promote residents to become participants and builders from bystanders. From 2021 to 2023, Shenyang has completed 1456 old residential areas, and 267 more will be completed this year, benefiting more than 770000 households.

The Organization Department of Shenyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China firmly grasped the opportunity of the transformation of old residential areas, and focused on improving the function of the party masses service position. "Based on the original foundation, our Peony Community Party Mass Service Center has transformed the abandoned boiler room, improved the elderly care service on the first floor, turned the second floor into a volunteer home, and transformed the original waste space into a city study," said Wang Hui.

Party building leads grass-roots governance, and the party masses service center is an entity platform. "In combination with the renovation of old residential areas, we have increased efforts to build, renovate and expand community party masses service centers, integrate employment, education, old-age care and other service resources, and improve the level of standardized construction and the function of serving the masses." Wen Ran said.

Implement livelihood projects, provide quality services, and meet the needs and expectations of the people

At the "Happiness Education Class" in Poly Xinyu Garden Community, Tiexi District, more than 10 children, under the guidance of teachers, painted the image of persimmons. The curriculum outside the classroom also includes eloquence, calligraphy, scientific experiments and other characteristic courses.

"There are many dual worker families in our community, and it is a problem that no one takes care of the children after school." Wang Huan, secretary of the Party Committee of Poly Xinyu Garden Community, introduced that "guided by the needs of residents, we carry out after-school trusteeship in working days, and carry out characteristic classes on holidays, and children aged 3 to 12 can sign up."

Whether the masses are satisfied or not is an important yardstick to test the effectiveness of grass-roots governance. Focusing on the needs of the masses, the Organization Department of Shenyang Municipal Party Committee fully played the role of coordination, implemented livelihood projects such as comfortable employment, happiness education, healthy Shenyang, and quality pension into the community, so that the masses can enjoy high-quality and convenient services. "By organizing and carrying out activities such as' sending classes to the community ',' school holidays and community school opening ', school teachers, community part-time teachers, residents' volunteers, etc. have cumulatively sent 119000 class hours to the communities throughout the city." Liu Hui said, "What residents expect, we will focus on what needs to be supplemented, so that residents have needs and communities have services."

To condense "small neighborhoods" into "big families", we need to respect the dominant position of community residents, and form a community of social governance in which everyone is responsible, responsible and enjoyed.

Lushanjun Community, Lushan Community, Huanggu District once faced problems such as aging and short circuit of wires, disorderly parking of vehicles, etc. "We regularly hold neighborhood meetings to listen to the opinions and ideas of residents in the community." Liu Xuqing, secretary of the Lushan Community Party Committee, introduced that under the leadership of the community Party Committee, residents in the community participated in the renovation of aging lines, vehicle management and other work. With the efforts of everyone, the community has taken on a new look by repairing fences, painting walls, planting trees and grass. At the same time, Shenyang advocates to set up volunteer service teams in each community and carry out actions such as "I am the opposite" and "happiness knocking", so that residents' troubles can be helped and solved.

"We adhere to the clear direction of focusing on the grass-roots level, further enhance the political and organizational functions of the street and community party organizations, make the grass-roots battle fortress more stable, the governance system more perfect, and the community service more refined, so as to provide a solid organizational guarantee for promoting the modernization of the urban grass-roots governance system and governance capacity." Wen Ran said.

People's Daily (May 21, 2024, version 12)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Ren Yilin)
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