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Publication and distribution of Chinese Culture Open Class

08:44, May 21, 2024 Source: People's Daily

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 20 -- The Chinese Culture Open Class, a book on the theme of cultural inheritance and development of "One Hundred Lectures on Core Values" organized by the Propaganda and Education Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department and Guangming Daily, was recently published by the People's Publishing House and distributed nationwide.

This book is based on the theme of cultural inheritance and development of "100 forums of core values", inviting domestic authoritative experts and scholars to select typical elements of Chinese culture, such as Hongshan, Liangzhu, Erlitou, the Grand Canal, Dunhuang, Yungang, the Forbidden City, Chinese classics, etc., with a broad and open vision of civilization, vivid cultural relics and historical materials, and profound and simple cultural interpretation, Lead the public to deeply explore the development process of the pluralistic integration of the Chinese civilization, feel the distinctive character of the Chinese civilization of integrity, innovation, openness and inclusiveness, and understand the ideological, moral and spiritual power contained in the excellent values of the Chinese nation.

This book is knowledgeable, readable, and thoughtful. It has rich pictures and videos, profound cultural connotation, nearly 260 photos of real scenes and cultural relics, and nearly 50 excellent videos and important documents. It allows readers to touch Chinese history more closely, feel the flow of culture, and let the core values of socialism resonate in cultural inheritance and development, It will certainly play a positive role in helping the cadres and the masses to strengthen their historical and cultural self-confidence and to devote themselves to the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

People's Daily (May 21, 2024, 07 Edition)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Ren Yilin)
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