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The All China Women's Federation launched the "happy online" marriage service activity

09:29, May 20, 2024 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 20 - Connect the heart seeking true love and build a bridge to beauty. On May 18, the All China Women's Federation (ACWF) held a "happy online" marriage and friendship activity in Beijing Olympic Forest Park, attracting more than 500 young guests. Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Vice Chairman and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Women's Federation, sent sincere wishes to young friends and jointly launched the "Happy Online" marriage service activity with the guests present.

Huang Xiaowei said that the Women's Federation would actively provide support and help in marriage, love and friendship, and hoped that young friends would establish a correct concept of marriage, love, fertility and family, reap the happiness of friendship and love, expand the happy journey of life, and witness a new era and forge ahead on a new journey together.

At the event site, Miao Xiaohong, the 82 year old "hard core grandmother" who flew back to the blue sky, shared their happy story with his wife He Xiaoming and his family, Winter Olympic champion Xu Mengtao and her husband Wang Xindi. Later, in the vigorous walking movement, the male and female guests enhanced their understanding and deepened their understanding in the interaction through easy and interesting games.

It is reported that the All China Women's Federation, together with relevant departments, has organized a series of "Happy Online" friendship activities in more than 600 cities across the country. Through outdoor hiking, love drama, youth singing, lawn camping, bonfire party, reading salon and other rich and diverse social experiences, nearly 300000 single young people have actively participated. In the next step, the All China Women's Federation will build a public service platform of "China Marriage Network", set up a team of "Women's Brand" public service matchmakers, carry out a series of friendship activities, provide a package of warm and intimate marriage services, etc., to help young people solve their worries and troubles in marriage and dating, and promote the new trend of marriage and childbearing into thousands of families.

Li Baojun, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Feng Ling, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Women's Federation, Ma Liejian, Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Women's Federation, and relevant responsible comrades from the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Cyberspace Office, the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Beijing Women's Federation, Chaoyang District Government attended the event. (Reporter Huang Yuqi, intern Feng Sitong)

(Editor in charge: Wang Xianjin, Qin Hua)
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