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Family and Country Love

Small family, big love, feeling the most beautiful "home" power in the new era

10:48, May 15, 2024 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

On the occasion of the International Family Day on May 15, the All China Women's Federation (ACWF) launched a series of short videos titled "Family Conditions · Big Love in Small Families" to encourage families to inspire the spirit of dragon and horse, foster feelings of family and country, and inherit good family traditions through the vivid practice of the most beautiful and civilized families, to jointly write a magnificent chapter of Chinese modernization on the new journey, and to welcome the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding achievements.

Family is the first class of life. A beautiful family brings happiness to family members and cohesion to social progress.

Home is the smallest country, and there are thousands of countries. Every "most beautiful family" is writing a "most beautiful story". They integrate the realization of personal dream and family dream into the national dream and national dream, encouraging hundreds of millions of families to pursue "the most beautiful" and happiness.

On the International Family Day on May 15, let's listen to the story of "the most beautiful family" and feel the power of the most beautiful "home" in the new era.

Spring breeze turns to rain, and family style turns to people. The strength of each family tradition inheritance leads the family to go far away; Every family's happiness in the future will save strength for the country's development.

Home style Zhiyuan, Zerun China, small family has great love, love home more patriotic. With the joint efforts of hundreds of millions of families, we should support the good social ethos with good family customs, and inject the strength of all families to forge ahead for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation!

Copywriting | Song Meiqi, Feng Sitong (intern)

Video Source | Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Past reviews:

Family and Country Love · Family Love | Episode 4: Red Family Style Never Fade

Family and Country Love · Small Family and Great Love | Episode 3: Family is the smallest country and thousands of families

Family and Country Love · Love from a Small Family | Episode 2: Happiness comes from struggle

Family and Country Love · Love from a Small Family | Episode 1: Jointly Draw Family and Country Dreams

(Editor in charge: Wang Keyuan, Qin Hua)
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