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Family and Country Love

Red family style never fades

09:17, May 15, 2024 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

On the occasion of the International Family Day on May 15, the All China Women's Federation (ACWF) launched a series of short videos titled "Family Conditions · Big Love in Small Families" to encourage families to inspire the spirit of dragon and horse, foster feelings of family and country, and inherit good family traditions through the vivid practice of the most beautiful and civilized families, to jointly write a magnificent chapter of Chinese modernization on the new journey, and to welcome the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding achievements.

A family of three generations has formed a family version of Lei Feng's class, a family of three has rooted in the red old area for more than 20 years, and a family has integrated "always following the party" into the red blood line... The good family style of thousands of families has supported the good atmosphere of the whole society, let's walk into their story of "red family style will never fade".

Family of Qiao Anshan and Zhang Shuqin:

Never forget to practice Lei Feng's spirit

  Photo source: Fushun News Network

Photo source: Fushun News Network

Over half a century,

Qiao Anshan continued to write the story of Lei Feng in the new era.

As Lei Feng's comrade in arms,

He has been together for nearly 4 years,

On the day of leaving Lei Feng,

Qiao Anshan always practices and spreads the spirit of Lei Feng.

He brought the spirit of Lei Feng home,

Three generations of a family form a family version of "Lei Feng Class",

Let Lei Feng spirit blossom everywhere on the motherland.

Zhang Kecheng, Tian Yongjun Family:

Honesty, integrity, and moistening the original intention

 Photo source: Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Photo source: Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Zhang Kecheng, who has won the "First Class Battle Merit",

After being demobilized and transferred to local jobs, he took root in Mengyin Mountain,

It has been more than 20 years.

He is the most beautiful tax collector,

His wife, Tian Yongjun, is his "honest domestic helper".

After his son engaged in financial work,

Remember your father's advice,

Every account is clear,

Every sum of money is clean.

Family of Fu Zhuo and Chen Baisong:

Integrating "always following the party" into the red blood

 Photo source: Chinese Women magazine

Photo source: Chinese Women magazine

The red gene is deeply rooted in this family,

There are five people in the family from the great grandfather to the uncle in four generations,

He sacrificed his life for the independence of the Chinese nation and the founding of New China.

Under the family discipline of "always follow the party",

Fu Zhuo's father Fu Jianqiao,

On the site of the Battle of Juru Mountain

Wuhan Jurushan Campaign Museum was built.

Fu Zhuo and Chen Baisong,

The spirit of our ancestors' heroic struggle and fearless sacrifice,

Transform it into a driving force for science and technology to serve the country.

The husband and wife hope to use the revolutionary spirit of their father's generation

And his own practice of serving the country through science and technology,

Let family customs and family instructions be inherited.

Copywriting | Song Meiqi, Wang Keyuan, Wang Zifeng, Feng Sitong (intern)

Video Source | Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Source | China Women's Daily, China Women magazine, Fushun News Network

(Editor in charge: Wang Keyuan, Qin Hua)
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