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Family and Country Love

Home is the smallest country, and there are thousands of families

08:20, May 15, 2024 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

On the occasion of the International Family Day on May 15, the All China Women's Federation (ACWF) launched a series of short videos titled "Family Conditions · Big Love in Small Families" to encourage families to inspire the spirit of dragon and horse, foster feelings of family and country, and inherit good family traditions through the vivid practice of the most beautiful and civilized families, to jointly write a magnificent chapter of Chinese modernization on the new journey, and to welcome the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding achievements.

The patriotic feelings are engraved with the watchful look, the "green family" is guarded with the lookout, and the "artery" of the development of the motherland is injected with a hundred years of hard work... Home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of thousands of families. Let's walk into their story of "filling the country with one heart and supporting the family with one hand".

The family of Brumahan Mulledo:

With mountains and rivers as evidence, we can carve patriotism with watching

 On October 1, 2012, in Jigen Township, Wuqia County, Xinjiang, Burumahan Maoleduo looked at the snow mountains on the border. Photographed by Jiang Wenyao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On October 1, 2012, in Jigen Township, Wuqia County, Xinjiang, Burumahan Maoleduo looked at the snow mountains on the border. Photographed by Jiang Wenyao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Donggulamatong Outer Mountain Pass, Jigen Township, Wuqia County, Xinjiang,

The altitude is 4290 meters.

On more than 100000 stones of all sizes,

Both are engraved with two words, "China".

The Burumakhan family,

As a border guard on the Pamirs,

Use your feet to measure your faith for a lifetime.

Three sons, two daughters,

They have also become "watchers".

Loving the motherland is a family's heritage,

It is the belief of the whole family.

Family of Liu Jun and Wang Juan:

Just to guard the green "sea"

 Liu Jun (right) and Wang Juan are outside the Sea Watching Tower on Moon Mountain in Saihanba Machinery Forest Farm (photographed on August 23, 2021). Photographed by Mou Yu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

Liu Jun (right) and Wang Juan are outside the Sea Watching Tower on Moon Mountain in Saihanba Machinery Forest Farm (photographed on August 23, 2021). Photographed by Mou Yu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

One home, two people, a forest,

26 years waiting.

Liu Jun and Wang Juan

He is the watchman of the Moon Mountain Sea Watching Building of Saihanba Machinery Forest Farm in Hebei Province,

In order to better guard the Saihan Dam,

They moved their families to the mountains,

Once every 15 minutes during the day

One hour lookout at night,

Day after day, year after year,

Ensure zero fire at Saihan Dam.

They integrate their youth into the forest,

Integrate loyalty into the family,

This sincerity is awe inspiring.

Li Guosheng, Jiao Ye's family:

Three generations of road builders have the same purpose

 Photo source: Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Photo source: Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

From the third line in southwest China

Speed up the railway,

In the era of high-speed railway,

A helmet, three generations of road builders.

Li Guosheng's family gathers less and leaves more,

For decades,

Contribute to the railway construction relay,

Cultivate youth and blood in the development artery of the motherland.

Copywriting | Song Meiqi, Wang Keyuan, Wang Zifeng, Feng Sitong (intern)

Video Source | Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Source | People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, WeChat official account of Great Wall New Media

(Editor in charge: Wang Keyuan, Qin Hua)
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