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Family and Country Love

Jointly paint the dream of family and country

14:34, May 14, 2024 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

On the occasion of the International Family Day on May 15, the All China Women's Federation (ACWF) launched a series of short videos titled "Family Conditions · Big Love in Small Families" to encourage families to inspire the spirit of dragon and horse, foster feelings of family and country, and inherit good family traditions through the vivid practice of the most beautiful and civilized families, to jointly write a magnificent chapter of Chinese modernization on the new journey, and to welcome the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding achievements.

Star picking in space is an agreement between mother and daughter in heaven; The love of his parents lights up his dream of skating rink; Two generations of relay guard the dream of national prosperity and people's security at the northern gate of the motherland... consciously integrate the ideal of life and family happiness into the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and closely link the personal dream with the Chinese dream. In the final analysis, the well-off dream, the strong country dream, and the Chinese dream are the happy dreams of the people.

Wang Yaping, Zhao Peng Family:

Flying to the sky to realize the dream, writing the deep feelings of family and country with love and dedication

Photo source: Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Flying to the sky twice to realize the dream,

On the "Space Platform",

Wang Yaping is a heroic astronaut who went on an expedition for his country,

She is also a mother, daughter and wife.

183 days in space,

Wang Yaping's space station sleeping area,

The family photo has been posted all the time.

Home is a warm harbor,

Give her strength and courage.

Ren Changwei, Li Yan Family:

Friendly company lights up the dream of ice rink

Photograph provided by respondents

The first experience of "flying" on the ice at the age of 8,

Let Ren Ziwei plant the "golden dream".

At the age of 24, at the Beijing Winter Olympics,

The dream of Olympic champion will come true.

On the way of chasing dreams,

Ren Ziwei's parents are always watching in their hometown,

"Gekong" accompanied him through difficulties.

Parents nurture talents for the country,

His son won glory for his country,

Family love lights up the dream of ice rink.

Xue Kui, Han Shuxiu Family:

"Border Protection Family Posthouse" without changing defence for half a century

Photo source: Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Wind and snow patrol,

The Border Town family has always been determined to move forward.

They have been patrolling the border for more than 50 years,

We have identified that "guarding the border is guarding the country".

Chaimen connects the country,

The warmness of the home was delivered by the police and the people's heartfelt border protection post station.

After his son retired from the army and returned home,

Follow your parents' footsteps and continue to patrol the border,

At the north gate of the motherland,

Guarding the dream of peace and prosperity.

Copywriting | Song Meiqi, Wang Keyuan, Feng Sitong (intern)

Video Source | Publicity Department of All China Women's Federation

Source | People's Daily Overseas Edition, China Women Magazine, Heilongjiang News Network

(Editor in charge: Wang Keyuan, Qin Hua)
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