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Revitalize e-commerce in Red Village to empower

13:38, November 28, 2023 Source: Party building in Sichuan

"Come and make dumplings soon" "Dumplings with leek stuffing are delicious"... On October 20, the party masses service center in Zhuyuan Village, Zhongquan Town, Ziliujing District, Zigong City was very busy. A group of elderly people gathered together to mix stuffing, make dumplings, and cook dumplings. There was a lot of laughter and laughter at the scene. This scene, which was broadcast live by Liu Ying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Zhuyuan Village, attracted many netizens to "watch".

"At the end of today's live broadcast, six 'fans' have been added." Liu Ying will be especially happy every time "fans" are added. "After attending the exchange and learning activities of the Red Village's collective economy e-commerce anchor, I began to explore e-commerce live broadcast, hoping to get more attention, so that I can help villagers sell specialty."

This year, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee thoroughly implemented the deployment requirements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee on the construction of red and beautiful villages, innovatively held the exchange and learning activities of the anchor of the collective economy e-commerce in red villages, and focused on organizing special training, learning exchanges, field observation, etc. of the collective economy e-commerce talents in red villages with the theme of "Party building leads the" red e-commerce "empowering rural revitalization", Help cultivate an e-commerce talent team that meets the needs of rural revitalization and development in the new era, and consolidate talent support for the development of red villages.

Select the anchor talents to inherit the red gene

In recent years, with the continuous development of media technology, live streaming with goods has become the largest growth point of e-commerce platforms. In rural areas, the number of netizens engaged in live broadcast of agricultural products is increasing, and the scale of online retail of agricultural products is also expanding.

At present, there are 86 red villages in our province. How to revitalize the unique red resources of red villages and strengthen the collective economy? E-commerce live broadcast has become one of the breakthrough paths.

"The new format of online live broadcasting is rising rapidly, which has played a positive role in promoting the development of the industry and enriching culture, but there are also problems such as lack of main responsibility, and the good and bad anchors are intermingled. Therefore, the first step for Red Village to carry out live broadcasting with goods is to strictly check the key, and select positive energy anchor talents." The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee said that the anchor talents as the spokespersons of Red Village, When promoting the collective economic development of red villages, we should tell the story of red villages and inherit the red gene.

From September 14 to 16 this year, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee held the first exchange and learning activity for the anchor of the Red Village collective economy e-commerce at the "Central School" of Pengzhou Grassroots Party Members' Micro Party School. For the anchor candidates participating in the training, this activity strictly grasped three distinct keywords: red village, collective economy and e-commerce talents. The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee disclosed: "We highlight the two criteria of 'young' and 'excellent' in the selection of people, adopt the method of 'recommendation by city and county level by level, and organize unified inspection', and accurately select e-commerce anchor talents who have long rooted in the grassroots and served the rural areas from 86 red villages in the province to participate in the training."

"This is my first time to participate in a provincial event since I became an e-commerce anchor, and let me feel the care and care of the organization for our Red Village." said Wu Renjie, an e-commerce practitioner in Tangba Village, Jintang Town, Kangding City.

Organize special training and empower e-commerce development

"Many of our products are primary agricultural products. If you want to sell them, you must improve your core competitiveness and service ability." On September 16, the first lesson of the exchange and learning activity of the anchor of the Red Village's collective economy e-commerce was opened by Zhao Hailing, the director of Qingchuan County Hengfeng Edible Fungus Planting Professional Cooperative.

Zhao Hailing, 33, returned to his hometown Qingchuan to open an online shop after graduating from college in 2009. After 14 years of development, the online shop has transformed into a provincial leading enterprise, driving more than 4000 mushroom farmers in Qingchuan to become rich, and providing jobs for many local people in need.

The three-day course is avant-garde and practical. In accordance with the principle of "what is lacking, what is supplemented, what is done and what is learned", the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee makes an overall plan to grasp the unique advantages of the Red Village and the needs of e-commerce development, flexibly and accurately teach, and implement all-weather and whole process teaching.

"Thematic" precise teaching. At the opening ceremony, the leaders of the relevant departments and offices of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee put forward the clear requirements of "positive energy, honesty and quality" to the students on how to be a "red e-commerce", "collective economy e-commerce" and "rural revitalization e-commerce". The person in charge of the Characteristic Industry Development Department of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs explained to the students how to do a good job in local products and develop and strengthen the characteristic industries in rural areas.

"Targeted" learning education. In the link of "experts speak theory", lecturers from Sichuan Media College were invited to explain "the principle of enabling new agriculture in the rural live broadcast room of" prospering agriculture through digital commerce "- e-commerce live broadcast and dithering game"; In the "Online celebrity talks about experience" segment, four online celebrity anchors Wang Lixuan, Yang Shanghui, Zhao Hailing and Peng Junsong were invited to explain how to become an excellent and strong e-commerce anchor based on their own experience.

"Immersive" viewing experience. Participants visited Chengdu Seven Eight Four Cultural Media Co., Ltd. and Pengzhou "Fat Baby Four" webcast live spots. They walked into the rural live broadcast room, walked to the anchor to observe their feelings, and effectively improved their professional skills in the "immersion" teaching.

"From the curriculum to the lecturers, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has made careful design." Liu Fu, secretary of the general party branch of Wenzhai Village, Tongxian Town, Anyue County, sighed, "I have tried to do live broadcast before, but I can't find the way. Through this professional training and exchange, I have thoroughly opened my mind and found the tricks."

Highlight practical results and polish the "golden signboard"

This activity is not only a "gas station", but also a "exchange meeting", and more importantly, a "training ground". Through practical learning and interactive exchanges, the trainees further clarified their ideas, and expressed that they would use the e-commerce live broadcast platform to promote red resources, drive the development of characteristic industries, and constantly polish the "golden signboard" of red and beautiful villages.

After the training, the trainees returned to their villages to share their learning experience, provide free information technology guidance to villagers, assist willing villagers to open online stores, and drive more people around to understand and engage in e-commerce.

"The effect of the propaganda was immediate. After the meeting, six villagers signed up to join the e-commerce team." Liu Hongmei, deputy director of the village committee of Changsheng Village, Lishan Town, Yilong County, said, "The village has set up a contact group for willing villagers and organized relevant training. At present, three villagers have opened live broadcast accounts."

With the above leadership and interaction, the party building leads the "red e-commerce" to enable rural revitalization, which is becoming the new normal for the province to focus on the party building to lead the development of red villages.

Next, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee will continue to organize the Red Village to jointly carry out various party building and joint construction activities, drive the party mass education with party member education, and promote the party building to lead the construction and development of the Red Village; Continue to build a digital service platform for the Red Village and build an e-commerce public service station; We will continue to cultivate a number of party members and e-commerce demonstration households, develop more e-commerce talents into party members, and cultivate more party members into e-commerce talents.

(Author: Yu Na, All media reporter of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee Organization Department, Literature and Art, Sichuan Party Construction)

(Editor in charge: Wang Zifeng, Wang Keyuan)
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