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Qiushi magazine published important articles by General Secretary Xi Jinping

Several Major Problems in Current Economic Work

08:07, February 16, 2023 Source: People's Daily

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 15 (Xinhua News Agency) The fourth issue of Seeking Truth, published on February 16, will publish a part of Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, on December 15, 2022, an important speech at the Central Economic Work Conference.

The article emphasizes that the economic work in 2023 will be in a myriad of threads. It is necessary to start from the overall strategic situation, focus on the main contradictions, start from improving social psychological expectations and boosting development confidence, grasp the key links, and do a good job.

The article points out that efforts should be made to expand domestic demand. Insufficient aggregate demand is a prominent contradiction facing the current economic operation. We must vigorously implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and take more effective measures to achieve a virtuous circle of social reproduction. We should optimize policies and measures and give full play to the fundamental role of consumption and the key role of investment. First, give priority to the recovery and expansion of consumption. Second, government investment and policy incentives can effectively drive the investment of the whole society. We should continue to give play to the supporting role of exports in the economy and accelerate the building of a strong trade country.

The article points out that we should speed up the construction of a modern industrial system. We should practice our internal skills and stand firm. China has the world's most complete industrial system and the largest potential domestic demand market. It is necessary to effectively improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain supply chain, and pay close attention to making up weak points and forging long ones. First, ensure the smooth circulation of the national economy. China's economy must ensure national security, basic people's livelihood, and the normal operation of infrastructure and basic industries as a whole. Second, accelerate the upgrading and development of the industrial system. We should plan ahead in key areas, comprehensively upgrade the modernization level of the industrial system, consolidate the leading position of traditional competitive industries, and create new competitive advantages.

The article points out that "two unswervingly" should be implemented. We must be clear and unequivocal, always adhere to the direction of socialist market economy reform, and adhere to the "two unswervingly". First, deepen the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises, and improve the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises. The second is to optimize the development environment of private enterprises and promote the development of private economy.

The article points out that greater efforts should be made to attract and utilize foreign capital. Throughout the world, developed countries and emerging economies have taken attracting and utilizing foreign capital as a major national policy, and the international competition for attracting investment has become more intense. We need to promote high-level opening up, rely on China's super large market advantage, and attract global resource elements through domestic circulation. We need to not only retain high-quality stock of foreign capital, but also attract more high-quality foreign capital to improve the quality and level of trade and investment cooperation. First, expand market access. Second, comprehensively optimize the business environment. Third, we should provide targeted services for foreign-funded enterprises.

The article points out that we should effectively prevent and resolve major economic and financial risks. We must adhere to the principle of treating both the symptoms and root causes, combining the near and far, and firmly hold the bottom line of no systemic risk. First, prevent the real estate industry from causing systematic risks. The second is to prevent and resolve financial risks. Third, prevent and resolve the risk of local government debt.

The article emphasizes that there is still much important work to be done in 2023. We should comprehensively promote rural revitalization and resolutely prevent large-scale poverty. Plan a new round of comprehensively deepening reform. We will work together to build high-quality development along the Belt and Road. We will thoroughly implement major regional strategies and coordinated regional development strategies. Promote green transformation of economic and social development and build a beautiful China.

People's Daily (February 16, 2023, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Wang Xiaoxiao)
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