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Speech at the 20th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology

(May 28, 2021)

Xi Jinping

07:59, May 29, 2021 Source: People's Daily

Fellow academicians, comrades and friends

Today, the 20th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology were grandly opened. This is a grand meeting for us to discuss and promote China's scientific and technological innovation and development at the historical intersection of the "two centenary goals" and an important moment to start a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

First of all, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the opening of the conference! I would like to extend my sincere condolences to the scientific and technological workers who have worked hard in all positions! May 30 is the fifth National Science and Technology Workers' Day. I would like to extend my holiday greetings to all the science and technology workers in the country!

This year marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In all historical periods of revolution, construction and reform, our Party has attached great importance to the cause of science and technology. From attaching great importance to the work of intellectuals during the revolutionary period, to sounding the horn of "marching towards science" after the founding of New China, to putting forward the conclusion that "science and technology are the first productive forces" in the reform and opening up; Since entering the new century, we have thoroughly implemented the knowledge innovation project, the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, and the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, constantly improved the national innovation system, and built an innovative country. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have proposed that innovation is the first driving force, comprehensively implemented the innovation driven development strategy, and built a world science and technology power. Science and technology has always played a very important strategic role in the cause of the Party and the people Played a very important strategic role.

Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has comprehensively analyzed the competitive situation of international scientific and technological innovation, thoroughly studied and judged the development situation at home and abroad, and, in view of the outstanding problems and challenges faced by China's scientific and technological undertakings, insisted on putting scientific and technological innovation at the core of the overall national development, and comprehensively planned scientific and technological innovation. We adhere to the Party's overall leadership over the cause of science and technology, view the overall situation, grasp the fundamental, and form an efficient organizational mobilization system and a coordinated allocation model of science and technology resources. We firmly grasp the strategic goal of building a world science and technology power, seize the opportunity of global science and technology development with a sense of mission, responsibility and urgency to seize the moment, and strive to be the first in the basic frontier fields. We give full play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation, strive to make new breakthroughs in original innovation, achieve leapfrog development in important scientific and technological fields, promote the autonomy and controllability of key core technologies, and strengthen the integration of innovation chain and industrial chain. We have comprehensively deployed the reform of the scientific and technological innovation system and introduced a series of major reform measures to improve the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system. We focus on implementing the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, creating a good ecological environment for talent innovation, gathering talents from all over the world and using them to fully stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of scientific and technological personnel. We have expanded openness and cooperation in science and technology, actively integrated into the global scientific and technological innovation network, actively participated in solving major challenges facing mankind, and worked hard to promote the benefits of scientific and technological innovation achievements to more countries and people.

In 2016, we held the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, the Academicians' Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 9th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. In 2018, we held the Academicians' Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Over the past few years, under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the joint efforts of the national scientific and technological circles and all sectors of society, China's scientific and technological strength is making a qualitative leap from the accumulation of quantity, a breakthrough from the point to the improvement of system capability, and new historic achievements have been made in scientific and technological innovation.

——Important progress was made in basic research and original innovation. The overall strength of basic research has been significantly strengthened, and the overall level of chemistry, materials, physics, engineering and other disciplines has been significantly improved. We have made a number of major original achievements in the frontier directions of quantum information, stem cells, brain science, etc. A number of major basic research tasks were successfully organized. "Chang'e 5" realized the sampling and return of extraterrestrial objects, "Tianwen 1" launched Mars exploration, "Huairou 1" gravitational wave storm high-energy electromagnetic counterpart all day monitor satellite was successfully launched, "Huiyan" directly measured the strongest magnetic field in the universe so far, and the 500m spherical radio telescope found millisecond pulsars for the first time, The new generation of "artificial sun" was discharged for the first time, "Xuelong 2" made its first voyage to the South Pole, and the quantum computing prototype of 76 photons "Nine Chapters" and the 62 bit programmable superconducting quantum computing prototype "Zuchongzhi" were successfully launched. Spallation neutron sources and other major scientific and technological infrastructure with world-class level have passed the acceptance.

——New leaps have been made in the strategic high-tech field. Actively seize the commanding heights of science and technology in deep sea, deep space, deep earth, deep blue and other fields. "Haidou 1" completed the 10000 meter sea trial, "Endeavor" successfully sat on the bottom, the Beidou satellite navigation system was fully opened, the core module of the Chinese space station was successfully launched, the "Long March 5" remote three carrier rocket was successfully launched, the world's most advanced nuclear astrophysics accelerator was successfully launched, and "Shenwei · Light of Taihu Lake" Supercomputers for the first time realized ten million core parallel first principles computing simulation, and Mozi realized relay free thousand kilometer quantum key distribution. The first trial voyage of the "Tiankun" was successful. New breakthroughs have been made in the third-generation nuclear power technology of "Guohe No.1" and "Hualong No.1".

——New breakthroughs have been made in high-end industries. The C919 large aircraft is ready for operation, the 600km/h high-speed maglev test prototype has successfully run, and the shield machine with the largest diameter has successfully started. Beijing Daxing International Airport was officially put into operation, and the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge was put into operation. Intelligent manufacturing has made great progress, artificial intelligence and digital economy have developed vigorously, image recognition and voice recognition have taken the lead in the world, and 5G mobile communication technology has taken the lead in realizing large-scale application. The development of new energy vehicles was accelerated. Consumer UAVs account for more than half of the global market. The continuous innovation of methanol to olefin technology has driven the rapid development of China's coal to olefin industry.

——Science and technology have played an important role in the prevention and control of COVID-19. The scientific and technological community has provided scientific, technological and decision-making support for the Party and the government to scientifically respond to the epidemic. The first COVID-19 strain in the world was successfully isolated, the viral genome was sequenced, a batch of clinical treatment drugs, testing equipment and reagents were developed, and several vaccines were developed and applied. Science and technology provided strong support in infection control, virus traceability, disease treatment, vaccine and drug research and development, and resumption of production, and a successful scientific and technological war against epidemics was fought.

——Remarkable achievements have been made in science and technology for people's livelihood. Significant progress has been made in the localization of high-end medical equipment such as medical heavy ion accelerators, magnetic resonance, color ultrasound, CT, etc. By using scientific and technological means to build a new model of targeted poverty alleviation, science and technology industries and talents have been cultivated for poor areas. Science and technology has played an important role in winning the battle against poverty. The promotion and application of a number of key technologies, such as clean and efficient combustion of coal and ultra-low emission control of steel multi pollutants, have promoted the improvement of air quality.

——Major achievements have been made in national defense science and technology innovation. National defense science and technology strongly supported the development of major weapons and equipment. The first domestic aircraft carrier was launched, and the fifth generation fighter J-20 officially entered service. The DF-17 ballistic missile has been successfully developed, and China is in the forefront of hypersonic weapons.

Practice has proved that China's independent innovation is promising! The vast majority of scientific and technological workers in China have great achievements! With the spirit of keeping pace with the times, courage to reform the old and reform the new, perseverance, facing the world's scientific and technological frontier, facing the main battlefield of the economy, facing the major needs of the country, facing the people's life and health, the majority of scientific and technological workers in China should grasp the general trend, seize the first opportunity, face problems directly, face difficulties, shoulder the important task entrusted by the times, and strive to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology!

Fellow academicians, comrades and friends!

The great changes that have not happened in the world in a century are accelerating, the international environment is complex, the world economy is in a downturn, the global industrial chain supply chain is facing remodeling, and the instability and uncertainty are significantly increasing. The COVID-19 epidemic has a wide and far-reaching impact, and the trend of anti globalization, unilateralism and protectionism is surging. Scientific and technological innovation has become the main battlefield of the international strategic game, and the competition around the commanding heights of science and technology is unprecedented fierce. We must maintain a strong sense of hardship and make full ideological and work preparations.

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is advancing by leaps and bounds, the scientific research paradigm is undergoing profound changes, the interdisciplinary integration is developing constantly, and the penetration and integration of science and technology and economic and social development are accelerating. The breadth of scientific and technological innovation has increased significantly. The macro world, ranging from the movement of celestial bodies, the evolution of galaxies, the origin of the universe, and the micro world, ranging from gene editing, particle structure, and quantum regulation, are all at the forefront of scientific and technological development in the world today. The depth of scientific and technological innovation has been significantly deepened. Deep space exploration has become the commanding height of scientific and technological competition. Deep sea and deep earth exploration has constantly expanded new horizons for human understanding of nature. The speed of scientific and technological innovation has been significantly accelerated. The rapid development of emerging technologies represented by information technology and artificial intelligence has greatly expanded the scope of time, space and people's cognition. Human beings are entering an era of intelligent interconnection of all things with the triple integration of "man, machine and things". Basic research and applied research in biological science have developed rapidly. The precision of scientific and technological innovation has been significantly enhanced, and the research on biomacromolecules and genes has entered the stage of precise regulation. From understanding life and transforming life to synthesizing life and designing life, it not only brings benefits to mankind, but also challenges bioethics.

After years of efforts, the overall level of science and technology in China has been greatly improved. We have the foundation, confidence, and ability to seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, and take advantage of the momentum to achieve great success. At the same time, we should also see that China's original innovation ability is not strong, the overall efficiency of the innovation system is not high, the integration of scientific and technological innovation resources is not enough, the layout of scientific and technological innovation forces needs to be optimized, the efficiency of scientific and technological input and output is low, the structure of scientific and technological talent team needs to be optimized, the scientific and technological evaluation system does not meet the requirements of scientific and technological development, and the scientific and technological ecology needs to be further improved. Many of these problems are long-term difficulties that need to be solved with great efforts.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the strategic goal of becoming the forefront of innovative countries by 2035. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of China's modernization drive, and take self-reliance in science and technology as the strategic support for national development. Based on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development, we must thoroughly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and the innovation driven development strategy, improve the national innovation system, accelerate the construction of a strong country through science and technology, and achieve self-reliance and self-reliance through high-level science and technology.

First, strengthen the original and leading scientific and technological research, and resolutely win the battle of key core technologies. If science and technology are established, the nation will be established; if science and technology are strong, the country will be strong. Strengthening basic research is an inevitable requirement for the self-reliance of science and technology, and an inevitable choice for us to go from unknown to known, from uncertainty to certainty. We should accelerate the development of a 10-year action plan for basic research. Basic research should have the courage to explore, highlight originality, promote the exploration and discovery of the evolution of the universe, the essence of consciousness, material structure, and the origin of life, expand the boundaries of understanding nature, and open up new cognitive boundaries. Basic research should apply traction and break through bottlenecks, condense scientific problems from the practical problems faced by economic and social development and national security, and understand the basic theory and technical principles of "choking" technology. We should increase financial investment in basic research, optimize the expenditure structure, give preferential tax treatment to enterprises' investment in basic research, encourage the society to invest through multiple channels such as donation and fund establishment, and form a sustained and stable investment mechanism.

In tackling key scientific and technological problems, we should adhere to the problem orientation and rush to the most urgent and urgent problems. Starting from the urgent and long-term needs of the country, we should make every effort to tackle key core technologies in oil and gas, basic raw materials, high-end chips, industrial software, crop seeds, instruments and equipment for scientific experiments, chemical agents and other aspects, and accelerate the breakthrough of a number of key core technologies in medicine, medical equipment, medical equipment, vaccines and other fields. In the basic core fields related to the overall development and national security, we should aim at artificial intelligence, quantum information, integrated circuits, advanced manufacturing, life health, brain science, biological breeding, aerospace technology, deep earth and deep sea and other frontier fields, and deploy a number of strategic and reserve technology research and development projects in the future, aiming at the commanding heights of future technology and industrial development. We should optimize financial investment in science and technology, focusing on strategic and key areas.

The key to the integration of innovation chain and industrial chain is to establish the dominant position of enterprise innovation. It is necessary to strengthen the innovation power of enterprises, encourage enterprise innovation in the positive direction, and force enterprise innovation in the reverse direction. We should give full play to the role of enterprises as the authors of the topic, promote the coordination of key projects and the integration of R&D activities, accelerate the construction of an innovation consortium led by leading enterprises, supported by colleges and universities, and coordinated with each other among innovation subjects, develop an efficient and powerful common technology supply system, and improve the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Modern engineering and technical science are indispensable bridges between scientific principles and industrial development, engineering research and development, and play a key role in modern science and technology system. We should vigorously strengthen the multidisciplinary integration of modern engineering and technological research, drive the development of basic science and engineering technology, and form a complete modern science and technology system.

Second, strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength and improve the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system. The world's scientific and technological powers compete against the national strategic scientific and technological strength. National laboratories, national scientific research institutions, high-level research universities, and science and technology leading enterprises are all important components of the national strategic science and technology force. They should consciously fulfill the mission of self-reliance and self-improvement of high-level science and technology.

According to the requirements of the "Four Faces", the National Laboratory should follow the trend of the world's scientific and technological development, adapt to the mission and task of China's development for scientific and technological development, produce more strategic and key scientific and technological achievements, and combine with the national key laboratories to form a national laboratory system with Chinese characteristics.

National scientific research institutions should be guided by national strategic needs, focus on solving major scientific and technological problems that affect the overall development and long-term interests of the country, speed up the construction of original innovation sources, and speed up the breakthrough of key core technologies.

High level research universities should better combine the development of science and technology as the first productive force, the cultivation of talent as the first resource, and the enhancement of innovation as the first driving force, give play to the advantages of profound basic research and interdisciplinary integration, and become the main force of basic research and the fresh force of major scientific and technological breakthroughs. We should strengthen the connection between the construction of research universities and the national strategic goals and tasks, strengthen basic frontier exploration and key technological breakthroughs, and strive to build a disciplinary system, academic system, and discourse system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style, so as to make contributions to the training of more outstanding talents.

Science and technology leading enterprises should give full play to the advantages of market demand, integrated innovation and organizational platform, and open the channel from strong science and technology to strong enterprises, industries and economies. It is necessary to take the lead of enterprises, integrate and gather innovation resources, form an innovation base with cross field, great cooperation and high intensity, carry out research and development of common key technologies in industry, transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and share services of scientific and technological resources, promote the integrated allocation of projects, bases, talents, and funds in key fields, and improve China's industrial infrastructure and industrial chain modernization level.

All regions should base on their own advantages, combine the needs of industrial development, and scientifically and rationally layout scientific and technological innovation. We should support qualified local governments to build comprehensive national science centers or regional science and technology innovation centers, so that they can become a gathering place for the world's cutting-edge scientific fields, technological innovation in emerging industries, and elements of global scientific and technological innovation.

Third, we should promote the reform of the scientific and technological system and form a basic system to support comprehensive innovation. We should improve the new nationwide system under the conditions of the socialist market economy, give full play to the role of the state as an organizer of major scientific and technological innovation, support strategic scientific plans and projects with long cycles, high risks, high difficulties and good prospects, focus on systematic layout, systematic organization and cross-border integration, and combine the forces of the government, the market, society and other aspects into a single rope, Form an overall advantage in the future. We should promote a better combination of the effective market and the promising government, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, guide the effective allocation of innovation resources through market demand, and form a strong joint force to promote scientific and technological innovation.

We should focus on improving the evaluation system and other basic reforms, adhere to the evaluation orientation with quality, performance and contribution as the core, and comprehensively and accurately reflect the innovation level of achievements, transformation and application performance, and actual contributions to economic and social development. In terms of project evaluation, it is necessary to establish and improve the evaluation system that conforms to the laws of scientific research activities, improve the classification evaluation system of free exploration and task oriented scientific and technological projects, and establish the evaluation mechanism of non consensus scientific and technological projects. In terms of talent evaluation, we should simultaneously "break the four rationalities" and "establish new standards", and accelerate the establishment of an evaluation system for scientific and technological talents oriented by innovative value, ability and contribution. We should support scientific research institutions to explore and pilot a more flexible salary system, stabilize and strengthen the team of scientific researchers engaged in basic, cutting-edge and public welfare research, and provide guarantees for their secure scientific research.

Science and technology management reform should not only do "addition", but also be good at doing "subtraction". We should take greater courage to promote the transformation of the functions of science and technology management, change our style of work, improve our ability, reduce direct intervention such as sharing money, materials and projects, strengthen the guidance of planning policies, give more autonomy to scientific research institutions, and give scientists more power to determine technical routes and use funds in accordance with the orientation of focusing on strategy, reform, planning and services, Let scientific research institutions and researchers free themselves from the cumbersome and unnecessary institutional constraints!

Innovation is independent of origin, and heroes are independent of origin. We need to reform the way in which major science and technology projects are established, organized and managed, and implement systems such as "unveiling the list and taking the lead" and "horse racing". It is necessary to study real problems and form a real list. We should really study the problem, let those leading scientific and technological talents who want to do something, can do something, and succeed in doing something take the lead to go to war, implement the system of chief technical engineer responsibility, the system of financial responsibility, and the system of credit commitment, so that regardless of qualifications, no threshold is set, and let the heroes of scientific and technological personnel with real talents have a place to play!

Fourth, build an open and innovative ecosystem and participate in global science and technology governance. Science and technology are universal, contemporary and the common wealth of mankind. We should plan and promote innovation from a global perspective, actively integrate into the global innovation network, focus on climate change, human health and other issues, and strengthen joint research and development with researchers from all countries. We should take the initiative to design and lead international major scientific plans and projects, and set up global oriented scientific research funds.

Technology is a sharp tool for development and may also become the source of risks. We should proactively study and judge the rule conflicts, social risks and ethical challenges brought about by the development of science and technology, and improve the relevant laws and regulations, ethical review rules and regulatory framework. We should deeply participate in global science and technology governance, contribute Chinese wisdom, shape the cultural concept of science and technology for good, make science and technology better promote human welfare, and let Chinese science and technology make greater contributions to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind!

Fifth, stimulate the innovation vitality of all kinds of talents and build a global talent highland. A world science and technology power must be able to attract, retain and make good use of talents globally. In the final analysis, China needs high-level innovative talents to achieve self-reliance in science and technology.

Cultivating innovative talents is a major plan for the long-term development of the country and the nation. The competition in today's world is in the final analysis the competition for talents and education. We should pay more attention to the independent cultivation of talents and the cultivation of scientific spirit, innovative ability and critical thinking. We should pay more attention to the cultivation of young talents, strive to cultivate a group of top scientific and technological talents with world influence, support a group of innovative teams, and cultivate more high-quality technical and skilled talents, craftsmen, and craftsmen from large countries. Our education can cultivate masters, and we should have this confidence! It is necessary to create an environment that respects labor, knowledge, talents and creativity in the whole society, form a fashion of advocating science, and make more young people have scientific dreams and innovative aspirations. "Planting sycamore trees will attract golden phoenix." It is necessary to build a scientific research and innovation highland that gathers global outstanding talents, and improve the policies for high-end talents and professionals to work, research and exchange in China.

Scientific and technological innovation is inseparable from the sustained time input of scientific and technological personnel. In order to ensure the time of scientific researchers, the Central Committee proposed in 1961 to "ensure that scientific and technological personnel have five days a week for scientific research". Guarantee time is to protect innovation ability! It is necessary to establish a guarantee mechanism for scientific researchers to focus on scientific research, and let scientific and technological personnel focus on scientific and technological innovation and research and development activities. Less scientific and technical personnel will participate in all kinds of recreational activities, which will not bring any loss! Never allow scientific and technological personnel to spend a lot of time on some unnecessary welcome and send off activities, unnecessary evaluation activities, and various formalistic and bureaucratic activities!

Fellow academicians, comrades and friends!

The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering are the highest academic institutions in the national science and technology and engineering science and technology circles, and are national strategic scientific and technological forces. We should give full play to the academic leading role of the two academies as national teams, the role of tackling key core technologies, and the role of cultivating innovative talents, solve major original scientific problems, brave the innovation "no man's land", break through the key core technologies that restrict development, and discover, cultivate, and gather a group of high-quality talents and high-level innovation teams. The two academies should strengthen the functions of national high-end think tanks, play the role of strategic scientists, actively carry out consultation and review, and serve national decision-making.

The Chinese Association for Science and Technology should shoulder the responsibility of the Party and the government to connect scientific and technological workers as a bridge and link, adhere to serving scientific and technological workers, serving innovation driven development, improving the scientific quality of the whole people, and serving the scientific decision-making of the Party and the government, and more broadly unite scientific and technological workers around the Party, carry forward the spirit of scientists, and cultivate a fine style of study. We should continue to face the world and the future, enhance openness, trust and cooperation with the international scientific and technological community, and make greater contributions to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Academician is the highest honorary title in science and technology and engineering science and technology in China. Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences are the wealth of the country, the pride of the people, and the glory of the nation. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, we have reformed the academician system and achieved positive results. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to deepen the reform of the academician system, so as to further return the title of academician to its honorary and academic nature. In the selection of academicians, we should break the seniority, eliminate the influence of non academic factors, strengthen social supervision, and maintain the purity of the academician title.

Here, let me give some hope to the academicians.

——It is hoped that the academicians will set an example of caring for the motherland and serving the people. On the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, generation after generation of scientists, with their hearts set on the motherland and the people, have made great contributions to the progress of science and technology, the improvement of people's lives, and the development of the Chinese nation without fear of hardship and selfless dedication. In the new era, it is more necessary to inherit and carry forward the patriotism spirit that takes the national destiny as its own responsibility, and it is more necessary to continue to carry forward the scientist spirit that takes patriotism as the background. Academicians should not forget their original intention, keep their mission in mind, respond to the call of the Party, follow the call of the motherland, maintain deep feelings of family and country and a strong sense of social responsibility, and work tirelessly for the Party, the motherland, and the people!

——It is hoped that the academicians will set an example in pursuing truth and climbing the peak bravely. Science takes exploring truth and discovering new knowledge as its mission. All truly original knowledge needs to break through the existing knowledge system. "Good scholars do their best, and good practitioners do their best." Academicians should be brave to climb the scientific peak, dare to be the first, pursue excellence, strive to explore the frontiers of science, discover and solve new scientific problems, put forward new concepts, theories and methods, open up new fields and directions, and form a new frontier school. It is necessary to overcome difficulties, pool wisdom to tackle key problems, aim at the key core technical problems of "choking neck", and lead the team to make major breakthroughs.

——It is hoped that the majority of academicians will set an example of adhering to academic ethics and rigorous scholarship. Honesty is an inevitable requirement of scientific spirit. Academicians should be models of academic ethics, adhere to academic ethics and research ethics, practice academic norms, let academic ethics and scientific spirit be internalized and externalized in practice, cultivate a clean and upright scientific research environment, and cultivate a rigorous and realistic scientific culture. People's energy is limited. Academicians should focus more on scientific research, try to reduce part-time jobs, and focus more on their professional fields.

——It is hoped that the academicians will set an example of being willing to be the ladder of people and rewarding the later scholars. "Talents come from every generation of the country", "Heroes come from youth since ancient times". Academicians should play the role of mentors in the cultivation of innovative talents. "Talents should be cultivated according to their own words and deeds, and academic democracy should be promoted. We should be willing to be the paving stone and guide for future learning, vigorously break down the culture of seniority and circle, encourage young people to innovate boldly and boldly, and let young talents emerge like a spring.

Party committees and governments at all levels should fully respect talents, care about academicians politically, support their work and care about their lives, listen carefully to the opinions of scientific researchers including academicians, strengthen scientific management and service guarantee of scientific research activities, and create a good innovation environment for scientific researchers.

Fellow academicians, comrades and friends!

The new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way has begun, and the bugle of marching towards the second century goal has sounded. Let us unite, dare to innovate, and work hard to make new and greater contributions to building a world science and technology power and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 28)

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