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Chen Yiqin: Strive to Achieve New Breakthroughs in Industrial Investment Promotion and Provide Strong Support for Promoting High quality Development

At 13:21 on March 20, 2021 Source: Guizhou Daily

Original title: Strive to Achieve New Breakthroughs in Industrial Investment Attraction and Provide Strong Support for Promoting High quality Development

News from our newspaper (reporter Xu Shaoting) On March 19, the provincial industry investment promotion and optimization of business environment teleconference was held in Guiyang. Chen Yiqin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, attended and delivered a speech. She stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Guizhou, focus on investment attraction with the greatest determination, the most powerful measures and the best style, and strive to achieve a new breakthrough in industrial investment attraction with the project as the hero, the ability to compare investment attraction, and the style of implementation, so as to provide strong support for promoting high-quality development in the province and ensuring a good start.

Li Bingjun, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the province, delivered a speech. Liu Xiaokai, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Lan Shaomin, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Provincial Committee, members of the Standing Committee of the CPC Provincial Committee, relevant responsible comrades of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and the provincial government, the President of the Provincial Court and the Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate attended the meeting. Li Zaiyong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and executive vice governor of the province, presided over the meeting. Hu Zhongxiong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, and vice governor of the province, reported the comprehensive results of industrial investment promotion and business environment assessment results of the province in 2020.

Chen Yiqin pointed out that in recent years, the provincial industrial investment promotion work has achieved remarkable results, which has made significant contributions to Guizhou's winning the battle against poverty, mastering the initiative of epidemic prevention and control, and realizing the rapid development of the "Golden Decade". The whole province should deeply understand that industrial investment promotion is a key move to promote high-quality development, maintain good economic development momentum, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, seize opportunities and meet challenges under the construction of a new development pattern, further enhance the sense of responsibility, mission and urgency, and use the new achievements of industrial investment promotion to help the high-quality development of the province, It will provide strong support for the province to break new roads, open new bureaus, seize new opportunities and make new achievements, and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements.

Chen Yiqin stressed that we should focus on new industrialization, new urbanization, agricultural modernization, and tourism industrialization to promote industrial investment. Take industry, especially advanced equipment manufacturing industry, as the top priority of investment attraction, closely focus on the top ten industrial industries, formulate investment attraction action plans one by one, increase investment attraction efforts, make full use of standard plants in the industrial park, and accelerate to increase the proportion of industrial funds in place. We will focus on attracting investment from cities and towns, introduce a number of major projects to improve the functions of cities and towns, improve the quality of cities and towns, enrich the cultural connotation of cities and towns, and promote urban renewal and transformation. Focus on agricultural investment attraction, and introduce a batch of leading enterprises such as agricultural breeding, deep processing, cold chain logistics, marketing, etc. Focus on tourism investment promotion, introduce a number of leading enterprises in the industry in the direction of "tourism+multi industry" integration, and expand the main body of the tourism market. We should focus on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the cultivation and growth of emerging industries to promote industrial investment, strive to strengthen pillar industries, expand emerging industries such as big data, and accelerate the transformation of new and old drivers. It is necessary to focus on strengthening the industrial chain and cultivating industrial clusters to promote industrial investment, speed up the completion of the weak points and weak links of the industrial chain, promote high-end chain supplement, terminal chain extension, and overall strength of the chain, accelerate the formation of a new pattern of industrial development with a good combination of upstream, midstream and downstream industries, and large, small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to achieve industrial agglomeration and intensive development.

Chen Yiqin required that leading cadres at all levels in the province, especially the main leading cadres, should take the industrial investment promotion as the No. 1 project and the No. 1 project. We should focus on investment promotion with the most firm determination, vigorously implement the three-year doubling action plan for industrial investment promotion, take the lead in attracting large and good projects, and make personal arrangements and deployment for key tasks, personal research and promotion for major projects, personal negotiation and docking of important customers, and personal coordination and solution of key problems. It is necessary to focus on investment promotion with the closest cooperation, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of various regions and departments, coordinate the relationship between cities and counties, and between development zones, and coordinate the relationship between the industrial chain, upstream and downstream, and industrial supporting facilities, so as to form a strong joint force for industrial investment promotion. We should focus on investment attraction with the best quality service, respect investors, serve investors, protect investors, create the brand of "VIP service", build a first-class business environment in China, and let investors do business in Guizhou with green light and prosperity. We should focus on investment promotion with the strictest standards, always adhere to colorful Guizhou to refuse pollution, firmly adhere to the bottom line of ecological environment, and effectively prevent risks in the field of investment promotion. We should focus on investment attraction with the best and strong team, and add the compound cadres who understand industry, policy, enterprise and negotiation to the backbone team of investment attraction, so as to create a business elite, hardworking, hardworking and tenacious investment attraction iron army. We should focus on investment attraction with the most excellent style to ensure that the industry's large investment attraction has achieved tangible results. Investment promotion should be regarded as an important part of cadre assessment, an important basis for cadre evaluation, and an important reference for promotion and reuse, so as to make the front line of investment promotion become an important racetrack for cadre growth.

Li Bingjun stressed that the relevant departments at all levels should deeply understand the extreme importance, realistic urgency and arduous task of strengthening investment promotion, quickly set off an upsurge of industrial investment in the whole province, vigorously implement the three-year doubling action plan of industrial investment promotion, and strive to double the accumulated funds in place for new industries compared with the previous three years. It is necessary to identify the industry and direction of investment attraction, scientifically select the leading industry, focus on the leading industry to identify key areas and target enterprises, and improve the accuracy and effectiveness of investment attraction. We should improve the effective working mechanism, make full use of all resources, focus on key tasks such as leading investment attraction, industrial investment attraction, industrial chain investment attraction, park investment attraction, resident investment attraction, central and private enterprises investment attraction, network investment attraction, business investment attraction, and take effective measures to introduce a number of key industrial talents. We should grasp the investment promotion policy, give full play to the guiding role of government industrial investment funds, strictly control the bottom line of preferential policies and environmental protection access, and never allow the introduction of projects that do not meet environmental protection standards. It is necessary to strengthen the full cycle service of projects from introduction to implementation, putting into production and reaching production capacity, and forming new growth points, strictly implement the main responsibilities of cities and counties, and ensure that projects can be introduced, implemented, and developed well. We should vigorously implement the three-year action plan to build the brand of "VIP service" and build a first-class business environment in China. With the spirit of self revolution, we should vigorously solve the outstanding problems of government breach of contract, low service efficiency, enterprises, laws, lawsuits, and cadres' style, vigorously build a pro government business relationship, and increase the efforts of open and secret investigations, typical exposure, and accountability, Smooth the channels for enterprises to express their demands, and help enterprises develop and grow with benign interaction between government and business. It is necessary to further strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen coordination and linkage, strengthen ability improvement, strengthen incentive assessment, vigorously inherit the spirit of the third line and the great spirit of poverty alleviation, carry forward the spirit of Guizhou in the new era, firmly fight the new hard battle of attracting investment, and promote the great leap forward of high-quality development with the breakthrough of attracting investment.

The meeting will be held at the county level in the form of video conference. Comrades in charge of relevant provincial departments and central units in Guizhou, main party and government leaders of cities and prefectures, and main leaders of the "1+8" national open innovation platform attended the meeting at the provincial main venue.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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