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Party, government and military leaders of Sichuan Province and Chengdu City participated in the 2021 voluntary tree planting activity Peng Qinghua attended

At 13:19 on March 20, 2021 Source: Sichuan Daily

Original title: Vigorously advocate the love of green plants, the protection of green plants, and the promotion of green plants, so as to make the sky bluer, the ground greener, and the water cleaner in beautiful Sichuan

News from our newspaper (Sichuan Daily All media reporter Zhang Shoushuai) The spring wind blows green and everything grows vigorously, which is a good time for afforestation. On the morning of March 19, the party, government and military leaders of Sichuan Province and Chengdu City participated in the 2021 voluntary tree planting activity in Shuangliu District, Chengdu City. Peng Qinghua, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Huang Qiang, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Province, Ke Zunping, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Deng Xiaogang, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Zhao Ruibao, Deputy Political Commissar and Director of the Political Work Department of the Western Warzone, and others attended.

Jincheng Park is located on both sides of the ring expressway in the central city of Chengdu and some wedge-shaped plots around it. Peng Qinghua, Huang Qiang, Ke Zunping, Deng Xiaogang, Zhao Ruibao and others came to the construction site of Shuangliu section of Jincheng Park and joined the cadres and the masses in planting trees. Shovel the soil, straighten the seedlings, fill in new soil, and carry water for irrigation... All of us worked together to plant ginkgo, cinnamomum camphora, osmanthus, hibiscus, Xifu crabapple and other seedlings. While planting trees, Peng Qinghua asked about the varieties and growth habits of seedlings, and told relevant departments to strengthen follow-up management and protection in tree planting to ensure that one area is planted, survived, and beautified. After a busy time, more than 300 newly planted seedlings stand on the green landscape belt of the park in an orderly manner.

During tree planting, Peng Qinghua, Huang Qiang and Ke Zun listened to the reports of the provincial and municipal leaders on the afforestation in the whole province, the promotion of park city construction and the demonstration project of ecological benefits to the people in Chengdu.

Peng Qinghua pointed out that afforestation is the main way to increase forest resources, an important measure to restore ecology, and the most inclusive livelihood project, which plays an irreplaceable special role in the construction of ecological civilization. The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to afforestation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has taken the lead in participating in voluntary tree planting every year and made a series of important instructions, which has set an example and pointed out the direction for us to further carry out voluntary tree planting activities and continue to promote land greening. As an important ecological barrier and water conservation area in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, Sichuan shoulders the important mission of ensuring and maintaining the national ecological security, with a unique ecological environment status and arduous ecological environment protection tasks. Taking the "14th Five Year Plan" and starting a new journey, the whole province should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, firmly establish the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, unswervingly take a new path of ecological priority and green development, further strengthen the protection and restoration of natural ecology, implement key ecological projects, do a good job in afforestation and greening, and strictly prevent forest fires, Constantly consolidate the green background of Bashan and Shushui, make the sky bluer, the ground greener, and the water clearer, and strive to write a beautiful chapter in Sichuan, China. We should insist on leading cadres at all levels to take the lead, mobilize the whole society to take action, carry forward the spirit of planting trees for the past and enjoying the cool for the future, add more trees to the land of Bashu, and form a strong atmosphere of loving, planting, protecting and rejuvenating the green in the whole society.

Also participating in the tree planting activities are: relevant leaders of the provincial party committee, the standing committee of the provincial people's congress, the provincial government, the provincial CPPCC, relevant leaders of the Western Warzone, the Western Warzone Air Force, the provincial military region, the Sichuan Armed Police Corps, relevant leaders of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, the municipal government, the municipal CPPCC, some provincial and municipal government officials, local people and volunteers.

According to the statistics of the Provincial Green Committee Office, during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the province completed 55.93 million mu of forest planting, and the forest coverage rate of the province reached 40.03%, 4.01 percentage points higher than that at the end of the "12th Five Year Plan". Among them, 8.3 million mu of afforestation will be completed in 2020, with a total of 23.4 million people participating in the voluntary planting of 83.63 million trees.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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