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The All China Federation of Industry and Commerce came to Hunan to carry out a special survey, Xu Dazhen, Mao Weiming and Xu Lejiang had a discussion

10:58, March 20, 2021 Source: Hunan Daily

Original title: All China Federation of Industry and Commerce Conducted Special Research in Hunan

On March 19, Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client (reporter Mao Qiu, Tang Yaxin, Liu Xiaoxue), from March 17 to 19, Xu Lejiang, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, led a research team of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce to Hunan to conduct research on "giving play to the role of enterprise innovation as the main body to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength". During this period, Xu Dazhen, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Mao Weiming, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Hunan Province, had a discussion with Xu Lejiang and his delegation in Changsha.

Provincial leaders Huang Lanxiang, Xie Jianhui, Zhang Jianfei, Zhang Jian and others attended the survey or the forum.

During the forum, Xu Dazhen thanked the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce for its long-term care and guidance for the development of Hunan's private economy. He said that under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, Hunan has always adhered to the "two unswervingly", vigorously revitalized the real economy, continued to accelerate the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, continued to increase investment in research and development, focused on becoming a strong enterprise and cultivating small giants, and promoted the private economy to become an important source of new impetus and new impetus. At present, we are deeply implementing the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on his inspection of Hunan, striving to create "three highlands", practicing the mission of "four new", focusing on the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization, and creating a market-oriented, legalized, and international business environment, which are inseparable from the sustainable development and growth of the private economy. It is hoped that the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce will continue to care about and support the development of the private economy in our province, promote more enterprises to increase their efforts in scientific and technological innovation, shoulder the heavy responsibility in serving the national strategy, highlight their role in helping rural revitalization, and contribute more to the construction of a modern new Hunan.

During his stay in Hunan, the research team had a discussion with representatives of relevant government departments, investment and financing institutions and entrepreneurs in Hunan. Xu Lejiang pointed out in the forum that in recent years, Hunan's innovation and development momentum is good, and many disruptive cutting-edge technologies, "choke" technologies and domestic blank technologies have been broken through in scientific and technological innovation. Hunan private enterprises have also made remarkable achievements in playing the role of innovation subject and promoting innovative development. With the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, it is of great significance to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength. Enterprises are the main body of scientific and technological innovation, and are part of the national strategic scientific and technological strength in the new stage. We should build a strategic science and technology innovation policy system that is conducive to forming the competitive advantage of the future industry, play the role of market mechanism, strengthen the power of science and technology innovation, adhere to science and technology to develop enterprises and strengthen enterprises, and firmly hold the initiative of innovation and development in our own hands; We should give full play to the advantages of government departments in coordinating and optimizing the allocation of resources, strengthen the strategic layout in basic research and frontier areas, and focus on solving basic and common problems. I hope Hunan will continue to support the work of the Federation of Industry and Commerce and jointly serve the high-quality development of private economy.

The research team also inspected relevant enterprises in Changsha.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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