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The Standing Committee of Hunan Provincial Party Committee held a meeting, Xu Dazhen presided over and delivered a speech

10:57, March 20, 2021 Source: Hunan Daily

Original title: Convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the ninth meeting of the Central Finance and Economic Commission Research on food safety

Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client, March 19 (reporter Mao Qu) This morning, the Standing Committee of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the ninth meeting of the Central Finance and Economic Commission, review and approve the Implementation Plan on Building "Three Highlands" to Promote High Quality Development in Hunan, and study food safety. Xu Dazhen, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over and delivered a speech.

The meeting stressed that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the ninth meeting of the Central Finance and Economic Commission made a clear plan to promote the healthy development of the platform economy and achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality. We should deeply understand and implement it. To develop the platform economy, we need to adhere to the principle of attaching equal importance to development and standardization, improve the rules and systems, promote fair competition, oppose monopoly, urge platform enterprises to assume responsibilities for data security, labor protection, commodity quality, food safety and security, accelerate the construction of new digital infrastructure projects, and better play the positive role of the platform economy in serving high-quality development and high-quality life. Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a tough battle and test. In accordance with the requirements of carbon peak action before 2030, the provincial carbon dioxide emission peak action plan should be studied and formulated with the promotion of the national low-carbon city pilot in the four cities of Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan and Chenzhou; We should give full play to the role of platforms such as the Chenzhou National Innovation Demonstration Area for Sustainable Development Agenda and the Asia Pacific Green and Low Carbon Development Summit Forum, actively strive for climate investment and financing pilot projects, and quickly explore and promote carbon sink trading; It is necessary to comprehensively handle the relationship between pollution reduction and carbon reduction and energy security, industrial chain supply chain security, food security, and people's normal life, implement pollution reduction and carbon reduction actions in key industries such as industry, construction, and transportation, and create a new trend of green and low-carbon life throughout the province.

The meeting stressed that we should adhere to the construction of "three highlands" as an organic whole, and build a responsibility system of joint management, division of labor and cooperation in accordance with the requirements of "provincial coordination, municipal implementation and promotion". It is necessary to implement the building of "three highlands" in all aspects of the whole process of economic and social development of the province, transform it into action plans, specific projects, major projects and work priorities of all departments and regions, and promote the gathering of resources from all aspects to build "three highlands". We should promptly introduce a three-year action plan, focus on the integrated development of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, and promote the modernization of the industrial chain. We should sort out the key points of work year by year, strengthen policy research, coordinate and integrate financial funds, and drive market investment. We should continue to implement the talent action plan of Furong, prepare a long-term talent development plan, take multiple measures to introduce leading scientific and technological talents, improve the management, use and incentive mechanism of high-level talents, and make all kinds of talents willing to come, stay, and develop well. We should pay close attention to the promotion and implementation of the Implementation Plan, and truly create a highland worthy of the name with high-level work.

The meeting pointed out that in recent years, the overall situation of food safety in our province has been stable and good, and people's satisfaction has increased year after year, but there is still no relaxation. We should thoroughly implement the important directive requirements of "the strictest standards, the strictest supervision, the strictest punishment, and the strictest accountability" put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping, implement the same responsibility of the party and government, compact the territorial responsibility and the main responsibility of production and operation enterprises, urge and guide relevant departments to perform their responsibilities according to law, strengthen supervision, review and assessment, and promote the implementation of food safety responsibilities. We need to tighten standards and thresholds, strengthen market supervision, crack down on and severely investigate and deal with violations, crimes, dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty in the field of food safety, and form a supervision system covering the whole process from farmland to table. We should take promoting the construction of a healthy Hunan as the overarching goal, strengthen coordination and cooperation, focus on social governance, strengthen positive publicity and public opinion guidance, and improve the modernization of the food safety governance system and governance capacity.

Other matters were also studied.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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