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Publicity Report Meeting of the Central Propaganda Group for Party History Learning and Education Held

Learn from the Party's history, understand the ideology, do practical things and start a new situation

Qu patriotic preaching Ying Yong presides over Wang Xiaodong to attend

10:53, March 20, 2021 Source: hubei daily

Original title: Learn from the history of the Party, understand the ideology, do practical things and start a new situation

Hubei Daily (Reporter Li Baolin, Zhou Chengsi) According to the unified deployment of the Central Committee, the Central Propaganda Group's Publicity Report Meeting on Party History Learning and Education and the Collective Learning (Enlarged) Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Provincial Party Committee were held in Wuhan on the morning of March 19. Qu Aiguo, a member of the Central Propaganda Group and Vice President of the Academy of Military Sciences, made a report, and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee should be brave to preside over the report meeting and make a speech.

Wang Xiaodong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, and Huang Chuping, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended the report meeting.

Qu Aiguo closely focused on the study and education of the party history, from "in-depth study and understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the party history, fully understanding the great significance of carrying out the study and education of the party history; carefully studying the basic works of the party history, comprehensively understanding the glorious history and historical contributions of the CPC's centennial struggle; deeply grasping the key points of carrying out the study and education of the party history; Learn to understand and practice the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Maintenance", and made a vivid and wonderful report.

Ying Yong pointed out that the Party organizations at all levels in the province should take the study and education of the Party history as a major political task, effectively integrate thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Party, take the opportunity of the Central Propaganda Group coming to Hubei to preach, further learn the textbook of the Party history, revise the required course of the Party history, make good use of the nutrition of the Party history, and achieve a clear understanding of the history, credit enhancement, moral respect Learn from history and practice.

It should be emphasized bravely that learning the history of the Party should first understand the mind and achieve "two safeguards". From the study and education of the Party history, we should constantly strengthen the political, ideological, theoretical and emotional identification of the Party's innovative theory, and firmly adhere to the "two safeguards" in learning and learning, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core in ideology, politics and action.

We should bravely emphasize that we should study the history of the Party, focus on doing practical things, and fulfill our original mission. We should inherit the red gene, always maintain the feelings of serving the people, adhere to the principle of putting the people first, practice the purpose of serving the people, take the benefit of the people as the most important political achievement, earnestly solve the problem of people's "urgent difficulties and anxieties", and strive to promote more and more equitable benefits of reform and development achievements to all people.

Ying Yong stressed that the key to learning the history of the Party is to open up a new situation, speed up "building a fulcrum, taking the lead and writing a new chapter", and make every effort to answer the "must answer questions" given to us by General Secretary Xi Jinping. We should base ourselves on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, focus on serving and integrating into the new development pattern, promote the coordinated development of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, create a new situation of accelerating the rise of the central region, and show Hubei's responsibility in serving the national strategy. We should speed up the implementation of the regional development layout of "one main leadership, two wings driving, and global coordination", improve the "soft power" by optimizing the business environment, strengthen the "hard support" by building a strong province of science and technology, consolidate the effective connection between the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and accelerate the post epidemic revitalization and high-quality development. It is necessary to break the ice of thought to lead the development breakthrough, take the initiative, work hard, and take good responsibility, maintain the state and style of "struggle, grab, and practice", and ensure that the "14th Five Year Plan" has a good start and a good start.

After the report meeting, Qu Aiguo had an interactive exchange with members of the provincial party committee's propaganda group and representatives of teachers and students in colleges and universities.

Members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, leaders of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, the Provincial People's Government, the Provincial CPPCC, political commissar of the provincial military region, president of the provincial court, chief procurator of the provincial procuratorate, other provincial leaders in office, retired comrades at or above the provincial level, etc. attended the report meeting. The report meeting will be held in the form of teleconference, and each city, state and county will have its own venue.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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