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Li Jinbin: Insist on building a comprehensive green transformation zone for economic and social development under the guidance of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought

10:34, March 20, 2021 Source: Anhui Daily

Original title: Insist on building a comprehensive green transformation zone for economic and social development under the guidance of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought

A report from our newspaper (Correspondent Zong He and reporter Wu Linhong) From March 17 to 18, Li Jinbin, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, went deep into Xiaoxian County and Qiaocheng District to supervise the rectification of prominent ecological and environmental problems on the spot by means of combination of open inspection and secret visit. He stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, earnestly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the ninth meeting of the China Finance Committee, continue to implement the guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his inspection of Anhui, incorporate carbon peak and carbon neutrality into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction, and strengthen ecological environment protection politically, in the overall situation and in the long run, Highlight legal prevention, precise prevention, scientific prevention, responsible prevention and sustainable prevention, deeply fight the battle of pollution prevention, and accelerate the building of a comprehensive green transformation zone of economic and social development with important influence. Guo Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee, was accompanied.

On the afternoon of the 17th, Li Jinbin went to Baitu Town, Xiaoxian County, Suzhou City to supervise the treatment of black and odorous water in the canals of Xiaoxian Synthetic Leather Industrial Park. He listened to the report on the rectification work in detail and repeatedly urged the local leaders to attach great importance to the rectification of prominent ecological and environmental problems, adhere to the position, draw inferences from one instance, thoroughly rectify, strengthen supervision, and promote the coordinated treatment of water, gas and solid waste as a whole to ensure that the rectification is in place as scheduled. At the same time, it is necessary to seek truth from facts, rectify according to law, resolutely prevent "one size fits all", and strive to ensure that rectification and work are both correct and promoted.

On the morning of the 18th, Li Jinbin came to Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City in the rain by following the mobile phone navigation route in the "four no two straight" way, and secretly interviewed the ecological environment warning film of the Yangtze River Economic Belt to disclose the latest progress in the rectification work. At the site of a rainwater and sewage interception project, he looked at the construction progress and asked about the time limit for rectification, repeatedly stressed that we should focus on the current and long-term issues, adhere to the combination of rectification of point issues, online issues, and general issues, adhere to the unity of construction projects and construction mechanisms, coordinate water resources, water ecology, and water environment management, and continue to improve the quality of the ecological environment.

In the afternoon, Li Jinbin went to Xinghua Village Community, Huaxilou Street, Qiaocheng District to check the effect of Dingjiakeng black and smelly water treatment on the spot and thoroughly understand the implementation of the river leader system. Li Jinbin smiled with relief when he saw the old smelly ditch turned into a clear water ditch. He stressed that it is necessary to give full play to the important role of river (lake) leaders at all levels, further improve the function and connotation of river (lake) leader system, not only focus on pollution control, reduce the stock, but also manage the source, control the increment, and return to the people as soon as possible the beautiful scene of clean water, green banks, and fish flying at the bottom. The Bozhou regulation and storage reservoir of the water diversion project from the Yangtze River to the Huaihe River into Bozhou City officially supplied water in July 2020. Li Jinbin inspected the reservoir construction and water environment protection on the spot, and requested that the water environment protection should be put on an important position, the reservoir management should be done well, and the comprehensive benefits should be brought into play to better benefit the people. Li Jinbin came to Bozhou Air Pollution Prevention and Control Comprehensive Command Center and watched the demonstration of the operation of the air pollution prevention and control system platform to understand the implementation of all-weather air quality monitoring and grid prevention and control responsibilities. Knowing that the air quality improvement rate of this city has been among the top in the province in the past two years, Li Jinbin affirmed that he required to summarize and refine the experience and practices, compact the responsibility of "grid length", continue to promote the air quality improvement action, constantly consolidate the achievements of the blue sky defense war, and break a new path for the prevention and control of air pollution in the province.

During the survey, Li Jinbin pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of ecological civilization and has made important instructions and instructions for many times. In particular, at this National Two Sessions, he delivered important speeches focusing on maintaining ecological security and resolutely tackling prominent problems in the ecological field, which provided a fundamental basis for us to do a good job in ecological environmental protection. All departments at all levels in the province should consciously practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and unswervingly follow the high-quality development path of ecological priority and green low-carbon. We should firmly shoulder the political responsibility of highlighting the rectification of ecological and environmental problems, look back on the rectification of problems found by the central and provincial environmental protection supervisors, further investigate loopholes, remedy weaknesses, build mechanisms, and compact the "point-to-point" and "long to long" rectification responsibility chain to ensure that all rectification tasks are completed on time and in quality.

Li Jinbin stressed that it is necessary to deeply fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, resolutely rectify the feedback problems of the central ecological environmental protection supervision and the "29+90+N" problem of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, make overall efforts to rectify the feedback opinions of the central inspection, and strive to improve the stability and sustainability of the ecosystem. We should give prominence to prevention and control in accordance with the law, give full play to the role of the law in regulating, guiding, promoting and guaranteeing ecological protection, strengthen supervision of ecological protection in accordance with the law, crack down on illegal acts that damage ecology, and enhance the environmental awareness of the whole society. We should focus on precise prevention and control, strengthen the comprehensive control of air, water and soil pollution, comprehensively build a modern beautiful Yangtze River (Anhui) economic belt in the new stage, accelerate the construction of ecological corridors such as the Huaihe River, the Yangtze Huaihe Canal, and the ecological demonstration area around Chaohu Lake, and maintain biodiversity. It is necessary to highlight scientific prevention and control, comprehensively use modern means such as big data and artificial intelligence, strengthen scientific simulation and prediction, and effectively improve the systematicness and effectiveness of environmental governance measures. It is necessary to highlight responsibility prevention and control, strengthen the system of river (lake) leader and forest leader, strictly implement the responsibility of enterprises and the responsibility of government supervision, actively explore "grid" and other regulatory measures, strictly supervise and inspect, and effectively implement the responsibility of ecological environmental protection to the person on duty. Highlight sustainable prevention and control, adhere to the principle of treating both symptoms and root causes, strengthen the construction of ecological environment system, improve the comprehensive management and control mechanism, explore the formation of the value realization mechanism of ecological products, and protect green waters and green mountains with the power of the system.

Li Jinbin stressed that it is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, handle the relationship between development and emission reduction, overall and partial, short-term and long-term, accelerate the formation of an industrial structure, production mode, lifestyle and spatial pattern that saves resources and protects the environment, and build a green low-carbon circular development economic system. We should vigorously implement the action of reducing pollution and carbon in key industries, put energy and resources conservation in the first place, improve green and low-carbon policies and market systems, improve the "dual control" system of energy, and strengthen the green transformation of key industries and important fields. We need to improve ecological carbon sink capacity, strengthen land space planning and use control, effectively play the role of forests and wetlands in carbon sequestration, promote the construction of forest cities and forest villages, speed up the construction of green Jianghuai beautiful homes, and let green water and mountains benefit people and children.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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