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The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Border Defense Committee held the second meeting, presided over by Shi Taifeng

10:06, March 20, 2021 Source: inner mongolia daily

Former title: Inner Mongolia Daily Digital Newspaper - Autonomous Region Frontier Defense Committee held the second meeting

March 19 (Reporter Liu Xiaodong) On March 19, the Border Defense Commission of the Autonomous Region held its second meeting to convey and study the spirit of the relevant meetings of the State Border and Coastal Defense Commission, listen to the report on the border defense work of the Autonomous Region in 2020 and the work arrangement in 2021, and study and deploy the key tasks of border defense work this year. Shi Taifeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Director of the Border Defense Commission of the Autonomous Region, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Lin Shaochun, Zhang Shaochun, Ma Qinglei, Yan Jun, Ouyang Xiaohui, Heng Xiaofan, Zhang Yingkui and Chen Lusheng, deputy directors of the Border Defense Commission of the Autonomous Region, attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that in the past year, the Border Defense Committee of the Autonomous Region thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on border and coastal defense work, and from the actual situation of the autonomous region, it has done a lot of work in strengthening joint management and control, preventing the import of overseas epidemics, promoting the construction of border defense infrastructure, and effectively promoted the construction of border defense in the autonomous region during the "13th Five Year Plan" The planned tasks have been implemented, the region's comprehensive border defense control system has been continuously improved, and the "five in one" border control pattern of the party, government, army, police and people has been continuously consolidated. New progress and achievements have been made in all work.

The meeting pointed out that there is no trivial matter in border defense, everything is about the overall situation, and everything is political. This year is the first year of the 14th Five Year Plan. Our Party is celebrating its centenary. It has a great responsibility and a heavy task to do well in border defense. All relevant military and civilian departments at all levels in the region should further enhance their political awareness, overall situation awareness and sense of hardship, have "two overall situations" in mind and "the biggest one of the country" in mind, consciously review, plan and promote border defense work from the perspective of the overall national security and development strategy, deeply study and implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping and relevant decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, firmly and forcefully We will do a solid and effective job in ensuring political security, enriching the people and prospering the border, strengthening the military, building diplomatic harmony, and controlling the border through science and technology. We will promote the Party, the government, the army, the police, and the people to work together to strengthen border defense and continue to go deep and solid. We will firmly guard the country's borders, manage the border, and build defense lines, and always shoulder the major political responsibility of safeguarding national security and border tranquility, Constantly consolidate and develop the good situation of peace in the border areas of our region.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to closely focus on the national border defense construction plan and relevant deployment, plan and promote the key work in combination with the actual situation, especially work harder on the overall, critical and leading work, comprehensively strengthen the prevention and control infrastructure construction, speed up the improvement of the duty management and control system, and effectively improve the military civilian joint defense capability, We will never relax in the work of border epidemic prevention and control, deepen the implementation of the project to revitalize the border and enrich the people, solidly promote the high-quality development of border defense work, and ensure that the border defense work in our district has a good start during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. We should strengthen the organizational leadership of border defense work, thoroughly implement the overall national security concept, strengthen the leadership of the Party, strengthen overall planning, strengthen supervision and assessment, ensure that the joint efforts of the Party, the government, the police and the people to strengthen border defense are implemented, and promote better border defense work in our region More effective.

The members of the Autonomous Region Border Protection Committee attended the meeting, and the heads of relevant departments attended as nonvoting delegates.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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