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Lou Yangsheng Votes in the General Election of Representatives of Taiyuan Yingze District People's Congress

Lin Wu and Li Jia are voting in their respective constituencies

09:24, March 20, 2021 Source: Shanxi Daily

Original title: Lou Yangsheng Votes in the General Election of Representatives to the People's Congress of Yingze District, Taiyuan City

A report from our newspaper (reporter Yang Wen) March 19 is the election day for deputies to the people's congresses at the county and township levels in Taiyuan. Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, participated in the voting of deputies to the District People's Congress at the polling station of Shuixiguan Street, Miaoqian Street, Yingze District, Taiyuan City.

The polling station located in the meeting hall of the provincial party committee, with the five-star red flag shining brightly and the big red ticket box in the middle, has a solemn and warm atmosphere.

At about 8:00 a.m., Lou Yangsheng came to the polling station, listened carefully to the explanation of the election matters, handed the voter certificate to the staff for verification, and received a ballot. After carefully filling in the ballots at the ticket writing office, Lou Yangsheng went to the red box and solemnly cast his sacred vote.

Lin Wu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Taiyuan, cast his vote at the polling station of the General Office of the Provincial Government of the First Electoral District, Wucheng Street, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City. Li Jia, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, cast his vote at the provincial CPPCC office polling station in Dongjihuying electoral district, Gulou Street, Xinghualing District, Taiyuan City. Wang Yongjun, Luo Qingyu, Xu Guangguo, Lv Yansong, Shang Liguang, Hu Yuting and Li Fengqi, members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, voted in their respective constituencies or entrusted others to vote. Zhang Jifu voted in the constituencies of Datong. Guo Yingguang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, cast his vote at the voting station of the second electoral district of Shuixiguan Street, Miaoqian Street, Yingze District, Taiyuan City. Leaders of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, the Provincial People's Government, the Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference, the Provincial People's Court, the Provincial People's Procuratorate and former provincial veterans vote in their respective constituencies or entrust others to vote.

On the 19th day, Taiyuan held 1037 election conferences, set up 2402 polling stations and 3129 mobile ballot boxes, and about 2.57 million voters participated in the voting. Through the differential election, 2173 deputies to the new county level people's congress and 2715 deputies to the township level people's congress will be elected.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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