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Wu Yingjie: Go all out to promote project construction with a high sense of responsibility to further enhance the sense of happiness and security of the masses

10:22, January 3, 2021 Source: tibet daily

Original title: Go all out to promote project construction with a high sense of responsibility to further enhance the sense of happiness and security of the masses

Lhasa, January 2 (Reporter Jiang Cuilian) During the New Year's Day holiday, the constructors, supervisors and migrant workers of major projects in our district voluntarily gave up rest and worked hard and silently at the project construction site. This morning, Wu Yingjie, the Secretary of the District Party Committee, came to the control project site of the Lhasa Shigatse Airport section to investigate the construction of major projects in the region, visit the front-line staff, learn President Xi Jinping's 2021 New Year message with everyone, and send them holiday wishes and care from the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region.

Zhuang Yan, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and Executive Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region, was accompanied by Liu Jiang, Member of the District Party Committee Standing Committee and Secretary General.

The Lhasa Shigatse Airport Highway starts from Xieyong Village, Qushui County, Lhasa City, passes through Qushui, Kare, Nimu, Renbu and Dazhuka, and ends at Jiangdang Village, Nannianmu Township, Shigatse Airport. It connects the Xigatse Airport Shigatse Highway with a total length of 166.747km. It is one of the transportation planning projects of the Ministry of Transport and the Tibet Autonomous Region during the "13th Five Year Plan" period.

During the visit, Wu Yingjie talked cordially with the construction personnel, supervisors and migrant workers to learn about their production and living conditions in detail, and learned that the local farmers and herdsmen have achieved stable employment in recent years by relying on the construction of key projects, and can get 260 yuan of wages a day, Wu Yingjie used the changes in the travel of the masses in Junba Village, Qushui County, Lhasa City to describe the convenience brought by the development of transportation for everyone's production and life, and encouraged them to deeply understand that today's happy life is brought by the Communist Party of China, and is the result of the cordial care of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and firmly feel the Party's kindness, listen to the Party's words, and follow the Party; We should deeply understand that happy life is a work, change our ideas, work hard, and create a better life by ourselves. Tibetan college graduates Bashandji and Rob Ciren were recruited to work in China Railway Construction Group in 2018, and now their monthly salary is more than 10000 yuan. Wu Yingjie praised their behavior of changing their ideas and achieving market employment, and hoped that they would strengthen their study, work hard and serve the motherland.

During the survey, Wu Yingjie fully affirmed the remarkable achievements made in the transportation industry of the whole region during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, and emphasized that the transportation departments at all levels and the vast number of transportation cadres and workers should seize the opportunity and work hard to make up for the shortcomings of transportation infrastructure by every means, and gradually improve the road network structure of the whole region, We will improve road capacity, service level and emergency support capacity to lay a solid foundation for winning the battle against poverty, implementing the rural revitalization strategy, protecting the ecological environment, and promoting the prosperity of the people and strengthening the border.

Wu Yingjie pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the Seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee that it is necessary to promote the construction of a number of major infrastructure and public service facilities, and build more solidarity lines and happiness roads around projects such as the construction of the Sichuan Tibet Railway. The Lhasa Shigatse high-grade highway, as the landmark project for building a well-off society that the masses of the region have long expected, is of great significance in improving the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses. All departments at all levels and units participating in the construction should enhance the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", achieve the "Two Safeguards", earnestly implement the spirit of the Seventh Central Symposium on Tibet Work, especially the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, implement the party's strategy for Tibet governance in the new era, and comprehensively grasp the new mission of "three endowments, one benefit", We should highly integrate our thoughts and actions into the decisions and arrangements of the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee, further improve our political position, adhere to the principle of proceeding from reality, constantly summarize experience, and spare no effort to promote project construction to ensure the progress and safety of the project. In the process of project construction, we should vigorously publicize the concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Party for Tibet, vigorously publicize the Party's policy of enriching the people and benefiting the people, make the masses understand where the benefits are, where they come from, and to whom the benefits should be reported, and further enhance the ideological, political and action consciousness of loving the General Secretary and supporting the Central Committee of the Party. We should adhere to the concept that green water and green mountains, ice and snow are golden mountains and silver mountains, strictly implement the environmental protection system, and effectively protect the mountains, rivers, trees and grass on the snow covered plateau. We should stick to the focus of public infrastructure construction on rural areas, scientifically design supporting facilities for major projects, effectively save funds, effectively integrate funds, support and promote rural revitalization, strengthen rural road construction, and improve public services. We should give full play to the role of vocational and technical schools, increase the skill training of farmers and herdsmen, and promote the masses to participate in the construction of major projects nearby, stay close to home, stay close to the land, and be able to participate in major projects, so as to continue to increase income and become rich steadily. The main responsibility of the construction unit and the management responsibility of the functional departments should be compacted, the requirements of "precision, detail, strictness and practicality" should be penetrated into all links, and efforts should be made to create high-quality projects, brand projects and clean projects, so as to ensure that the project can stand the test of history and the people.

(Editor in charge: Wu Zhaofei, Chen Yu)
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