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Xianhui: efficient and accurate financial services, tax collection and management particles returned to the warehouse

11:40, January 2, 2021 Source: Ningxia Daily

Original title: Xianhui emphasizes efficient and accurate financial services when investigating financial tax collection

News from our newspaper (reporter Zhou Yiqing) December 31, 2020 is the year-end settlement date of the financial system. In the afternoon of the same day, Xian Hui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Chairman of the Autonomous Region, visited some banks and tax authorities for research, visited front-line cadres and workers, thanked them for their hard work, and sent New Year greetings. Xianhui stressed that we should resolutely implement the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, optimize financial services, and efficiently and accurately benefit enterprises and people in accordance with the requirements of the Economic Work Conference of the Autonomous Region Party Committee; We will strengthen tax collection and management, ensure the return of particles to the warehouse, and contribute new and greater power to high-quality development.

Went to Yinchuan Central Sub branch of the People's Bank of China, Xianhui checked the year-end final accounts at Yinchuan Urban Processing Center of the payment system on the spot and urged everyone to complete the final accounts safely, stably and efficiently. Xianhui stressed that finance is the lifeblood of the real economy. If finance is alive, the economy will be alive, and if finance is strong, the economy will be strong. Since 2020, financial institutions at all levels in the region have taken the initiative to take on, innovate ideas and optimize services around the "six stability" work and the implementation of the "six guarantees" task, and have increased loans of 60 billion yuan throughout the year, providing important financial security for enterprises to resume work and production, and making important contributions to economic and social development. In the new year, financial institutions at all levels should improve their ability to serve the real economy, provide precise financial support for key enterprises and major projects, and provide inclusive financial services for small and micro enterprises around the nine key industries identified by the Autonomous Region's Party Committee. We should improve our ability to maintain financial security, strengthen bottom line thinking, strengthen early warning and monitoring, properly handle hidden dangers, prevent and resolve risks, and create a good financial ecosystem.

"How many matters can be handled independently? Will there be any risk of information leakage?" In the intelligent service area of ICBC Development Zone Sub branch, Xianhui learned about the construction of smart banks in detail, and encouraged banks to make good use of AI, big data and other technologies to develop personalized, differentiated and customized financial services to meet diversified financial needs and improve service convenience. Coming to the business hall of New Century Sub branch of Bank of Ningxia, Xianhui carefully inquired about the bank's specific situation of strengthening credit supply and supporting enterprise development, and stressed that we should strengthen confidence in development, give full play to the advantages of local banks, launch more safe and applicable financial products, and better serve the high-quality development of the economy.

After arriving at Xingqing District Lijing Taxation Branch, Xianhui carefully understood the implementation of tax and fee reduction policies and service measures for the convenience of the people, and pointed out that under the severe impact of the epidemic, the tax system of the whole district paid attention to tax and fee reduction, helped economic recovery, and paid attention to tax collection and management, and ensured financial revenue. It was very difficult to achieve the annual expected goal, which was worth praising. In the new year, the responsibilities are greater, the tasks are heavier, and the requirements are higher. To implement the tax policy, we should not only exempt and reduce, but also collect according to law and collect all receivables, so as to realize the organic unity of benefiting enterprises and people and "returning particles to the warehouse". We should conserve high-quality tax sources and work hard to expand the tax base and improve tax quality, so as to lay a more solid foundation for sustained and stable tax growth. We should optimize tax law enforcement, promote accurate law enforcement, fine service, precise supervision, and sincere co governance, improve tax compliance and social satisfaction, and continue to write new excellent answers in the development of services.

Zhang Chaochao, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Executive Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region, participated in the survey.

(Editor in charge: Song Chen, Wang Zhengqi)
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