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Chen Runer: Deeply study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and consciously take on the mission of the times to promote the development of the 14th Five Year Plan

09:53, December 30, 2020 Source: Ningxia Daily

News from our newspaper (reporter Ma Xiaofang and Jiang Lu) From December 26 to 29, the first training class for young cadres was held in the Party School of the autonomous region. Chen Run'er, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, attended the training class and delivered a speech, stressing that young cadres should thoroughly study and implement the important speech and spirit of the plenary session of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 12th Plenary Session of the 12th Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and consciously take on the mission of the times to promote the development of the 14th Five Year Plan, Actively participate in the hot practice of Ningxia's modernization drive, and strive to do something worthy of the times, history, and people.

During the three and a half days of training, 46 trainees closely followed the theme, studied carefully, thought deeply, spoke enthusiastically, talked about their understanding, put forward positive suggestions, and hit the spark of thought. Chen Runer listened to everyone's speeches one by one in three half days, interrupted and inquired from time to time, and conducted in-depth research, discussion and in-depth interaction with everyone around the hot topics, key topics, and difficult problems that the students cared about. He said that through three days of face-to-face exchanges and heart to heart talks, he deeply felt that everyone was full of youthful vitality, exuded youthful vigor and displayed youthful passion, and deeply felt that the young cadre team in Ningxia was an ideal, ambitious and responsible team.

Chen Runer pointed out that we should understand the essence of the central spirit. The spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is rich in connotation and far-reaching in influence. It is a milestone for us to seize the momentum to embark on a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and march towards the second century goal. We should grasp the new stage of development, deeply understand the new contradictions and new problems brought about by the complex international and domestic environment, deeply understand the new characteristics and new requirements brought about by the changes of the main social contradictions in China, and actively respond to the new challenges brought about by the increase of unstable and uncertain factors in the external environment, the prominent imbalance and inadequacy of internal development, and the huge pressure brought by the regional economic development gap, Actively seize the new opportunities brought by the reconstruction of supply system, development pattern and competitive advantage. It is necessary to implement the new development concept, understand the new development concept from the perspective of managing the fundamental, grasp the new development concept from the perspective of managing the overall situation, implement the new development concept from the perspective of managing the long-term, and practically run the new development concept through all aspects of the whole process of planning and promoting high-quality development. To integrate into the new development pattern, we should correctly understand that the new development pattern is a historic choice, a global strategy, and a systematic initiative. It is active rather than forced, open rather than closed, unified rather than decentralized. We should establish a market awareness, make good use of reform methods, open up our minds, and strive to become an expert of leaders in building a new development pattern.

Chen Runer pointed out that we should consciously assume the mission of the times. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should make up for the calcium of spirit, hold the soul of ideal, and achieve strong faith and establish lofty ideals; We should firmly control the political direction, strictly abide by the political rules, strengthen political experience, and achieve political excellence and absolute loyalty to the Party; We should cultivate a sense of responsibility, adhere to the guidance of responsibility, and achieve excellent responsibility and positive action; We should improve our political ability, thinking ability, rule of law ability, and professional ability to achieve excellent ability and promote career development; It is necessary to maintain the spirit of forging ahead bravely, carry forward the spirit of pragmatism and hard work, and achieve an excellent style of work and focus on down-to-earth work.

Chen Runer stressed that we should actively participate in hot practice. We should implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements for young cadres, conduct in-depth investigation and research, listen to the truth, touch the truth, and work hard, so that all work can reflect the times, grasp the rules, and be creative. We should carry forward the spirit of hard work, take hard work as our mission, responsibility and value, and work hard to meet difficulties, innovate and break through, and pay attention to methods. We should temper our will to fight, dare to show our swords in front of major issues of right and wrong, dare to fight in front of risks and challenges, dare to speak out in front of unhealthy practices, and be a "soldier" rather than a "gentleman". We should adhere to integrity, self reflection, self policing and self encouragement, be cautious, be cautious at first, be cautious, be a person who is strict with himself, be honest, and be spotless.

Shi Dai, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and head of the Organization Department of the Autonomous Region, attended the training course.

(Editor in charge: Yu Ziqing, Ren Yilin)
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