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Shen Xiaoming: Control the "People" and "Things" at the Pass, Promote the Normalized Epidemic Prevention and Control and Economic and Social Development

09:28, December 30, 2020 Source: Hainan Daily

Original title: Control the "people" and "things" at the gateway, and promote the normalization of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development

Haikou, our newspaper, December 29 (reporter Kuang Changxun, special correspondent Wang Jiangshun) On December 29, Shen Xiaoming, secretary of the provincial party committee and leader of the leading group of the provincial party committee in response to the epidemic, presided over a meeting of the leading group of the provincial party committee in response to the epidemic, studied and deployed the key work of epidemic prevention and control, and stressed the need to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches on epidemic prevention and control, We will continue to work prudently to ensure that "external prevention is imported and internal prevention is rebounded", and comprehensively promote the normalization of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

Provincial leaders Feng Fei, Mao Wanchun, Lan Fo'an, Xiao Yingzi, Xiao Jie, Liu Xingtai, Sun Dahai, Xu Jun, Wang Lu and Yan Xijun attended the meeting.

The meeting listened to the analysis of the current overall situation of epidemic prevention and control in the province and the report of the secret visit and inspection at the gateway of the passage to Hainan, and studied and deployed the epidemic prevention and control, imported goods management, school holiday arrangements, emergency vaccination and other work during the "Double Festival".

Shen Xiaoming fully affirmed the epidemic prevention and control work of our province in the previous stage. He stressed that winter is a season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases and also a peak tourist season in our province. The increase in the number of tourists entering the island and various festival activities has brought many uncertainties to the epidemic prevention and control. We should have a deep understanding of the situation of epidemic prevention and control, adhere to the overall situation, resolutely overcome paralysis, be particularly sober and careful, and implement various prevention and control measures in strict accordance with the deployment requirements of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council to ensure that there is no large-scale input and rebound.

Shen Xiaoming required that we should not relax in guarding the "gateway to the island", and on the basis of "external defense input and internal defense rebound", we should do a good job in preventing and controlling the gateways of airports, docks and other passages into Hainan, strictly prevent omissions, and ensure that we "control the gateways and let the inside go". We should focus on the prevention of "people" and "things", expand the detection scope of goods entering the island at the right time in combination with the development of the epidemic, and strengthen the quarantine and supervision of imported goods throughout the process. It is necessary to implement the requirements for reducing the flow and gathering of personnel during the "two festivals", follow the principle of "reducing when you can, simplifying when you can, and transforming when you can", grasp the rhythm, make prevention and control plans, and scientifically and reasonably arrange various meetings and festivals. We should strengthen publicity and education, and guide the masses to take personal protective measures such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and keeping social distance. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of nucleic acid detection capacity, organize vaccination work in a safe and orderly manner, reserve epidemic prevention materials, and accelerate the construction of epidemic prevention and control system and capacity improvement.

(Editor in charge: Yu Ziqing, Ren Yilin)
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