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Luxin Society: Inspire people, inspire people, inspire people with the power of example, and work together to write a new chapter in the development of Guangxi in the new era

09:26, December 29, 2020 Source: Guangxi Daily

Nanning News (reporter/Chen Yize, Wei Heng, Gong Wenying) On December 28, the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region held the commendation conference of the autonomous region's model workers and advanced workers and the commendation conference of the region's "civil servants (collectives) satisfied by the people" and spiritual civilization construction in Nanning, to thoroughly implement the important speeches of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping It is an important directive spirit to further encourage the Party members and cadres and the people of all ethnic groups in the region to work together, take responsibility, and strive for excellence, and strive to achieve a good start to the development of Guangxi during the "14th Five Year Plan" and write a new chapter in the development of Guangxi in the new era. Lu Xinshe, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region, attended the conference and delivered a speech. Lan Tianli, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Acting President of the Autonomous Region, presided over the conference. Sun Dawei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the CPPCC of the Autonomous Region, and others attended the conference and jointly presented awards to the commended advanced collectives and individuals.

"With high political responsibility, selfless dedication and outstanding labor creation, the advanced collectives and individuals who were commended this time actively participated in the hot practice of reform and development in Guangxi, created extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts, vividly explained the socialist core values, concentrated on the excellent quality of the sons and daughters of Zhuang Autonomous Region, and set a benchmark for the people of all ethnic groups in the region Example. " Luxin Society stressed that, standing at a new historical starting point, we should accurately grasp the new development stage, seize the new development opportunities, thoroughly implement the new development concept, actively integrate into the new development pattern, and accelerate high-quality development. This is more necessary to play the leading role of advanced models, and more necessary for all workers in all walks of life in the region to work together and strive together. It is hoped that the commended advanced collectives and individuals will cherish the honor, make persistent efforts and continue to struggle, continue to play a good role as models and leaders, and make new contributions to building a modern socialist country and promoting the development of the cause of enriching the people and prospering Guangxi. All departments throughout the region should give full play to the exemplary role of advanced models, deeply tap the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, organize various publicity and education activities, widely publicize their typical deeds, and use the power of examples to inspire, inspire and enlighten people, To further condense the powerful force to accelerate the construction of magnificent Guangxi and realize the dream of rejuvenation.

——We should educate and guide the broad masses of Party members and cadres to follow the example of advanced models, consciously arm their minds, guide practice, and promote work with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, further strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards", and always adhere to the political position, political direction, and political principles On the political road, we have maintained a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. In combination with this commendation, we should continue to deepen the major political task of studying and implementing the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, guide the masses of party members and cadres to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, follow the party, closely combine their job responsibilities, promote the detailed implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee in Bagui, and reflect the "two safeguards" with practical work results.

——We should consciously practice the people centered development idea, and put the concept of people first into all aspects of the whole process of reform and development. We should always ensure that development is for the people, development depends on the people, and development achievements are shared by the people, and constantly improve the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. We should promote the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization as a whole, speed up the improvement of the public cultural service system, prosper and develop cultural undertakings and cultural industries, constantly meet the people's spiritual and cultural needs, and create a better quality of life. We should further promote the reform of the construction of the industrial workforce, realize, safeguard and develop the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of workers, and strive to give every ordinary worker the opportunity to shine in life and realize his dreams, and gain the ability to develop himself, contribute to society and benefit the people.

——We should give full play to the leading role of socialist core values, focus on cultivating new people of the times who shoulder the task of national rejuvenation and building a magnificent Guangxi, and integrate socialist core values into all aspects of the construction of a magnificent Guangxi. We should further strengthen education in the history of the Party, the history of the People's Republic of China, the history of reform and opening up, the history of socialist development, and patriotism, collectivism, and socialism in combination with the publicity campaign themed "One Hundred Years of the Founding of the Party". We should extensively carry out the selection and typical publicity activities of advanced individuals such as model of the times, Bagui model, moral model, good people around, and the most beautiful civil servants, solidly promote the construction of a civilized practice center for the new era, and constantly deepen the mass civilization building activities such as civilized cities, civilized villages and towns, civilized units, civilized families, and civilized campuses. We should vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, and incorporate labor education into the whole process of talent training, so that the good social custom of labor, which is the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest, and the most beautiful, will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

——We should encourage and guide the broad masses of Party members, cadres and the masses to work hard based on their own positions, continue to thoroughly implement the new mission of "three orientations" and the new requirements of "five solidities" entrusted by General Secretary Xi Jinping to Guangxi, closely follow the theme of high-quality development, develop major strategies, major projects, major projects and key industries around Guangxi's "14th Five Year Plan", and further emancipate the mind Reform and innovation, expand opening up, take responsibility and work hard, vigorously carry forward the concept of "taking responsibility as the most important, taking hard work as the foundation, focusing on development, and taking pride in struggle", do a solid job in their own work with the struggle attitude of "speed up at the beginning, and strive to be the first", and strive to turn the struggle goal proposed by the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region from the blueprint into reality, and make contributions in writing a new chapter in the development of Guangxi in the new era.

Luxin Society requires that all relevant departments around the country should combine concentrated commendation with daily services, improve long-term mechanisms, and improve caring measures to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of party members, cadres, and the masses to start businesses. Party committees and governments at all levels should further strengthen and improve their leadership over trade union work, the construction of the civil service and spiritual civilization, increase support and guarantee, and carry out various kinds of advanced model selection, commendation, publicity and learning activities as a whole to promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of learning, catching up with and being advanced.

Before the meeting, leaders of the autonomous region, such as Lucin Society, Lan Tianli and Sun Dawei, met with the commended advanced collectives and individual representatives. Fan Xiaoli and Zeng Wanming respectively read out relevant commendation decisions at the meeting, and the commended representatives made exchange speeches and read out proposals.

Qin Rupei, Xu Shaochuan, Wang Xiaodong, Zeng Xin, Fang Minmin, Huang Weijing, Zhang Xiaoqin, Li Bin, Fei Zhirong, Zou Zhanye, Peng Xiaochun, the main responsible comrades of all cities, counties (cities, districts) and relevant units directly under the district and central government in Guangxi, as well as the commended advanced collectives and individual representatives attended the conference.

(Editor in charge: Yu Ziqing, Ren Yilin)
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