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Wang Dongfeng: Thoroughly implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and strive to achieve a good start and high-quality development of the 14th Five Year Plan

December 29, 2020 08:21 Source: Hebei Daily

Original title: Deeply implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and strive to achieve a good start and high-quality development of the 14th Five Year Plan

Hebei Daily (Reporter Si Jianlei) On the afternoon of December 28, Wang Dongfeng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Committee of Finance and Economics, presided over the sixth meeting of the Provincial Committee of Finance and Economics, deeply studied and implemented Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and comprehensively implemented the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, Listen to the report on the implementation of the matters agreed by the Finance and Economics Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in 2020 and the key work points for 2021, study the suggestions on the arrangement of the 2021 plan of the province, as well as the implementation of the 2020 budget of the province and the preliminary arrangement of the 2021 budget. Xu Qin, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee and governor of the province, attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that this year is an extraordinary year in the history of New China. In the face of three serious shocks and under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in China have worked together, worked hard, and made great strategic achievements in the fight against COVID-19. Significant achievements have been made in economic and social development, China has become the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth, and has delivered an answer that can be recorded in history, which is satisfactory to the people and attracts the attention of the world. These achievements are the result of the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the result of General Secretary Xi Jinping taking the helm, making decisive decisions, checking the direction, and scientific command, the result of the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and the result of the joint efforts of the whole Party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups, It fully reflects the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the remarkable advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Government have thoroughly implemented the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decision-making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, coordinated the promotion of normalized epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, achieved important phased results, and effectively played the role of the capital's political "moat". All member units of the Finance and Economics Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, in accordance with the work deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, are responsible for the division of labor, coordinated and linked, and promote all work with high standards and quality, making new contributions to economic and social development. We should fully recognize the achievements, consolidate the achievements of expansion, comprehensively summarize this year's economic work, seriously plan the key tasks for next year, and lay a solid foundation for achieving the "three successful endings" and a good start to the "14th Five Year Plan".

The meeting put forward ten requirements for the economic work of next year. First, we need to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, comprehensively implement major national strategies and focus on the "three major issues". Conscientiously integrate thoughts and actions into the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on economic work, fully implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, and continue to promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area, and the preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympics with the efforts of the whole province, so as to ensure new achievements in major national strategies and national events. Second, we should thoroughly implement the new development concept and actively build a new development pattern. Based on the new stage of development, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, take promoting high-quality development as the theme, deepen the supply side structural reform as the main line, take reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, and meet the people's growing needs for a better life as the fundamental purpose, do a solid job of "six stability", comprehensively implement the task of "six guarantees", and actively build a domestic cycle as the main body The new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation and mutual promotion. Third, we need to deepen the implementation of the project driven strategy and effectively expand investment. We should put the construction of key projects in a more important position, focus on the "two new and one important" activities by carrying out the "three important, four innovative and five optimized" activities, and continue to implement a batch of large projects with radiative and driving effects, plan to launch a batch, attract investment and introduce a batch, and scientifically reserve a batch of large projects, so as to give full play to the role of major projects in stimulating the economy. Fourth, we should deepen the construction of coastal economic belts and development zones, and open wider to the outside world at a higher level. Accelerate the development of Tangshan Caofeidian District, Qinhuangdao Gold Coast, Cangzhou Bohai New Area, and Beijing Daxing International Airport Airport Economic Zone, guide enterprises and projects to enter the park according to the requirements of "four batches", improve the energy level and level of the development zone, and promote the development of industrial intensive clusters. Actively integrate into the "Belt and Road" construction, accelerate the pace of "going out" of advantageous enterprises, and strive to build a new open economic system of a higher level. Fifth, we need to deepen the implementation of 20 popular support projects, so that the achievements of development will benefit the broad masses of the people. We will continue to increase investment in people's livelihood, focus on doing a good job in old neighborhoods, villages in cities, shantytowns, old pipe network reconstruction and parking lot construction, do everything possible to expand the employment of migrant workers, college graduates, ex servicemen and other key groups, comprehensively promote the development of education, medical care, social security, old-age care and other social undertakings, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. Sixth, we should further promote scientific and technological innovation and vigorously develop high-tech enterprises and the private economy. We will focus on implementing the innovation driven strategy, solidly promote the deep integration of production, learning, research and application, give full play to the role of enterprises as the main body of scientific and technological innovation, and foster more leading enterprises in science and technology and technology-based SMEs. We will steadily carry out the "hundreds of thousands" improvement project for private enterprises, increase service efforts, formulate incentive policies, and focus on cultivating a number of leading backbone enterprises and listed companies. Seventh, we need to deepen new urbanization and urban economic development, and effectively promote coordinated urban and rural development. Actively integrate into the world-class urban agglomeration with the capital as the core, vigorously plan and promote new urbanization projects such as urban renewal and transformation, county expansion and quality improvement, and construction of characteristic towns, scientifically and orderly promote the construction of beautiful villages and the governance of "hollow villages", and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of urban and rural economy. Eighth, we need to further promote the construction of ecological civilization, energy conservation and emission reduction, and comprehensively implement the major decisions of the CPC Central Committee on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Actively adjust and optimize the industrial structure, energy structure and transportation structure, unswervingly reduce coal production capacity and coal consumption, continue to make efforts to control air, water and soil pollution, carry out large-scale land greening action, accelerate the pace of green and low-carbon development, and comprehensively improve the quality and level of the ecological environment. Ninth, we need to further promote work safety and effectively prevent and resolve various risks. Adhere to the principle of overall development and safety, improve the mechanism for preventing and resolving major risks, implement the responsibility system for work safety, improve the prevention and control system of social security, focus on the prevention and control of regular epidemics, letters and visits to maintain stability, forest and grassland fire prevention, disaster prevention and mitigation, and ensure the overall social harmony and stability. Tenth, we should strengthen the leadership of the Party, strictly assess and hold accountable, and pay close attention to implementation. We should earnestly strengthen the Party's overall leadership over economic work, be good at thinking about and promoting economic and social development from a political perspective, compact responsibilities layer by layer, strengthen supervision and inspection, assess rewards and punishments according to the facts, fully mobilize all forces to implement the work, and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements.

Provincial leaders Yuan Tongli, Gao Zhili, Xu Jianpei and Xia Yanjun attended the meeting.

(Editor in charge: Yu Ziqing, Ren Yilin)
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