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Shen Xiaoming: Strengthen communication and coordination mechanism and tell Hainan stories together
Play a better role in the construction of free trade ports with Chinese characteristics

At 13:50 on December 26, 2020 Source: Hainan Daily

Original title: Strengthening the communication and coordination mechanism, telling the story of Hainan well together, playing a better role in the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics

HAIKOU, December 25 (Reporter Peng Qinglin) On the afternoon of December 25, Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, went to the central media in Hainan to investigate and hold a symposium, listened to opinions and suggestions extensively, stressed the need to thoroughly implement the important discourse spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on news and public opinion work, and strengthen the communication and coordination mechanism between departments at all levels and the central media in Hainan, Support the central media in Hainan to adhere to the correct direction, focus on key areas, do a good job in publicity, reporting, public opinion supervision and other work, and play a better role in the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics.

Shen Xiaoming went to the Hainan Branch of the People's Daily, the Xinhua News Agency and the Central Radio and Television Station in Hainan respectively to learn more about the work and life of the editorial staff, exchange cordially with young journalists, and encourage everyone to take root in Hainan and make contributions. He said that in recent years, the central media in Hainan has adhered to the correct direction, given full play to its advantages, and made every effort to advocate and call for Hainan to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up. The work has achieved remarkable results, and expressed heartfelt thanks on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government.

Later, Shen Xiaoming presided over a symposium and communicated face-to-face with the people's daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Central Radio and Television, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily, China Daily, Science and Technology Daily, China News Agency, Rule of Law Daily, Workers' Daily, Farmers' Daily, China Youth Daily and other media principals in Hainan.

"I hope you can listen to your opinions more, and please speak freely." Shen Xiaoming confided that the central media in Hainan is not only the "guests" sent by the central unit, but also the "masters" who personally participate in the construction of the free trade port, and put forward opinions and suggestions from a relatively independent position and a more unique perspective, It is very meaningful to promote Hainan's comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up and the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics. "Everyone is a family, and we hope that this communication mechanism can be fixed and held at least once a year." Shen Xiaoming suggested that the central media in Hainan play a better role in Hainan's comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up and the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics, We should adhere to the correct direction and use the spirit of General Secretary Xi's important exposition on news and public opinion work to guide the propaganda and reporting work in Hainan; It is necessary to focus on key areas, and comprehensively lead the major theme reports of Hainan's comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and the free trade port with Chinese characteristics to depth; We should expand external publicity, jointly promote the construction of an international communication system of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics, and tell the world a good story about Hainan; We should do a good job of supervision by public opinion and help Hainan constantly improve its work and optimize the development environment.

Shen Xiaoming stressed that all parties at all levels in Hainan should accept the supervision of public opinion with the attitude of being glad to hear about it, and should respond to the problems reflected by the media one by one. The publicity department should do a good job in communication, coordination and exchange, take the lead in establishing a mechanism for regular exchange of views with the central media in Hainan, establish a mechanism for taking the initiative to accept interviews, optimize the mechanism for the central media in Hainan to participate in major activities of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, actively help solve practical difficulties and problems, create a good working environment, and jointly spread the voice of the free trade port better.

Xiao Yingzi, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and head of the Propaganda Department, participated in the survey.

(Editor in charge: Liu Youhan, Yan Yan)
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