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Ying Yong: Do a good job in next year's economic work with a positive and enterprising spirit to ensure a good start of the "14th Five Year Plan"

At 13:37 on December 26, 2020 Source: hubei daily

Original title: Do a good job of economic work next year in an aggressive spirit to ensure a good start of the "14th Five Year Plan"

Hubei Daily (reporter Li Baolin, Zhou Chengsi) On the afternoon of December 25, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to listen to the report on the economic work of the province in 2020 and the economic work arrangement in 2021, and to study how to do well in the economic work of the province next year; Deploy and promote food safety and petition work; Make arrangements for the preparation of the provincial "two sessions". The secretary of the provincial Party committee should be brave to preside over the meeting and make a speech.

The meeting pointed out that since this year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and with the strong support of all aspects of the country, the cadres and masses of the province have worked hard with unity, achieved decisive results in war, flood and poverty, stabilized the basic economic situation, held the bottom line of people's livelihood, and kept the bottom line of stability, The answer sheet of "double victories" in epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development was handed over. The achievements were very difficult, the work process was extremely difficult, and valuable experience was precious.

The meeting stressed that to do well in economic work next year, we should take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, base ourselves on the new stage of development, implement the new development concept, and serve to build a new development pattern, Focusing on promoting high-quality development, deepening the supply side structural reform as the main line, focusing on demand side management, we strive to promote "building a fulcrum, taking the lead, and writing a new chapter", so as to make a good start for the "14th Five Year Plan". We should firmly grasp the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, strive for "progress" on the basis and premise of "stability", establish aggressive expectations, take the initiative to make up for this year's negative growth, make efforts to recover the positive growth, and handle the relationship between maintaining reasonable growth and ironing out the economic cycle, We should not only have a good start, but also have a wonderful year to show Hubei's image of rebirth.

The meeting stressed that we should earnestly implement the spirit of the seventh and eighth plenary sessions of the eleventh provincial party committee, refine the division of responsibilities, strengthen supervision, ensure that the modernization of provincial governance, as well as the deployment of work to remedy weaknesses, plug loopholes, strengths and weaknesses, achieve new results, and ensure that the first step of the "14th Five Year Plan" is taken and new weather is seen. We should lead the development breakthrough with "breaking the ice with ideas", closely focus on promoting the regional development layout of "one main lead, two wings drive, and global coordination", create an important node of the domestic big cycle and a strategic link between domestic and international double cycles, adhere to the first driving force of innovation, build a modern industrial system, optimize the business environment, expand consumption, stimulate investment and other key tasks, and find the right entry point for work Connecting point and force generating point, strive to make up the short plate and forge the long plate. We should better balance development and security, and achieve long-term balance between stable growth and risk prevention. We should always tighten the strings of epidemic prevention and control, constantly improve the working mechanism of combining normalized scientific and accurate prevention and control with local emergency response, implement the prevention and control measures such as detailed normal monitoring, "people and places" prevention, and multi-point trigger, and ensure that prevention and control are not lax, the epidemic does not rebound, and the development is not stopped, from place to place, from place to people, from place to material.

The meeting stressed that food is the most important thing for the people, food safety is the first, and food safety involves thousands of families. We should conscientiously implement the important requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the "four strictest" of food safety, take food safety as a political task, strictly implement the requirement that the party and government share the same responsibility, and firmly hold the bottom line that no major food safety problems will occur. We should further do a good job in the prevention and control of cold chain food epidemic, import cold chain food with Hubei as the first place of entry, and transfer it to the first storage place in our province through other ports, so as to achieve "full coverage of sampling, full detection of samples, full sterilization of packaging, and full traceability of goods"; Continue to pay attention to the regular inspection of imported cold chain foods such as supermarkets and fairs; Implement closed-loop management measures for relevant staff in the cold chain.

The meeting stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the people's petition work, adhere to the petition work as an important part of the work of the Party committee and the government, as an important channel to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the people, improve the work style, and improve the level of decision-making, so as to better understand the people's conditions, pool their wisdom, safeguard their interests, and rally their hearts. We should integrate the complaint reporting work into the decision-making of the Party committee and the government, into the grass-roots social governance, into the law enforcement and justice sectors, pay attention to comprehensive governance, systematic governance, and source governance, and timely and locally address the reasonable demands of the masses according to law. We should strengthen the Party's leadership over complaint reporting, improve the system of joint meetings, promote the normalization of visits by leading cadres, and promote the resolution of common problems.

The meeting stressed that the organization and leadership should be strengthened, the preparatory work for the fifth session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress and the fourth session of the 12th Provincial CPPCC should be well done, the meeting style and discipline should be strictly observed, and epidemic prevention and control measures should be strengthened to ensure the smooth and successful meeting.

Other matters were also studied.

(Editor in charge: Liu Youhan, Yan Yan)
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