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Wang Guosheng: Strengthen monitoring and early warning, continuously improve emergency response capability, focus on key links, and strengthen epidemic prevention and control during festivals

At 13:36 on December 26, 2020 Source: henan daily

Original title: Strengthen monitoring and early warning, continuously improve emergency response capability, focus on key links, and strengthen epidemic prevention and control during festivals

Report from our newspaper (reporter Li Zheng and Feng Yun) On December 25, Wang Guosheng, secretary of the provincial Party committee, went to the provincial epidemic prevention and control headquarters to check the epidemic prevention and control work.

Wang Guosheng listened to the report on the epidemic prevention and control work in winter and spring, studied and analyzed the epidemic situation with everyone, and listened to opinions and suggestions on the next step of epidemic prevention and control. Wang Guosheng pointed out that at present, the epidemic situation outside China is still accelerating. The risk of sporadic cases and local outbreaks in China is always there. Winter and spring are the frequent seasons for respiratory infectious diseases. In addition to the increased mobility of people near the festival and the increase of gathering activities, the epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and complex. We need to thoroughly implement the guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on epidemic prevention and control, always tighten the strings of normalized epidemic prevention and control, adhere to the principle of people to prevent and control together, focus on key parts and key links, re check the loopholes in prevention and control, strengthen the key points in prevention and control, re implement the requirements for prevention and control, and strictly implement the closed-loop management of inbound personnel, We will strengthen the detection and disinfection of imported cold chain food, strengthen the prevention and control measures for major events and key places, actively guide the reduction of population gathering and mobility, advocate a civilized and healthy lifestyle, pay close attention to the prevention and control of the epidemic during the "Double Festivals" period, and resolutely prevent the rebound of the epidemic.

Wang Guosheng stressed that all departments at all levels should adhere to the principle of being responsible and conscientious, continue to maintain the wartime state, make good use of the good experience and good practices accumulated in the fight against the epidemic, pay close attention to the trend of the epidemic, do a good job in risk monitoring and early warning, improve emergency response capabilities, strengthen public opinion guidance, and resolutely win the long-term battle for the prevention and control of normalized epidemic.

(Editor in charge: Liu Youhan, Yan Yan)
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