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Li Jinbin: Strengthen the construction of the public health system, promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and ensure the implementation of the reform tasks deployed by the central government in Anhui

At 13:18 on December 26, 2020 Source: Anhui Daily

Original title: Strengthening the construction of the public health system, promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas, ensuring the implementation of the reform tasks deployed by the central government in Anhui

News from our newspaper (Correspondent Zheng Yan, reporter Wu Linhong) On the afternoon of December 25, the Provincial Committee of the CPC held its tenth meeting, and Li Jinbin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Committee of the CPC, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Li Guoying, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Province, and members of the Provincial Party Committee's Comprehensive Deepening Reform Committee attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 16th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, discussed and studied the Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Medical Security System, the Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in Universities, Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era, the Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Improvement of the Socialist Market Economy System in the New Era Implementation Plan for Establishing a Natural Reserve System with National Parks as the Main Body, Implementation Plan for Further Promoting the Reform and Opening up of the Service Industry, Implementation Plan for Three Year Action of State owned Enterprise Reform in Anhui Province (2020-2022), Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Educational Supervision System in the New Era The Implementation Plan of Anhui Province for Strengthening Scientific and Technological Innovation to Support the Construction of Safe Anhui, the Implementation Plan for Improving the Public Health Prevention and Emergency Material Security System, and the Reform Plan of Anhui Province's Urban Rural Integration Development Pilot Zone require that they be modified and improved according to the discussion at the meeting and handled according to the procedures.

Li Jinbin pointed out in his speech that we should base ourselves on the "new stage" and strive to create a new situation of comprehensively deepening reform. We should have a deep understanding of the new characteristics and new requirements brought about by the changes in major social contradictions, further strengthen the problem orientation, improve the systematicness and integrity of reform, and promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development. We should deeply understand the new contradictions and challenges brought about by the complex international environment, plan and promote reform in the overall domestic and international situation, improve the strategic and forward-looking nature of reform, and strive to achieve the unity of development quality, structure, scale, speed, efficiency and security. We should have a deep understanding of the new features and tasks of comprehensively deepening reform, grasp the internal relationship between reform and development, take the implementation of the major development strategy during the 14th Five Year Plan period as the traction, plan more strategic and tactical reforms, improve the pertinence and effectiveness of reform, and inject strong impetus into strengthening the "two insistences" and realizing the "two bigger".

Li Jinbin stressed that we should serve the "new pattern" and focus on introducing reform measures to promote high-quality development and build a new pattern of development. It is necessary to focus on creating a source of scientific and technological innovation with important influence, innovate the mechanism of scientific and technological breakthrough, the mechanism of achievement transformation, and the mechanism of talent introduction and cultivation, fight the battle of key core technologies, seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological innovation and industrial reform, and build a system of scientific and technological innovation forces for self-reliance and self-improvement. It is necessary to focus on building an emerging industry cluster with important influence, and improve the security and stability guarantee system of the industrial chain supply chain by stabilizing the chain and strengthening the chain through "solid base", "forging long plates" and "casting new plates". We should focus on building a new highland of reform and opening up with important influence, continue to promote reforms such as "four free services and one service", "one order for the whole province", "one network and one door", "separation of certificates and licenses", market-oriented allocation of factors, state-owned enterprises, deepen practical cooperation with countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", make "five block links", and solidly promote the construction of Anhui Free Trade Zone, Build a high-level market economy system. We should focus on building a comprehensive green transformation zone with important influence on economic and social development, implement an upgraded version of air, water and soil pollution prevention, and comprehensively promote the construction of a modern and beautiful Yangtze River (Anhui) economic belt, Huaihe River (Anhui) ecological economic belt, Xin'an River Qiandao Lake ecological compensation pilot zone, Chaohu Lake ecological demonstration zone, and national forest tenure reform demonstration zone in the new stage, We will actively foster and expand new green industries such as circular economy, clean production, and clean energy, and improve the coordinated promotion system for pollution and carbon reduction.

Li Jinbin pointed out that it is necessary to demonstrate "new achievements" and make every effort to implement the reform tasks deployed by the central government. We should improve our political standing, resolutely regard the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the political elements within the Party, and implement them one by one; We should balance the relationship between the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and food security, energy security, and public security, and achieve the integration of economic, social, and environmental values; Accurately implement the central and provincial medical security policies to effectively link the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements with rural revitalization. We should enhance our political awareness, be good at observing and analyzing reform issues and economic and social issues from a political perspective, pay close attention to the implementation of the reform measures already deployed by the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, and take the initiative to make arrangements in advance for the new reforms. We should enhance our ability and skills, adhere to the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively deepening reform to arm our minds, guide practice, and improve our ability to grasp the direction of reform, plan reform ideas, break through reform obstacles, and promote reform implementation. We should encourage grass-roots exploration, carefully practice the requirements of "three distinctions" of General Secretary Jin Ping, play the role of the baton of assessment, form a clear direction that allows mistakes in reform, but does not allow no reform, and add new momentum to building a modern and beautiful Anhui in the new stage.

(Editor in charge: Liu Youhan, Yan Yan)
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