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Chen Wenqing: Vivid Practice and Enrichment of the Overall National Security Concept

——Deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on epidemic prevention and control

08:50, April 17, 2020 Source: Seeking Truth

Original title: Vivid practice and rich development of the overall national security concept

2020 is a decisive year for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and fighting poverty. At this critical juncture in the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, a COVID-19 epidemic suddenly swept the world. After the outbreak of the epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally led, commanded and deployed, led the whole party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups to launch the people's war, the overall war and the war of resistance against the epidemic. In this epidemic prevention and control struggle, Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, especially the overall national security concept, has demonstrated profound strategic, forward-looking, scientific and huge theoretical strength, providing a powerful ideological weapon for responding to sudden outbreaks and overcoming major risks.

1、 People's war, overall war and resistance war for epidemic prevention and control are vivid practices of the overall national security concept

In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively put forward the overall national security concept at the first meeting of the Central National Security Committee, realizing the historic leap of our party in the theory of national security. Over the past six years, the scientific concept contained in the overall national security concept has become increasingly popular, and the national security work system has been constantly improved and its capacity has been significantly enhanced. The epidemic prevention and control struggle is just a vivid practice of the overall national security concept, which fully demonstrates the foresight and foresight of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and highlights the theoretical strength and practical character of the overall national security concept.

First, adhere to the principle of people's security and launch the people's war on epidemic prevention and control. Safeguarding people's security is the purpose of the overall national security concept; People's security is above everything, which is the essence of the overall national security concept. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the people should have a sense of happiness, a sense of gain, and more importantly, a sense of security. This requires that the national security work must put the protection of the safety of the people in the most important position. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the safety and health of the people has always been the top priority of General Secretary Xi Jinping. Safeguarding people's security has always been the most distinctive Chinese feature in the fight against the epidemic.

The picture shows the theme poster of National Security Education Day for All in 2020, prepared by the Propaganda and Education Bureau of the Ministry of National Security

All for the people, life is more important than Mount Tai. The first test of this big exam is the original mission of our party to seek happiness for the people and the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the CPC Central Committee has taken the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough prevention and control measures, increased the admission and cure rates, reduced the infection rate and death rate at all costs, tried its best to prevent more people from being infected, saved more patients' lives as much as possible, and kept running at the same time to fight against the disease. The epidemic situation is like a mirror, reflecting the difference between our practice and that of some countries. Some countries are adept at making small accounts of political interests and economic gains and losses, ignoring the "big account" of people's security. The government's dishonesty, mechanism failure, democracy fading, and people's disappointment have led to the rapid spread of the epidemic, and the people's most basic right to life cannot be guaranteed. The Communist Party of China always represents the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, rather than the interests of any place, class or group. This is the fundamental difference between our party and the bourgeois party. Practice has fully proved that the people's position is the fundamental political position of our party, and the support and support of the people is the greatest strength of our party.

Everything depends on the people and gathers great joint forces. The centralized and unified leadership of the Party, the whole country playing a chess game, the focus on major events, and the unity of the people are the obvious advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and are an important magic weapon to win the epidemic prevention and control struggle in China. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups have achieved full mobilization and nationwide linkage, and more than 1.4 billion Chinese people have quickly formed a strong joint force to work together to overcome difficulties. The majority of medical workers go to war in white clothes and retrograde; The officers and fighters of the People's Liberation Army and the national political and legal police are motivated by orders and brave to shoulder heavy burdens; The broad masses of the people are aware of the overall situation; People from all walks of life and overseas Chinese donated money, materials, medicine and medicine. Those who share the same desire from top to bottom win, and those who work together in the same boat win. With the great national spirit of support from all sides and the continuous improvement of the national governance system and capacity, we will be able to completely overcome the epidemic and achieve the ultimate victory in the great struggle.

The key to winning the people's war lies in the Party. To win the people's war on epidemic prevention and control, we must adhere to the leadership of the Party and let the Party flag fly high in the front line of the epidemic prevention and control struggle. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping has held meetings for many times, made important instructions and instructions for many times, and guided work on the spot for many times. On March 10, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Wuhan in person to investigate the epidemic prevention and control in hospitals and communities. This kind of great power leaders' responsibility and sincere feelings of not shouldering the people have set up the backbone for the people of the whole country and formed a strong appeal in China. Over the past few days, Party committees and governments at all levels have been responsible and conscientious, building a tight line of defense to safeguard life safety, and forming a working pattern of comprehensive mobilization, comprehensive deployment, and comprehensive strengthening of epidemic prevention and control. Party organizations at all levels and the vast number of Party members have fought tenaciously in the forefront, giving full play to the role of battlefort and vanguard model. The Party, the government, the army and the people learn from each other. In the east, west, north and south, the Party leads everything. The Party's leadership is as firm as a rock, which is our most powerful support for safeguarding national security.

Second, adhere to the overall planning of traditional and non-traditional security, and launch the overall war on epidemic prevention and control. The most distinctive feature of the overall national security concept is the word "overall". General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the connotation and extension of China's national security is richer than ever before, the space and time domain is broader than ever before, and the internal and external factors are more complex than ever before. For a period of time, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the integration of traditional and non-traditional security issues, and made forward-looking deployment on non-traditional security issues such as biosafety. In the new era, political, military and homeland security are still the top priorities of national security and must be seized at any time. At the same time, in a rapidly developing country like China, we are facing more and more non-traditional security threats, and we need to take a comprehensive approach to non-traditional security issues such as economy, culture, society, science and technology, network, and biology. Failure in any field or aspect may affect and affect the overall national security.

In the context of globalization, major infectious diseases and biosecurity risks, which are related to national security and development and the overall social stability, have become one of the major survival and development threats facing the world and mankind. The COVID-19 epidemic is a major public health emergency that has spread fastest, spread most widely and is difficult to prevent and control in China since the founding of New China. It is not only a big test of China's governance system and capacity, but also a test of China's response to non-traditional security challenges. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has incorporated biosafety into the national security system from the perspective of protecting people's health and maintaining long-term stability of the country, issued relevant strategies and policies, planned the construction of the national biosafety risk prevention and control and governance system, and improved the national biosafety governance capacity, It has laid the foundation for winning today's epidemic prevention and control struggle. In January 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should always be vigilant and take strict precautions against major infectious diseases. In the face of COVID-19, the "black swan", the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reviewed the situation, comprehensively studied and judged the situation, stood firm, calmly responded to the battle, and timely put forward the general requirements of firm confidence, helping each other in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise measures. In less than two months, China forcefully reversed the spread of the epidemic and created a great miracle in the history of human resistance to the epidemic. This is an encounter, but in a sense, we have also fought a prepared war to prevent and resist major non-traditional security risks.

The struggle practice has fully proved that General Secretary Xi Jinping's judgment on the changes in the national security situation and tasks is very accurate, and the deployment of strengthening the coordination of traditional and non-traditional security work is very timely. At the same time, this epidemic prevention and control struggle has further deepened people's understanding of non-traditional security, and enhanced the sense of responsibility and urgency of the whole party and the whole country to further implement the overall national security concept and improve the national security system. We should always be vigilant, draw inferences from other cases, accelerate the construction of an integrated, systematic and practical non-traditional security system and working mechanism, and comprehensively address various security risks and challenges.

Third, we should continue to strengthen the awareness of danger, prevent risks and challenges, and launch the fight against epidemic prevention and control. The road ahead cannot be smooth. The brighter the future is, the more we should strengthen our awareness of hardship and be prepared for danger in times of peace. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed to the whole party that it is necessary to consistently enhance the awareness of hardship and prevent risks and challenges. On February 23, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again specifically emphasized the issue of enhancing the awareness of hardship at the deployment meeting on the coordinated promotion of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, Leaders at all levels are required to "always keep cautious and see Ye Zhiqiu's keenness. They should not only be highly vigilant and guard against major risks in their areas of responsibility, but also pay close attention to major risks in the overall situation". It is precisely because we are always worried and prepared for the coming of the epidemic that our Party can quickly make a series of highly targeted and effective major strategic deployment and fight a strategic initiative to turn danger into an opportunity.

The picture shows the theme poster of National Security Education Day for All in 2020, prepared by the Propaganda and Education Bureau of the Ministry of National Security

It is the common way of the country to be prepared without fear. Throughout history, the impact of major epidemics has never been limited to the epidemic itself. Major epidemics and disasters often lead to social disorder, which makes the fight against epidemics and disasters worse. The "Antony Plague" in ancient Rome, the "Justinian Plague" in the Eastern Roman Empire, and the "Black Death" in the Middle Ages all had a profound impact on the rise and decline of relevant countries and the trend of world history. We should take this epidemic situation into account in the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes that have not occurred in the world in a century. After remarkable achievements have been made in the prevention and control of the epidemic, we should take the maintenance of political security as the foundation, attach great importance to and prevent and control risks related to the vital interests of the people and some social groups according to law, properly handle all kinds of problems that may be caused by the epidemic, focus on preventing the internal and external linkage and cumulative superposition of various risk challenges, and firmly hold the bottom line of no systemic risks.

At present, important achievements have been made in the prevention and control of epidemic situation in China. This hard won achievement is rooted in the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and in the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, especially the overall national security concept. Looking back, it is precisely because of the reform and improvement of the national security system, policies and the rule of law, capacity guarantee and other aspects in recent years that we can better adapt to the changes and development of the national security situation, more comprehensively and effectively prevent risks and respond to challenges.

2、 General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on epidemic prevention and control is a rich development of the overall national security concept

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The era is the mother of thought, and practice is the source of theory." The overall national security concept is an ideological system that keeps pace with the times. It is constantly enriched and developed in the great struggle practice of the Chinese Communists. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on epidemic prevention and control further enriched and developed the overall national security concept, which not only has practical guiding significance for epidemic prevention and control itself, but also has great guiding significance for safeguarding national security in the future.

First, we should pay more attention to carrying forward the spirit of struggle. Struggle is the means to solve all contradictions and problems. We must dare to struggle and win in the face of major issues related to the long-term stability of the country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly warned the whole party that developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is a long-term and arduous historical task and must be prepared for a great struggle with many new historical characteristics. At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded the significance of great struggle to realize great dreams. In the face of the test of a major epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a strong voice of the times: "Our Party was born in internal troubles and foreign aggression, grew up in hardships and setbacks, grew up in overcoming difficulties, and dared to struggle and win. This is the distinctive political character of the Chinese Communists and our political advantage".

Epidemic situation is a big test, and spirit is power. The instruction of General Secretary Xi Jinping to dare to fight and win inspired the people's lofty aspirations to fight the epidemic and strengthened their confidence and determination to win the war. Everyone in the country strives to be a participant and fighter, and no one is a bystander or an outsider. In particular, the majority of Party members and cadres have taken practical actions to shoulder their responsibilities and not be afraid of difficulties. They have been able to rush to the critical moment and rise to the critical moment, outlining the glorious images of Communists in the new era.

Looking ahead, we need to rest on our laurels. On the great rejuvenation journey of the Chinese nation, we may also encounter risks and challenges like COVID-19. It is impossible to achieve national rejuvenation with ease and beating drums and gongs. Only by daring to fight and win, can we overcome the difficulties and become a great road, fight the difficulties and start again. In the face of major risks that may be encountered on the way forward, we should implement the overall national security concept, carry forward the spirit of struggle, enhance the ability of struggle, and firmly grasp the initiative of national security work in the new era; In the face of the attempts of hostile forces at home and abroad to challenge our core interests, we should take a clear stand and not be afraid of showdowns. We should strengthen our will to fight, pay attention to our strategies, and dare to fight and be good at fighting.

Second, we should pay more attention to the two major issues of coordinated development and security. Development and security serve as the premise and foundation of each other. Cooperation leads to prosperity, separation leads to weakness, and contradiction leads to ruin. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "it is a major principle for our party to manage the country and politics to coordinate development and security, enhance the awareness of hardship, and be prepared for danger in times of peace." We should not only be good at using development achievements to consolidate the foundation of national security strength, but also be good at creating a security environment conducive to economic and social development, and strive to form a pattern of ensuring security in development and promoting development in security. From the perspective of the COVID-19 epidemic, the small virus has "made waves by dropping water", which has a significant impact on the global economic and social development. It can be seen that security is an important condition for development. Whether it is traditional security issues such as politics and military affairs, or non-traditional security issues such as biology and technology, as long as major risks occur, they will have an impact on development. From the perspective of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the rejuvenation of a major country is like climbing a mountain. The closer we get to the summit, the more difficulties and obstacles we will face. This is a summary of the laws of history. We must adhere to the overall national security concept, further attach importance to and strengthen national security in the new era, focus on preventing risks and challenges that may delay or interrupt the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and better maintain and extend the important strategic opportunity period of China's development. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important assertions on the two major issues of coordinated development and security are based on his profound insight into history, reality and the future, reflecting a deep sense of hardship and a strong historical responsibility.

The epidemic prevention and control work itself is a good interpretation of the need for coordinated development and security. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "fighting the war of epidemic prevention and control is actually a war of logistics support." China's remarkable achievements in the fight against epidemic prevention and control depend on the strong economic strength accumulated over 40 years of reform and opening up. Under the overall arrangement of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the "World Factory" has been fully utilized, and the national resources of anti epidemic materials have been sent to the front line, playing a "combination punch" to ensure the supply of materials, which reflects the support and guarantee role of development for security. After the relief of the domestic epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a strategic deployment to comprehensively promote the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development. On the premise of ensuring the prevention and control of the epidemic in place, he accelerated the resumption of work and production of enterprises and institutions, and restored normal production and living order as soon as possible. It is also the two major issues of overall development and security that are under consideration.

Third, we should pay more attention to the unity of our own security and common security. In today's world, countries are interdependent, and economic globalization is the trend of the times. It is impossible for all countries to engage in construction behind closed doors or seek security behind closed doors. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the concept of overall national security, advocated the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, emphasized the unity of self security and common security, which reflected the responsibility of major eastern countries and expressed the sincere will of the Chinese people. Although there are some noises and noises in the prevention and control of the global epidemic, they are not the mainstream. The mainstream and the right way is to help each other and work together.

The picture shows the theme poster of National Security Education Day for All in 2020, prepared by the Propaganda and Education Bureau of the Ministry of National Security

Thousands of miles together, share the wind and rain. China adheres to international morality, practices the responsibility of a major country, and promotes the global joint effort to fight "epidemic". It has sent medical expert teams to Iran, Iraq, Italy, Serbia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Venezuela, Laos and other countries to share epidemic prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment programs with 180 countries and more than 10 international and regional organizations, We provided epidemic prevention material assistance to more than 140 countries and international organizations. The international community generally believes that the tremendous efforts and sacrifices made by the Chinese people have provided confidence, explored experience and made important contributions to the prevention and control of the global epidemic.

One arrow is easy to break, but ten arrows are hard to break. This major global public health crisis has once again proved the profound insight of General Secretary Xi Jinping's major statement that "the world today is experiencing great changes not seen in a century". Facing the common challenges of human society, whether they are closed or open, confrontation or cooperation, unilateralism or multilateralism is testing the wisdom of leaders of all countries. China has clearly stated that only through cooperation can we achieve common security and achieve lasting peace, and is willing to work with other countries to address risks, challenges and security dilemmas facing mankind. In the long run, how to further handle the relationship with the world is a major issue that needs to be answered on the great rejuvenation journey of the Chinese nation. As China moves closer to the center of the world stage, achieving the overall coordination of its own security and common security, and realizing the positive interaction between external security and internal security are the important strategic ideas put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping to take a global perspective and focus on the future, as well as an important aspect of the overall national security concept.

3、 Put the overall national security concept through all aspects of the whole process of national security work in the new era

The people are the creators of history and the source of strength for safeguarding national security. Only by thoroughly studying and implementing the overall concept of national security and mobilizing the whole party and society can we build an iron wall to safeguard national security, pool the great power to safeguard national security, and overcome all risks and challenges on the great rejuvenation journey of the Chinese nation.

First, improve the centralized, unified, efficient and authoritative national security leadership system. The epidemic prevention and control struggle has once again proved that the leadership of the Party is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the national security work has undergone historic changes, made historic achievements, been comprehensively strengthened, and firmly grasped the overall initiative of safeguarding national security. Adhering to the Party's absolute leadership over national security is the fundamental principle that must be firmly followed in national security work.

We should learn from the experience of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in dealing with a series of major risks and challenges over the years, so as to facilitate the fight again, improve the centralized, unified, efficient and authoritative national security leadership system, and further strengthen the Party's absolute leadership over national security. We should give full play to the role of the Central National Security Committee as the "nerve center" for decision-making and coordination of national security affairs, improve the coordination mechanism of national security work in key areas, study, formulate and guide the implementation of national security strategies and major policies, coordinate major national security events and important work, and enhance the initiative, timeliness Coordination, enhance the ability to control risks and meet challenges. We should conscientiously implement the Provisions on the National Security Responsibility System of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group), standardize and strengthen the construction of national security work institutions in all regions and departments, and ensure that the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on national security work are implemented.

Second, focus on improving the national security system. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee made the strategic deployment of "improving the national security system", which pointed out the way forward for the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity in the field of national security in the new era. The overall national security concept aims to build a national security system that integrates security in various fields and responds to the current complex security challenges. From the perspective of this epidemic, coordinating traditional and non-traditional security is an important focus to improve the national security system in the coming period. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the research on non-traditional security issues such as biosafety, comprehensively analyze the internal and external risk challenges faced by biosafety in China, systematically plan the construction of national biosafety risk prevention and control and governance system, and effectively improve the biosafety governance capacity.

Third, we should vigorously enhance national security capabilities. National security capability is a systematic capability involving all aspects. The key is to implement the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and further improve the ability to prevent and resolve major risks. In accordance with the deployment of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, we should establish a sound mechanism for national security risk research and judgment, prevention and control coordination, prevention and resolution, and improve our ability to prevent and resist national security risks. It is necessary to further improve the operational mechanism of various regions and departments to maintain national security, strengthen the collection, summary, research and judgment of national security related intelligence information, and vigorously improve the ability to predict, warn and prevent various risks such as "black swan" and "grey rhinoceros". At the same time, we should strengthen the coordination and linkage of national security work across departments and fields, do a good job in crisis control and prevention and resolution, not only identify problems and predict risks, but also solve problems and eliminate risks, and earnestly safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

Deeply carry out national security education on campus activities. April 15, 2017 is the second national security education day for all. The staff of Linhai Community, a joint unit of Jiangsu Lianyungang Border Inspection Station, walked into Linhai Road Primary School together to tell students the origin and significance of the "National Security Education Day for All", show anti-terrorism techniques and tactics and police equipment, and educate students to establish national security awareness from childhood. The picture shows that on April 14, 2017, soldiers and community workers together with students of Linhai Road Primary School said they would do their part to safeguard national security. Zheng Yongbo, China News Social Development

Fourth, strengthen the rule of law for national security. Safeguarding national security in accordance with the law is an important guarantee for the long-term stability of the Party and the country in the new era. It is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the overall national security concept to be good at using the rule of law thinking and the rule of law way to carry out national security work, promote the construction of the legal system of national security with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively improve the level of the rule of law in national security work. In the next step, we should accelerate the construction of biosafety laws and regulations, strengthen the management of biosafety according to law, and strictly prevent strategic hazards. We should improve legislation, strictly enforce the law, and resolutely crack down on acts endangering national security in various fields such as political security and economic security in accordance with the law.

Fifth, strengthen national security publicity and education. History and reality have proved that the foundation of national security lies in the people and the strength lies in the people; The popular support is the greatest politics and the greatest security. If the people's awareness of national security is improved, national security will be guaranteed. On the occasion of the fifth National Security Education Day for All, we should take the overall national security concept as the guide, popularize the awareness of "great security", focus on promoting the institutionalization and normalization of national security education, and ensure that national security publicity and education go to the government, villages, communities, schools, enterprises, military camps, and the Internet. We should constantly enrich and improve the support system for national security education, strengthen the theoretical construction, discipline construction and talent construction of national security, and form a strong social consensus to safeguard national security.

The overall national security concept, formed in the great practice of our party's governance of the country, has been constantly enriched and developed in practice, and is a powerful ideological weapon to guide the national security work in the new era. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, we should fully implement the overall national security concept, unswervingly follow the path of national security with Chinese characteristics, and fully escort the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Author: Deputy Director of the National Security Office of the Central Committee in charge of daily work, Head of the Ministry of National Security

(Editor in charge: Chang Xuemei, Wang Keyuan)
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