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"The Spring Festival goes to the grassroots": to convey warmth, emotion, understanding and encouragement

Workers Daily - Han Yunchao, commentator of China Industrial Network
2019-02-01 07:26:28 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

   In recent days, with their solid footwork, vision, brains and writing skills, media reporters have approached many working groups such as high-speed railway water workers, aviation catering workers, passenger car inspectors and so on on the road of "going to the grassroots in the new year", recorded their hard and happy work, and conveyed the feelings and aspirations of the grassroots people and the masses to the public at the same time, It also provides practical reference for how to find and solve problems in the next step of reform and development.

Fine measurement was made at different locations of each track, and four or five hours of work were carried out in the cold every day. On January 26, the column of "New Spring Walking to the Grassroots" in the Workers' Daily reported the daily work of the meteorological service team at Chongli Snow Field in Zhangjiakou, the Winter Olympic Games area, in order to provide the best meteorological support services for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, More than 30 key technical staff from different regions carried out several months of winter resident training in the competition area. Through field observation, observation experiments, accumulation of forecasting experience, and improvement of forecasting methods, the goal of accurately forecasting weather indicators such as temperature, visibility, wind speed and so on during the games was achieved, so as to improve the impact of meteorological factors on the event arrangement The ability to predict and intervene the athletes' performance will fully guarantee the smooth progress of the event.

In general, venue construction, transportation planning, security assurance, etc. are the main contents of the preparations for holding large-scale sports events such as the Winter Olympics. Few people understand that meteorological service assurance is also an important part of the preparations. The footprint of the "Spring Festival at the grassroots level" made the "people watching the sky" in the snow field move from behind the Winter Olympic Games to the front stage, so that this strange post in the preparation process of the Winter Olympic Games can be known and understood by more people.

In recent days, with their solid footwork, vision, brains and writing skills, media reporters have approached many working groups such as high-speed railway water workers, aviation catering workers, passenger car inspectors and so on on the road of "going to the grassroots in the new year", recorded their hard and happy work, and conveyed the feelings and aspirations of the grassroots people and the masses to the public at the same time, It also provides practical reference for how to find and solve problems in the next step of reform and development.

From the development and changes of the grassroots to the people's immediate feelings, every face and picture in the report is a microcosm and reflection of the big era, reflecting the achievements of economic and social development and the difficulties in reality. How to further improve the working conditions in difficult positions, how to further increase farmers' income, and how to make new citizens have more sense of belonging in the city... Today's fresh stories and details at the grassroots level may become the starting point and source of tomorrow's planning reform program, scientific decision-making, and efficient service provision.

The reporter's footprints and strokes at the grass-roots level and the front line have brought us closer to many working people and conveyed warmth and understanding among different groups. The reporter will send the New Year goods with the express boy once, which will let us know more about the express boy. When we meet the express boy again during the Spring Festival, maybe we will have a smile and say "thank you"; The reporter chatted and interviewed with front-line personnel during their work breaks, which made us know more about the workers in unfamiliar industries and positions in daily life. On the way home for the New Year, we might cooperate more with the work of stewardesses and police officers. When ordinary people at the grass-roots level, cadres and workers at the front line, and people of all ethnic groups in the border have become the protagonists of the news, their image, voice, and words have become the most eye-catching scenery of the media. This scenery seems to have become a special ceremony during the Spring Festival.

The "Spring Festival at the grassroots level" has entered its ninth year. Today, its coverage content and field are more extensive and in-depth, and its reporting forms and channels are more diversified. What remains unchanged is the sincerity and enthusiasm of journalists to try to be close to reality, life and the masses. From the subtle and ordinary, the warmth, emotion, understanding and encouragement are presented and transmitted one by one. "Spring Festival at the grassroots level" is exerting its brand effect with greater attraction, appeal and affinity, adding color to the festival and boosting development.

Edit: Zhang Weining

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