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What's the signal of workplace newcomers' frequent "flash words"

Worker's Daily - Guo Zhengang, a commentator on China Industrial Network
2018-09-20 07:30:18 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

According to the Beijing News on September 17, a large number of post-95s began to work, ushering in another start in life. According to the report "The First Job Trend Insight" released by a well-known workplace social networking website recently, the average working time of the first job after 1995 is 7 months, far less than that of the post-80s and post-90s groups, and it has become the main force of "flash resignations". Some experts said that with the awakening of a new generation of self-awareness, "flash words" may gradually become the norm.

After choosing a job and entering an industry, many people left their jobs without even knowing the basic situation of the enterprise and the development prospect of the industry. Many people did not understand the phenomenon of "flash words" of the post 95 employment group, which is increasing and developing towards normalization. What kind of signal does such "flash words" convey? What kind of career philosophy does it reflect for young people? What impact will it have on the labor market?

The reasons given by the post 1995 "flash words" seem to be unreasonable, such as "no friends, no flattery", "no future, encounter the" ceiling "of the workplace", "not yet old enough to live, no comfort", and so on. These more or less emotional reasons reflect some deep-seated problems that have long existed in the labor market and education.

For example, some new workers lack rational understanding of future career planning, and tend to pursue "lofty" career surface while ignoring their own fitness; There is a big gap between the professional orientation and curriculum setting of some schools and the labor market. It is difficult for new workers to adapt to the requirements of their jobs and the pressure of workplace culture in a relatively short period of time, and they are prone to frustration when things go wrong; Some new generation workers have strong independence, relying on their age advantages and abundant opportunities, and do not care about occupational stability; Some employers pay more attention to the use than the training of workers, and they do not care enough about the psychological needs and career pursuit of new employees. The superposition of workplace pressure, personality publicity and other factors has aggravated the occurrence of "flash words".

Driven by the "Internet+", flexible employment, non-traditional employment and so on have given birth to diversified employment concepts. The diversified demands of workers and the mentality of paying more attention to the realization of self value have brought some impact to the labor market. The phenomenon of "flash words" after 1995, to some extent, reflects the transformation of some new generation workers from being more adaptable to employers in the past to balancing self pursuit and employers' requirements. To cope with this change, employers and workers need to work together and the positive guidance of society.

For employers, the management style that ignores the diversified demands of workers will often bury hidden dangers, which will have a negative impact on the development of enterprises and the building of core competitiveness. In this sense, the "flash words" of new employees in the workplace should have a certain force effect on employers, and urge them to explore as soon as possible and build a management mode that conforms to the new economic formats and new partnerships.

For workers, it is very important to establish a career development plan in line with their own capabilities and positioning as soon as possible in the changing workplace. Therefore, from focusing on the realization of self value to the combination of personal value and enterprise value, whether this transformation can be successfully completed often determines whether a person can go further and smoothly in the workplace. Otherwise, the result of "flash words" again and again will only consume their accumulated advantages in employment.

For the society, it is necessary to integrate the allocation of labor market resources in a more effective way through policy guidance, workplace guidance and the establishment of an education model that conforms to the development and change of modern labor force, so that workers can constantly improve themselves in the workplace, realize personal value, reduce labor friction, and achieve win-win cooperation between capital and labor elements in a reasonable track.

The "flash words" after 1995 are a signal of change and an opportunity for change.

Edit: Zhang Weining

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