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Cartoon Review

"False aldehyde meter"

2019-02-27 09:51:55 Source: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily

The Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Department recently released the risk monitoring results of online celebrity products "formaldehyde detectors". The results showed that none of the "formaldehyde detectors" product indication errors met the technical requirements, and none of the "formaldehyde detectors" under the set environmental conditions met the repeatability requirements.

The formaldehyde meter can not detect the true formaldehyde content, which is not only because consumers spend unjustified money to buy a useless product, but also because consumers who use the "false formaldehyde meter" are likely to be misled by its detection data, thus ignoring the problem of indoor formaldehyde exceeding the standard, which brings hidden dangers to their own health and the health of their families. Therefore, it is imperative to crack down on such "false aldehyde meters" that cannot measure real data. In addition, it is necessary to further standardize the industrial standards for the production of formaldehyde meters and root out the production of unqualified products.

Yan Qingxiong/Tu Wangyue/Wen

Edit: Zhang Weining

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