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Cartoon Review

"Forest account"

2018-09-10 09:42:23 Source: People's Daily

Recently, the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Gansu Province issued the Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Promotion of Large scale Land Greening. The Opinions pointed out that all parts of the province should make full use of the "Internet+" technology platform to explore the establishment of individual "forest accounts" of citizens, record the dynamic information of citizens' participation in land greening, and serve as preferential conditions for individuals in employment, loans, school and other aspects. "Forest account" points can also be inherited, donated and transferred.

This is exactly:

Create a "forest account",

Trees can be planted on the clouds.

The whole people should participate together,

The mountains and rivers are green again.

Cao Yitu, Yu Huiwen

Edit: Zhang Weining

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