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Lin Zhiling's Spring Festival Gala Program Provoked Controversy: Unwilling to be lonely, a stand in is not a good stand in

Dong Zhihao
2019-02-11 10:07:57 Source: Rednet

Lin Zhiling's performance of the water ballet "Blossom" at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala won unanimous praise, but recently there was a "double dispute". The "underwater double" himself wrote that "Sister Zhiling came to the scene on the last day of rehearsal". In this regard, Lin Zhiling's agent clarified that "90% of the professional dives were completed in person", and 10% of the professional dives were carefully considered by the director team and decided to be completed by professional players. (Yangzi Evening News on February 6)

The Spring Festival Gala "Blossom" is indeed an excellent program, but now it has become very popular because of the double problem. The reason why Fan Fan acts like this must be that he is unwilling to hide behind the scenes. However, despite the right and wrong, in terms of professional ethics, Fan Fan's behaviors are quite different. The author believes that, as a substitute, the nature of his work is "unknown", and his heart is uncomfortable, so he can express it, but he should follow the principle of seeking truth from facts rather than making up nonsense.

Let's first take a look at the words of the stand in on the microblog that "Sister Zhiling came to the scene on the last day of rehearsal". This sentence is definitely problematic. First of all, the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is very competitive. Every program is earned with sweat and energy. If a star can easily rehearse and then get on the stage, it is undoubtedly daydreaming. Moreover, the staff's words confirmed the double's ambiguous false information.

Sometimes the reality is like this. As a stand in, being a hero behind the scenes and a star monopolizing the reputation, being a stand in will be extremely uncomfortable. However, the basic professional ethics of the stand in should be kept. All stars in professional action scenes have doubles. Who have we seen who jumps out and says he is a double? Since the substitution has become a foregone conclusion, it should remain "silent". After signing this contract, shouldn't we do what the substitute should do? This is professional ethics Okay! If all the stuntmen jump out to do such a reputation winning act, who dares to stand by the stuntmen?

The author can only say that the substitute Fan Fan had a heart to be red when he was free, but he was killed by the substitute. It has to be said that if there is no chance and no star to act, Fan Fan, the stand in, is still an unknown swimmer. Now she does earn a reputation, but it is unknown whether it is good or bad. It's better to keep something good for the Spring Festival. The author hopes that such behavior will not happen again. Although a substitute is unwilling, since he has promised to act in front of and behind the stage, he should be steadfast in keeping the agreement, rather than playing tricks.

Now the double Fan Fan is really "making a fuss before he eats mutton". It is an iron law that he will suffer any grievance when he does any job. Sometimes, he really needs to realize that he has broken his teeth and swallowed them. The double is very hard. Sometimes, his movements are difficult and risky. If there is a grievance, he can talk about it, but it is too much to be jealous of fraud. Fan Fan, the stand in, uses praise and belittle to hurt others to elevate his own behavior today, which is bound to be impossible in the future. If this professional quality can still be shown on the program, the author estimates that it will be too much!

In any case, Lin Zhiling's microblog is to thank everyone in the "Blossom" team, which of course also includes the unwilling substitute. However, the substitute's microblog is undoubtedly to fight against injustice for himself. I wish the whole world would think that the program could not be completed without him. However, in fact, the stand in star always has the right to replace her, but the director team can't replace Lin Zhiling with someone else. Therefore, it was the director group and stars who gave her opportunities, not the stars and director group.

Thousands of words can not avoid the topic of unwilling and jealousy. People, despite their grievances, sometimes still have to restrain themselves. Since they are behind the scenes, they should be fresh and ready to wait for the opportunity to shine and glow. There may be unexpected surprises to help others, but slandering others will cause widespread injuries.


Edit: Zhang Weining

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