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Special Service Station at Quanzhong Road, Yangquan Fire Rescue Detachment, Shanxi Province: Fulfill the Pledge of Loyalty Guard with Actions

Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, October 16, Title: Quanzhong Road Special Service Station of Shanxi Yangquan Fire Rescue Detachment

Release date: October 17, 2023

Xinjiang Moyu: 455000 mu winter wheat continuous sowing

China News Network, Urumqi, October 16 (Nabijiang Aizezi) Autumn is not only the harvest season

Release date: October 17, 2023

Ro Ro passenger ship in Qiongzhou Strait will be shut down at 18:00 today due to strong wind

On October 16, the reporter learned from the Zhanjiang Maritime Safety Administration of Guangdong that the Qiongzhou Strait is now

Release date: October 17, 2023

Stronger cold air will hit the central and eastern regions to welcome a wide range of rain and snow cooling weather

China Weather News Today (October 16), the precipitation in central and eastern China is scarce, from North China to

Release date: October 17, 2023

Pulse dust remover, stacking robot... Digitization helps zero waste of grain

Today (October 16) is the 43rd World Food Day. The theme of this year's global event is: water is life

Release date: October 17, 2023

In October, the PBOC's MLF operation "volume increase and price leveling" net delivery hit a new high in the year

China news agency, Beijing, October 16 - In order to maintain a reasonable and sufficient liquidity of the banking system, the People's Bank of China 16

Release date: October 17, 2023

Ten years mapped out a vivid map of scientific and technological cooperation in jointly building the "Belt and Road"

The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation will be held in Beijing from October 17 to 18. Ten

Release date: October 17, 2023

Pakistan's farmland is full of joy brought by the harvest of "Chinese seeds"

(A small and beautiful project along the Belt and Road benefits people's livelihood) Pakistan's farmland is full of joy brought by China's seed harvest

Release date: October 17, 2023

2023 Financial Times Global EMBA Ranking Release

Beijing, October 16, China News Network (www.chinanews. com) - The Financial Times of the United Kingdom announced on October 16 that

Release date: October 17, 2023

Sino Russian bilingual "Border Tourism Service Specification" group standards released to deepen Sino Russian tourism interaction

China News Network, Harbin, October 16 (Reporter Liu Xiju) On the 16th, reporters from the market in Heilongjiang Province

Release date: October 17, 2023


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