The export value of China's "new three samples" products has seen double-digit growth for 14 consecutive quarters

China Customs Lv Daliang, spokesman of the General Administration, said on the 13th that China's comprehensive competitive advantage in export remained stable, and the export value of three new products, including lithium batteries, electric manned vehicles and solar cells, had been 14 consecutive quarters

Release date: October 16, 2023

China Customs : China's import and export to BRICS countries maintained rapid growth in the first seven months

Since the establishment of the BRICS mechanism, economic and trade cooperation has continued to consolidate and develop, promoting the BRICS mechanism to become the current

Issued on: August 21, 2023

China Customs : China's import and export to BRICS countries maintained rapid growth in the first seven months

Since the establishment of the BRICS mechanism, economic and trade cooperation has continued to consolidate and develop, promoting the BRICS mechanism to become the current

Issued on: August 21, 2023

China Customs Basic information on the prohibition of importing food from many places in Japan

Hello everyone, today about【 China Customs Banning the import of food from many places in Japan

Issued on: July 8, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

On July 7, the head of the Import and Export Food Safety Administration of the General Administration of Customs issued a report on Fukushima, Japan

Issued on: July 8, 2023

Nuclear sewage will be discharged into the sea soon! China Customs Announced: Forbid the import of food from ten counties including Fukushima, Japan

Nuclear sewage will be discharged into the sea soon! China Customs Announced: Forbid the import of food from ten counties including Fukushima, Japan

Issued on: July 8, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

Picture source of the General Administration of Customs: microblog @ released by the Customs. On July 7, the Import and Export Food Safety Bureau of the General Administration of Customs

Issued on: July 8, 2023

China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

The head of the Import and Export Food Safety Bureau of the General Administration of Customs said on the 7th that in order to prevent Japan from being contaminated by radioactive substances

Issued on: July 8, 2023

China Customs It is forbidden to import food from many places in Japan. We do not accept "nuclear food"!

In March 2011, a major earthquake occurred in Japan, and the nuclear leakage accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant made it difficult for China to

Issued on: July 8, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

On July 7, the head of the Import and Export Food Safety Administration of the General Administration of Customs issued a report on Fukushima, Japan

Issued on: July 8, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

The General Administration of Customs recently announced that in order to prevent Japanese food from being contaminated by radioactive substances from being exported to China, China Customs prohibit

Issued on: July 8, 2023

We don't eat "nuclear food"! China Customs Forbid the import of Fukushima food, 100% strictly inspect Japanese food

Wenjun Sword Evidence China Customs Released on July 7 - In order to prevent Japan's nuclear contaminated food from being exported to China, ensure that

Issued on: July 8, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

On July 7, the head of the Import and Export Food Safety Administration of the General Administration of Customs issued a report on Fukushima, Japan

Issued on: July 8, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

CCTV News: The General Administration of Customs recently announced that in order to prevent Japanese food from being contaminated by radioactive substances from being exported to China,

Issued on: July 7, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

According to the official WeChat official account of the General Administration of Customs, on July 7, the Import and Export Food Safety Bureau of the General Administration of Customs was responsible for

Issued on: July 7, 2023

China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

The head of the Import and Export Food Safety Bureau of the General Administration of Customs said on the 7th that in order to prevent Japan from being contaminated by radioactive substances

Issued on: July 7, 2023

100% inspection! China Customs Forbid to import food from 10 places including Fukushima, Japan

Today (7th), the head of the Import and Export Food Safety Administration of the General Administration of Customs made a speech on the release date of the International Atomic Energy Agency

Issued on: July 7, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

On July 7, the head of the Import and Export Food Safety Administration of the General Administration of Customs issued a report on Fukushima, Japan

Issued on: July 7, 2023

support China Customs Forbid to import food from 10 places including Fukushima, Japan

[This article is from the IAEA's Report on Japan's Nuclear Sewage Disposal, General Administration of Customs:

Issued on: July 7, 2023

China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

On July 7, the head of the Import and Export Food Safety Administration of the General Administration of Customs issued a report on Fukushima, Japan

Issued on: July 7, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

China News Online, July 7 According to the official WeChat official account of the General Administration of Customs, on July 7, the General Administration of Customs imported and exported

Issued on: July 7, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

According to the official WeChat official account of the General Administration of Customs, on July 7, the Import and Export Food Safety Bureau of the General Administration of Customs was responsible for

Issued on: July 7, 2023

General Administration of Customs: Keep high vigilance on Japanese imported food and will take all necessary measures

On July 7, the head of the Import and Export Food Safety Administration of the General Administration of Customs issued a report on Fukushima, Japan

Issued on: July 7, 2023

Nuclear sewage will be discharged into the sea soon! China Customs Announced: Forbid the import of food from ten counties including Fukushima, Japan

Nuclear sewage will be discharged into the sea soon! China Customs Announced: Forbid the import of food from ten counties including Fukushima, Japan

Issued on: July 7, 2023

customs head office: China Customs Forbid to import food from ten counties (cities) including Fukushima, Japan

On July 7, the financial community reported that the General Administration of Customs, in order to prevent Japanese food from being contaminated by radioactivity from being exported to China

Issued on: July 7, 2023

China Customs Forbid to import food from 10 places including Fukushima, Japan

Today, the General Administration of Customs responded to the IAEA Japan Nuclear Sewage Disposal Assessment Report and answered questions from reporters. be responsible for

Issued on: July 7, 2023

Highlights: 246 durian planting areas in Vietnam are allowed to export durian to China

246 durian planting areas in Vietnam are approved to export durian to China

Issued on: March 6, 2023

Look around the world! Russia's interest in importing beer from China is growing Qingdao Beer will supply the market

Russia's interest in importing beer from China is growing Qingdao Beer will supply the market

Release date: December 15, 2022

World Express! 51 coded durian plantations in Vietnam are approved for export to China

51 coded durian plantations in Vietnam are approved for export to China

Issued on: September 9, 2022



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